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161 educational institutions of Kabardino-Balkaria will receive free licenses "MyOffice Education"

Customers: Ministry of Infrastructure and Digital Development of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Product: MyOffice Education

Project date: 2021/09

2021: MyOffice Education Free License Agreement

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Digital Development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has concluded an agreement on cooperation in the field of information technology with the New Cloud Technologies. Under the terms of the agreement, all schools in the region will switch to domestic software: 161 educational institutions of the republic will receive MyOffice Education licenses for free.

Together with the software, schools of the republic will also receive a special electronic training manual "MyOffice ABC" on digital literacy and domestic office for primary school students for free.

Also available for teachers will be a series of training webinars on the use of "MyOffice Education." To make the transition to domestic software comfortable, teachers will be able to get acquainted with the product in detail and ask specialists "New Cloud Technologies" questions about the functionality of applications.

Digitalization of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is a priority area for the development of the region. Domestic technologies are actively involved in the healthcare system, on the roads of the region and in transport, as well as in the provision of public services at the MFC. In these conditions, the modernization of educational institutions of the republic and the introduction of safe office software in schools is a logical step, a long overdue decision. We are glad that in the matter of digitalization we were supported by the New Cloud Technologies development company, which will not only transfer free product licenses to our republic, but will also conduct training for teachers so that they can use IT solutions in their work as effectively as possible, "said Islam Ashkhotov, Minister of Infrastructure and Digital Development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

One of the most important tasks of New Cloud Technologies is to help schools teach the younger generation digital skills that will be in demand in adulthood. To do this, it is necessary that reliable and safe technologies are available to a student in any region of Russia - this is an investment in the future of our country. We are pleased, our values ​ ​ echo the educational and digital initiatives of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Together with the leadership of the region, we will help absolutely all educational institutions of the republic comfortably and free of charge switch to the Russian IT solution, thereby laying the foundation for the development of digital literacy of schoolchildren, "commented Elena Nepochatova, commercial director of New Cloud Technologies.