Customers: Duma of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra Khanty-Mansiysk; Government and social institutions Product: Cisco TelePresenceProject date: 2009/09
In May, 2010 the project on upgrade of telecommunication infrastructure of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra aimed at providing staff of public institution with modern solutions in the field of communication and joint work came to the end. The network platform based on the equipment Cisco was as a result created. The CTI company acted as the system integrator of the project (Communications. Technology. Innovations).
To make work of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra is even more effective, it was decided to implement the project on upgrade of its telecommunication infrastructure to increase reliability and speed of functioning of a local network, to cut down communication expenses and the Internet and also to put the technologies changing methods of communication and cooperation into operation. Provide to the staff of the Duma and deputies an information access online, to provide specialists in the modern network solutions, to create multiservice infrastructure for interaction with residents of the district, irrespective of their location, – here only the incomplete task list, CTI delivered before specialists within this initiative.
The project was implemented in two stages. The first, and the main, – creation of a single platform of data transmission. At the second stage remote offices of employees were connected to a local network of a state institution, and in infrastructure of the Duma of Yugra additional services were implemented. Developments of Cisco company were for this purpose used: the hardware and software system Cisco Unified Communication Manager, the electronic system of the voice Cisco Unity Messaging mail, the centralized solution for management of wireless infrastructure of Cisco WLSE and also routers with the integrated Cisco WEB VPN services.
Were as a result performed:
- global upgrade of an outdated local network with support of quality of service, a failsafe core and a supply system;
- upgrade of the existing telephone exchange with support of unified communications;
- installation of voice mail;
- creation of the wireless protected network for internal communications and communication with remote offices;
- automation of service of incoming calls due to Cisco IVR technology for recognition and speech synthesis;
- implementation of Cisco TelePresence technology and Cisco WebEx Internet service.