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Unilever will introduce Yandex.Routing-based transport monitoring

Customers: Unilever Rus

Contractors: Yandex
Product: Yandex. Routing

Project date: 2021/11

2021: Implementation of Yandex transport monitoring

On November 18, 2021, it became known that Unilever will introduce a transport monitoring service to track the status of cargo delivery to distribution centers of retail networks in real time. The solution provider was Yandex.Routing. The company expects that the service will increase the efficiency of the transport fleet: increase the turnover of flights, eliminate downtime and save up to 10% of the cost of administering the delivery process. Reducing costs will keep the value of goods at the same level, while maintaining profitability.


Unilever delivers goods both to large retail chains and directly to online stores and marketplaces: X5 Retail Group, Lenta, Ashan, Metro, Ozon, Wildberries, Samokat, Yandex.Lavka and others. On average, the company operates 4,000 flights in Russia per month. Although Unilever has already automated a significant part of the logistics processes, the manufacturer worked manually with monitoring deliveries to retail networks: carriers independently provided information on the timing and status of delivery.

"Our customers (retail chains) are increasingly waiting to be delivered at a specific time interval rather than during the day. The shortage of transport in the transportation market stimulates automation and investments in the transparency of processes convenient for both us and our customers. Through monitoring, we, together with retail chains, will be able to reduce communication with carriers and obtain reliable and timely information on when and how our cargo arrived, "

explains the director of client service and logistics Unilever in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine Tatyana Vorobyova.

During the cooperation, Unilever plans to scale the use of Yandex.Routing throughout Russia. The manufacturer expects to automatically track more than 90% of flights.

The Yandex.Routing monitoring service facilitates communication between drivers, logists and customers and consists of three components: applications for mobile employees, a logistics workplace and a client widget. The service brings transparency to the delivery process - it allows you to see the movement of goods in real time, eliminates discrepancies. So it is easier for companies to understand the causes of violations and make sound management decisions.[1]
