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"T1 Consulting" will create an information system for foreign representative offices Faberlic

Customers: Faberlic

Moscow; Consumer goods

Contractors: T1 Consulting
Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

Project date: 2021/07

2021: Launch of the implementation project 1C: ERP World Edition in the Polish branch

August 10, 2021 Russian IT- the developer "T1 Consulting" announced the launch of a project to create an information system for automating the activities of foreign missions. Faberlic The pilot site will be Polish the Faberlic branch. This is the first to T1 Consulting implement a solution based on: ERP 1C World Edition in the international market.

The perimeter of the information system will include blocks: treasury, procurement, sales, warehouse accounting, planning of goods movement and other functionality. The period of implementation of the circulation model is 9 months.

The project with Faberlic is one of the first implementations of the flagship product of the Russian vendor 1C in Poland. Plus solutions - no cost of its delocalization for. the European countries As of August 2021, the development team included 9 more in the perimeter of the survey, states in addition to. Poland In addition, WE 1C: ERP it is integrated with localized solutions 1C and is suitable for use in or on cloud mobile devices.

With the growth of foreign representative offices of Faberlic both in terms of revenue and the number of operations, the company needs to automate accounting according to common standards. For these purposes, a "reference" solution will be created, which can subsequently be replicated to all foreign branches. This will allow you to accumulate the most important reliable data for the business in a single format in the Moscow head office, "said Valery Kaplenko, director of information technology at Faberlic.

The T1 Consulting team has extensive experience implementing 1C: ERP in Russia, but we enter the European market with this product for the first time. The peculiarity of the project is that it is completely deleted: our team and part of the customer team are in Russia. When developing and implementing, a hybrid project methodology will be used: a combination of Waterfall and Agile approaches will reduce the period before the release of the finished product and the ROI period, as well as ensure the involvement of project participants in a larger amount, "said Alexey Stoyanov, head of 1C T1 Consulting.