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The name of the base system (platform): N3. Health Care
Developers: Netrika, Netrika Medicine
Last Release Date: 2024/10/01
Technology: Big Data,  Data Mining,  Video Analytics Systems


The main articles are:

N3. Analytics is an analytical system of the Business Intelligence (BI) class, which allows you to quickly process large amounts of data from various sources and visualize them in the form of convenient reports, with the aim of analyzing and making management decisions.

2025: Version 2.0 Compatibility with Tantor and Astra Linux DBMS SE

The company Netrika Medicine"" received certificates of conformity BI- solutions "N3.Analitika" (version 2.0) and the digital platform "N3. Health Care 4.0" with a database management system () DBMS Tantor and an updated version (OS) operating system of a special purpose. Astra Linux SE Compatibility and correctness of the IT solutions were confirmed during tests conducted by specialists of Netrika Medicine and "," which was announced by the Astra Group latter on February 27, 2025. More. here


Development of "N3.Analitika: data extractor from SAMD"

Netrika Medicine has developed a new tool, N3.Analitika: Data Extractor from SAMD. It allows the extraction of primary data from structured electronic medical documents (SDMs) to generate analytical reports. The company announced this on October 1, 2024.

The primary medical data ones include almost all medical documents: discharge epicrises, medical birth and death certificates, patient examination protocol, laboratory test protocols, etc. Working with primary medical data and making various management decisions based on them is one of the key tasks of digital transformation. health care This solution of Netrika Medicine helps to significantly speed up and simplify the preparation of reports on any SAMD.

According to the directory "Electronic Medical Documents," as of October 2024, there are more than 120 unique types of SAMD. Every year there will be more than 50 of them, not counting updates to the current versions, and the number of such documents at the federal level has already exceeded 2 billion. Extracting data from them manually is an understandable but resource-intensive task.

"N3.Analitika: data extractor from SAMD" allows specialists of medical information and analytical centers (MIAC) and health management bodies to independently process any types of SAMD on their own, without involving a vendor. From the volume of extracted data, thanks to the extractor, data marts are formed and reports are compiled for which you can maintain analytics.

Users can load an xml format SAMD template from the Uniform State Health Information System portal into the data extractor, configure the extraction of xPath values (the path to a specific parameter in the document) from the knowledge base or the same Uniform State Health Information System portal, and apply these rules to the accumulated document array. Further, the processing and visualization of the obtained data is suitable from the analytical DBMS to N3.Analitika.

A convenient mechanism for extracting structured medical data from SAMD was needed for a long time. The SAMD contains the very primary data that is important for study and analytics. The extractor makes it easy for specialists of health management bodies and MIAC to use millions of legally significant SAMDs for practical daily work, formation of analytical reports. Structured medical data accumulated with such difficulty must benefit both patients and doctors, "said Andrei Dyukov, head of the sales and development department of Netrika Medicine.

Using an extractor and analytics, drawing on key federal incident metrics, regions are getting evidence to help with complex tasks such as increasing life expectancy, switching to electronic medical books, making an online record available to a doctor, and many more. The extractor allows you to detect various errors in documents, quickly aggregate mass errors to correct them and prevent their further appearance. Error monitoring has a positive effect on improving the quality of primary data required to control the achievement of regional indicators.

The new tool is already being used in several Russian regions.

The solution for self-in-depth analysis of structured electronic medical documents (SAMDs) is a convenient practical tool that has confirmed its effectiveness. As of October 2024, a collection of SAMDs with a total volume of more than 100 million documents was collected in Kuzbass. The number of meaningful attributes in each of these documents ranges from 50 to 1000. The filling rate reaches up to 400 thousand documents on some days. More than 90 medical organizations of Kuzbass are connected to the subsystem, including more than 1,500 structural divisions. At the same time, in the main workflow for the creation of analytical reports, 2 specialists of the KOMIAC named after R.M. Zelkovich are involved, who independently form analytical storefronts from the existing data array within 3-5 working days and quickly compile reports on their basis. For comparison, earlier, before the launch of the subsystem, we could spend 3-4 months to work on creating analytical storefronts from SAMD and attract a much larger number of specialists, "said Olesya Prydul, director of the Kuzbass Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center named after R.M. Zelkovich.

