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AWS IoT RoboRunner

The name of the base system (platform): Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Developers: Amazon
Date of the premiere of the system: November 2021
Branches: Logistics and Distribution
Technology: Robots Industrial

2021: Launch of robot management platform in warehouses and factories

At the end of November 2021 Amazon , she introduced AWS IoT the RoboRunner platform, which is designed to simplify the management of parks in robots warehouses and factories. The service debuted at AWS re: Invent's annual cloud solutions conference.

According to AWS, one of the reasons why software operations can be a problem for robot operators is that they often receive robots from several suppliers. For example, a logistics firm can buy robotic manipulators from one supplier, and parcel sorting systems from another. In such situations, each robot must be separately connected to applications that the logistics company uses to manage its fleet of robots, which requires a lot of work on software integration. AWS IoT RoboRunner provides features that simplify software integration. The AWS IoT RoboRunner tool solves these problems.

Amazon launches platform to control robots in warehouses and factories

The AWS IoT RoboRunner platform is based on technology that is already used in Amazon warehouses to control robotics. It allows AWS clients to connect robots and existing task coordination software. The solution combines data collected from each robot in a single repository and standardizes data types such as objects, location, and data on robotic tasks.

Developers of companies that use AWS IoT RoboRunner can also create new software on top of the service.

The cloud information repository, which IoT RoboRunner uses to store operational data from robots, consists of three registries. Each registry stores different types of data. The first registry stores metadata about the company's robots, such as system properties. The second stores information about how robots move around an object. The third registry tracks the tasks performed by each robot in the park.

Companies can use the data they store in IoT RoboRunner with two software tools provided by AWS. The first, called Task Manager Library, helps coordinate the work of the robot fleet by controlling the process of assigning tasks to robots. Another tool called Fleet Gateway Library synchronizes tasks with fleet management systems that the company uses to control its robots. By the end of November 2021, the AWS IoT RoboRunner service is available in a publicly available preliminary version.[1]
