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EpiVacCorona-H (COVID-19 vaccine)

Developers: NII-Vektor
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2021 g
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare


Coronavirus vaccines in Russia

Main article: Vaccines against COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia

2021: Vector registers a new vaccine for coronavirus, which is faster and cheaper to produce

At the end of June 2021, the federal budgetary institution of science "State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology" Vector(Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Human Welfare HSC VTB Vector) submitted documents for registration of a new one. coronavirus vaccines COVID-19 It was called "EpiVakCorona-N."

The preparation "EpiVacCorona-H," created on the basis of peptide antigens for the prevention of COVID-19, as well as its precursor "EpiVacCorona," is produced in the form of a suspension for intramuscular administration, said on the website of the state register of drugs.

"Vector" registers a new vaccine against COVID-19, which is faster and cheaper to produce

It also states that a study of safety, tolerability, reactogenicity and immunogenicity was conducted with the participation of volunteers aged 18 to 50 years. Clinical studies were supposed to begin on April 8, end on September 30, 2021.

The dose volume is 0.5 ml. Production will be carried out in the village of Koltsovo (Novosibirsk Region) at the facilities of Vektor and JSC Alium, part of Binnofarm Group (asset of AFK Sistema).

According to the general director of Vector Rinat Maksyutov, EpiVakKorona-N and EpiVakKorona are not fundamentally different, and the differences are only in the technological features of production.

Therefore, this was the main reason for the need for new clinical studies. In order to enter large-scale production, when we are no longer talking about hundreds of thousands, but about millions of doses of vaccine per month, it was necessary to solve production tasks that required small changes, "he explained (quote from TASS).

It is assumed that the new vaccine does not contain three peptides, like "EpiVacCorona," but two. This should make production cheaper and faster.[1][2]
