Netrika Medicine
Since 2006
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
191015, Forage Lane, house 3 letter to, room 33n
Top managers:
Denis Nikolaevich Chumakov
Igor Olegovich Bashkov
Assets | Owners |
+ Netrika Medicine |
Netrika Medicine specializes in the development and delivery of integrated IT solutions for state the private sector. health care The key product of the company is the integration platform "." N3. Health Care Solutions based on the platform are implemented in 20 regions, and. Russia Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation FMBA The company considers its priority to be the B2B direction - the development of services for digital medicine private clinics, as well as the development of competencies in the field of analysis big data in healthcare and related areas based on the solution.
6th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare"
Netrika Medicine took 6th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with CEO Igor Bashkov
The digital transformation of health care is gaining momentum every year. The key role in it is played by IT solutions that ensure the transition to the "digital" of many processes and their inclusion in a single digital circuit. What successes have the regions managed to achieve this year in the digitalization of medicine - says Igor Bashkov, General Director of Netrika Medicine (part of the N3 Group and Tashir MEDICA Group of Companies). Read more here.
Launch of the strategic direction for the development of digital solutions for commercial clinics and the creation of B2C services
Netrika Medicine announced on September 19, 2023 the launch of a strategic direction of work. The company will develop digital solutions for commercial clinics (B2B) and create V2S services. Together with the N3 Healthcare platform, they will create an ecosystem in the healthcare sector, help in maintaining the continuity of medical care, improve its availability and improve quality.
Netrika Medicine is an expert in the field of digitalization of Russian healthcare. Having taken a confident position in the segment of solutions for the public sector, the company is reaching a different level of development and plans to develop products for B2C and private B2B clinics. Netrika Medicine's solutions will act as the core of the future ecosystem, it will also include N3.Health services for private clinics, the Mila service V2S platform and other digital healthcare assets owned by N3 group and Tashir MEDICA Group of Companies.
This area will be headed by Denis Chumakov, who previously held the post of General Director of Netrika Medicine.
The digitalization of medicine is at a high level. But there are still not occupied by anyone, and at the same time sought-after niches. We already provide services for the integration of private clinics with the Unified State Health Information System (Uniform State Health Information System), help medical institutions exchange data when reading images (get a second opinion), and ensure the exchange of data on laboratory research between private medical laboratories, government agencies and regional segments of the Uniform State Health Information System. We also help with the exchange of prescriptions between aggregator pharmacies and medical organizations. The demand for additional services is constantly growing, and we are ready to provide them to our customers, including with the help of partner companies. We plan to launch services that make it possible to simplify the work of the clinic, for example, in terms of making an appointment with a doctor. A lot of aggregators have appeared on the market to attract customers, but each of them has its own rules. We believe we can rebuild this process. We have plans to expand the existing line of digital services in terms of operational data exchange with other medical institutions and their patients, commented Denis Chumakov.
The company will also concentrate on medical services for the population (B2C), which increase the convenience of interaction with the private health care system, such as, for example, the patient's personal account, electronic medical records. Such solutions allow you to collect and store data on conducted studies, visits to medical institutions, medical appointments, automatically prompt and remind you of compliance with medical recommendations and treatment plan.
We want to provide people with convenient and useful services that would allow them to monitor the state of health and save it. This can only be done if we combine the solutions that exist in the IT healthcare market and thereby create an ecosystem. The data in it will become equally accessible and understandable to all participants in the health care system. I believe that the accumulated expertise, authority in this market segment and the support of like-minded people will help us in solving this problem, added Denis Chumakov.
Netrika Medicine has been working with customers from public sector - health authorities in the regions and medical it is informationanalytical centers for many years. The company's solutions have been implemented in 22 regions, Russia as well as in and. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation And FMBA of Russia this vector of work will remain unchanged.
The development of projects in the direction of B2G will continue Igor Bashkov, appointed General Director of Netrika Medicine. Since March 2018, he has served as the company's commercial director.
We will continue to build digital services for health authorities, physicians and patients. Various solutions that need a connection with the processes of medical care are actively appearing on the market: artificial intelligence, various decision support systems, specialized systems for individual nosologies and others. We help our customers in the public sector integrate them into a single digital health care circuit. We also create services that allow you to analyze incoming data for making decisions based on them. The integration of existing systems among themselves under uniform rules will provide synergies for the entire market and will be useful to both medical institutions and patients. noted Igor Bashkov, General Director of Netrika Medicine.
Digital products of Netrika Medicine are in demand not only in healthcare. The company is actively developing the areas of BI, MDM, data flow management.
By adapting our products to the needs of customers from others, industries we have a good opportunity to improve them. This is one of our promising areas that we will actively develop. We also plan to enter the international market. The first step was a partnership with. In countries Africa competition with other developers, the use of the FHIR IT standard in our solutions will help us. It is designed to share medical data and is recognized by the international professional community, explained Igor Bashkov.
