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ElNetMed will help private clinics integrate into the Uniform State Health Information System MZ of the Russian Federation

Customers: National Association of Medical Organizations (NAMO)

Moscow; Public and non-profit structures

Contractors: ElNetMed
Product: N3.Health

Project date: 2021/11

2021: Plan to integrate private medical organizations into a single digital circuit

ElNetMed, a division of Netrika Medicine, and the National Association of Medical Organizations (NAMO) agreed on cooperation in the field of digitalization of the commercial medicine segment. The document was signed by company leaders - Vladimir Solovyov and Sergey Misyulin. This was announced by ElNetMed on November 30, 2021.

The subject of the agreement is a set of joint actions aimed at helping members of the Association to fulfill legislative requirements for the mandatory integration of private medical organizations into a single digital circuit and transferring data on medical practice to the Unified State Information System in the field of health care (Uniform State Health Information System) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The current regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation provide for the need to connect private clinics to the Uniform State Health Information System MZ of the Russian Federation and transfer information to the system from September 1, 2021. The services "Integrated Electronic Medical Card" and "Doctor Appointment Record," implemented on the N3.Health platform, allow you to transfer the necessary information electronically to the Uniform State Health Information System MZ of the Russian Federation, which ensures compliance with the requirements of Resolutions No. 555 and No. 852. In addition, the IEMC service helps organize the exchange of information between clinics, branches and partners.

Being the official operator of other information system authorized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for data transmission in Uniform State Health Information System MZ Russian Federation through the N3.Health cloud platform, the ElNetMed company will provide information and consulting support concerning interaction of clinics of Association with Uniform State Health Information System MZ Russian Federation and also will provide for members of NAMO special tariffs for data transmission in Uniform State Health Information System MZ Russian Federation.

Thanks to joint efforts with the Association of Medical Organizations, we will be able to help private clinics in their difficulties and profitably influence the digitalization of private medicine and the health system as a whole, "said Vladimir Solovyov, CEO of ElNetMed, an expert at Netrika Medicine.