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Uralsib Insurance uses a cloud-based StormWall service to protect against DDoS attacks

Customers: Uralsib Insurance

Product: StormWall: Multilevel Distributed Filtering System

Project date: 2021/02  - 2021/07

2021: Implementation of StormWall Cloud Service to Protect against DDoS Attacks

Insurance the company Russia "" Uralsib Insurance implemented cloud service a solution developer to information security StormWall minimize possible risks from damage that can be caused DDoS by attacks. This was announced on August 26, 2021 in the company StormWall.

Every year, the number of DDoS attacks on the insurance sector is growing. DDoS attacks in the insurance business can lead to many negative consequences, companies can risk their reputation, as well as lose profits and customers. The insurance company decided to use the cloud solution to avoid placing additional equipment in its data centers and changes in the network architecture. In addition, the company chose a cloud service to optimize service costs and further develop the Anti-DDoS solution. The local security solution has a fairly high total cost of ownership, and the provider assumes the cost of hosting and maintaining the service.

As of August, the cloud service StormWall protects all Uralsib Insurance sites and online services from DDoS attacks. These include e-mail systems, mobile device connection services, B2B systems, customer accounts and other resources. Protection covers all layers of protocols against which DDoS attacks can be carried out: L3, L4 and L7. The StormWall solution ensures continuous availability of Uralsib Insurance Internet resources. Using the StormWall monitoring system, Uralsib Insurance employees monitor the state of traffic and observe the dynamics of DDoS incidents.

In order to choose the optimal protection service, Uralsib Insurance tested the solutions of several providers during the trial period. Important indicators of services were the degree of reliability, features, SLA response time to incidents, channel volumes, traffic and cost. Based on the results of the analysis, a cloud-based StormWall protection service was chosen, which has the optimal, according to the customer, value for money.

"All the connection work was done remotely, technical support answered our questions very quickly. In our systems, nothing had to be changed. The service is StormWall comfortable in work, it is transparent and almost invisible to our users and IT specialists, "said Andrei Baev, head of IT infrastructure at Uralsib Insurance.

"We have been protecting our business from DDoS attacks for more than 8 years and we have been constantly seeing an increase in attacks on retail, finance and the educational sector. The insurance sector is also at risk, and it is important for any insurance company to realize the danger. We are glad that Uralsib Insurance made a wise decision to take care in advance to protect its resources and chose our service among other solutions, "said Ramil Khantimirov, CEO and co-founder of StormWall.

In the future, Uralsib Insurance plans to connect the WAF service (web application firewall). The final decision will be made following the results of the next penetration test, which the company conducts to test its information security system .