African Start-Up Agreement
Netrika Medicine signed a cooperation agreement with Megasky Network Nigeria Limited () Nigeria and HIRED Consult () on July 28, 2023. Ghana
The document aims to promote domestic digital solutions for public and private health. The proposed solutions work in Russia, now they will become available to residents of the African continent, primarily citizens of Nigeria and Ghana - countries whose total population exceeds 250 million people.
Netrika Medicine products are developed on the basis of the international standard for the exchange of medical information HL7 FHIR and use freely distributed software, which gives the green light to the implementation of the N3 Healthcare platform in foreign markets.
The agreement was signed by the commercial director of Netrika Medicine Igor Bashkov, director of Megasky Network Nigeria Limited Chinonso I. Ezenvuba, founder and CEO of HIRED Consult John Agrey.
In Nigeria and other African countries, we see a serious demand for digitalization of healthcare, a substantive interest in telemedicine and electronic medical services for patients. During the negotiations, we demonstrated our developments to our foreign colleagues, such as the N3.Telemedicine service, introduced in 15 Russian regions, and the patient portal, which is well known to many residents of our country. Our products are able to solve problems that are relevant for African countries: the development of telemedicine consultations in conditions of a lack of doctors, the involvement of the population in caring for their own health, - said Igor Bashkov. |
TAdviser interview with CEO Denis Chumakov
The project to create a single digital circuit Russian health care is gaining momentum. Do market players keep up with the given pace, and what events they remember 2021 - in an interview with. TAdviser ru in December 2021, the general director of Netrika said. Medicine Denis Chumakov Read more here.
Acquisition of 50% stake by Tashir Medica
Investment holding GK Tashir MEDICA"" acquired a 50% stake in development companies IT- solutions for state both private systems health care "" and Netrika Medicine"." ElNetMed It is expected that this partnership will accelerate the development of companies in the B2B market and enter other markets, including international ones. More. here
Cooperation Agreement with the FMBA Center for Strategic Initiatives
September 10, 2021 Netrika Medicine"" and the Center for Strategic Initiatives Federal Medical and Biological Agency () FMBA CSI entered into a cooperation agreement. The document was signed by the general director of Denis Chumakov the company and the director of the center. Nikita Odintsov More. here
Creation of Netrika Medicine
On February 4, 2021, Netrika Group of Companies announced the separation of the Healthcare direction into a separate company - Netrika Medicine LLC. It was headed by Denis Chumakov, who previously led this area. The company's priorities are the creation of B2G platforms designed to work with health authorities, and B2B solutions for the inclusion of commercial medical organizations in a single digital circuit. The plans also include the development of competencies in the field of data analysis and digital health services for patients.
The direction related to healthcare in the Netrika Group of Companies showed a serious growth. For five years, the company's revenue from the implementation of projects in this area increased more than three and a half times from 119.5 in 2015 to 694.2 million rubles in 2020. The digital health services created by Netrika for February 2021 are used by more than 25 million residents of Russia.
The strategic priority of the company will be the direction of B2B - the development of digital medicine services for private clinics, and in the future - for patients. The N3.Health project has become an operator officially authorized to transfer data on medical care provided to patients in private clinics to the Uniform State Health Information System, as required by law.
The second area of development will be the development of competencies in the field of big data analysis based on the N3.Analitika solution. The product for February 2021 is used to analyze medical data in 11 regions of Russia. The solution can be used for scientific and commercial purposes - for example, to monitor the record for vaccination against COVID-19, study the safety of drugs, to compare treatments, identify the medical needs of patients, and search for various areas of use of pharmaceuticals.
In the B2G segment, Netrika Medicine will continue to work with health authorities. Regional information systems in 22 regions of Russia have been created on the basis of the N3 integration platform. N3. Healthcare solves the tasks of forming a single digital circuit, such as managing patient flows, maintaining an integrated electronic medical record, and providing assistance using telemedicine technologies.
We see the demand for our solutions and predict the further growth of the market segment associated with the development and implementation of medical services. Our mission is to promote the state and the medical community in ensuring the openness and efficiency of the health care system for all its participants: patients, doctors and managing staff. This vector will remain in the created company, - comments Artem Moshkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Netrika Group of Companies. |
The global digital healthcare market is growing exponentially. We have everything necessary to expand our product line, including by creating products for the B2C segment - integrating data from wearable devices, including patient data in an integrated electronic medical record, - comments Alexey Ilyin, managing partner and co-founder of Netrika Group of Companies. |
Our market colleagues know us as supporters of the integration approach. In this sense, nothing will change. We will continue to develop the ecosystem of IIA developers and create solutions that ensure interoperability and allow us to digitize not only management, but also medical processes in the healthcare sector. Our task is to learn how to collect, store and analyze 100% of information about the patient's health in order to achieve long-term health goals - reducing mortality, improving the quality and availability of medical care, involving people in taking care of their health, - notes Denis Chumakov, General Director of Netrika Medicine LLC. - I also note that in connection with the creation of the company, our clients will not feel any changes in our joint workflows. The direction team remains in full force and will continue to work on projects. |