Customers: Metalloinvest of UK
Contractors: JS A Group (JSA Group), EVOLA Product: SAP ERP HCMProject date: 2019/01
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2020: Personnel staff in Metalloinvest noticeably redistribution due to automation
In 2020 , Metalloinvest reached the ratio of the number of HR employees to the total number of company personnel 1/97, while in 2019 this figure was 1/75. This is stated in the report on sustainable development of the company[1]
And Metalloinvest is not going to stop there: according to the plan, in 2021, the ratio of the number of HR employees to the total number of company personnel should reach 1/100.
The dynamics of the number of personnel officers in absolute terms in Metalloinvest could not be cited by TAdviser. Together, the company in 2020 employed about 42.7 thousand employees, follows from the report on sustainable development.
The ratio of HR specialists to the number of employees was largely optimized by digitalization and a large-scale project on debut bureaucratization, which covers all divisions of the company. An essential part of this project is the improvement, simplification and standardization of HR-related processes.
Personnel released as a result of operational efficiency programs and process automation are retrained and retrained for new duties or retire on seniority, Metalloinvest explains in its report. |
It also says that in 2020 a project was implemented to translate basic documents into digital format, which will simultaneously simplify and accelerate for employees the processes of obtaining various types of social support.
And in 2019, the company announced the completion of the project for the digital transformation of the HR function based on SAP[2]. In particular, the SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM) solution was used.
According to Metalloinvest, the digital transformation of the HR function has accelerated the processing of data for management decisions, increased the efficiency of business processes and reduced administrative costs by 15%. And by almost 20%, the rate of service per HR employee was increased, and accounting and transactional operations were transferred to the common service center (SSC).
2019: Complete SAP HCM Implementation
In 2019, Metalloinvest completed the implementation of a unified integrated financial and economic management system (ISU FHD) based on the SAP S/4HANA ERP system, within which the Personnel Management function was transformed. To do this, the SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM) solution was used[3].
The project was implemented in three stages - they began with automation of business processes, then launched self-service services (portal services and HR-bot) based on SAP Fiori and instant messengers, which simplified the interaction of HR specialists with employees of enterprises. The third important stage was the introduction of robots, which helped accelerate work processes by 2, 5 times.
According to the company, the economic effect of the introduction of self-service services, in particular, amounted to more than 17 million rubles.