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2021/09/27 17:02:49

Reindeer herding in Russia


Agriculture in Russia

Main article: Agriculture in Russia

2021: Russian Government presents roadmap for digitalization of reindeer herding farms

At the end of September 2021, it became known about the project of digitalization of reindeer herding farms in the north. Russia The relevant roadmap was discussed by representatives of,, Mintsifra, and Minfina Ministry of Economics at the Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Agriculture meeting.

According to Kommersant, citing this document, its authors propose equipping collars with radio beacons with 30% of the number of reindeer owned by farms receiving state subsidies. Also, at least 30% of reindeer herding farms will be equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles.

Russian government presents roadmap for digitalization of reindeer herding farms

The project is estimated at 1 billion rubles. The head performer of actions it is planned to appoint Mintsifra. By the end of September 2021, there are about 1.9 million reindeer in Russia. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, by the beginning of 2021, 890 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs were engaged in deer breeding in Russia.

Experts interviewed by the publication doubted the possibility of realizing this idea. So, the general director of the dronoport Hive Nikolai Ryashin claims that low temperatures in the northern regions of the country will not allow the full use of quadrocopters. And the chairman of the board of the Association of Reindeer Herders Miroslav Madejski positively appreciated the idea, but doubted the sufficient level of technical culture of industry workers.

According to Gleb Babintsev, general director of Aeronext, the drone will be able to transmit data on the invariability of the herd's number, its accuracy and other information up to the temperature of animals.

The scenario may be this: the ground station receives beacon signals, in the event of the loss or weakening of one of the signals, a quadcopter rises, so you can find an animal that is lost or in trouble, "the expert explained.

According to the estimates of the Aerontext Association, on average, equipping a herd with a set of equipment (drones, station, beacons) costs 2 million rubles.[1]