Red OS Compatibility

The digital platform "N3.Zhealth" and the BI-platform "N3.Analitika" received certificates of compatibility with the domestic operating system Red OS, certified by the FSTEC of Russia. Red Soft announced this on April 8, 2024. Read more here.

2022: Strengthening the direction of big data, BI, adding cartography

On March 29, 2022, the company Netrika Medicine"" reported that responding to requests from organizations in different industries, strengthened the direction big data and. business analysts- The Russian BI platform "N3. " Analytics was adapted to the requirements industrial of enterprises, trade networks, pharmaceutical companies and companies in other industries. It is planned to develop towards the factory, data one of the technological trends. Gartner

Updated version of BI platform "N3. Analytics "will become available to users, according to the information company, in April 2022. Its developers have done a lot of work to increase the performance and scalability of the existing platform. In particular, instead of DBMS PostgreSQL implementations with a volume data of more than 10 TB, the platform now uses a Greenplum system that supports parallel request processing technology and is optimized to work with. large amounts of data Now analytical the platform can process almost any amount of data collected from many sources and generate various types of reporting in a convenient interface. Another refinement of the solution is related to cartography. A product version is planned for mid-May, which includes the display of indicators on the map with the ability to detail to any level.

The Russian business analytics (BI) market has been showing positive dynamics for several years. BI solutions are in demand financial in the industry, telecom and is retail a promising industry. industry In addition, in large state projects, data analytics technologies are also widely used, for example, in the field, and. In public services medicine formations the current environment, the need for domestic solutions business analytics in companies from different industries has increased.

BI platform "N3. Analytics "- BI system in the field of health. As of March 2022, it is already used to process digital health data in the executive authorities of more than 20 regions of Russia, covering information about more than 25 million patients. With the help of the platform, regional leaders track key health indicators: the availability of medical care for citizens, the number of applications for research, the loading of laboratories and diagnostic equipment, the status of the implementation of key indicators of the federal project to create a single digital circuit in healthcare. As part of the fight against COVID-19, the system made it possible to implement reports on citizens' vaccination records in a short time and display data on the availability of vaccines in medical institutions.

Unlike many other solutions, the platform is not limited to one or two components - only visualization or only integration data. "N3.Analitika" supports a full cycle of work with data: loading, cleaning and conversion, "," data lake analytical storage and visualization. The components on which the solution is based belong to the free distribution class. ON

Features of the system are high performance, the ability to adapt flexibly to management processes, support for independent work with data in the designer without using programming languages. The system allows you to organize different levels of access - for managers, for business analysts and data engineers, and is suitable for supporting management decisions.

"Developing a BI platform, we started with analytics for healthcare, that is, we immediately set up our system to work with a large number of sources and data volume, including specific ones. «N3. Analytics "is able to process them, ensure the integrity and reliability of information, allows you to conduct multifactorial analysis, configure reporting in different visualization options. All these tasks are in demand in almost every business organization. Therefore, we offer our solution to a much wider range of customers - representatives of different industries that are not related to healthcare, "-

commented Igor Bashkov, commercial director of Netrika Medicine.


Inclusion in the database of effective cases of ANO "Digital Economy"

On November 14, 2019, Netrika announced that its analytical BI platform was included in the database of best practices for the development of the digital economy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A collection of effective solutions was compiled by the Digital Economy ANO with the participation of regional authorities and business representatives. Earlier, this list has already included two other solutions of the Netrika company: the N3. Healthcare and N3. Investments and Construction platforms.

The collection of effective solutions from ANO "Digital Economy" includes cases aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens, increasing the efficiency of business and public administration. An important selection criterion was also the possibility of scaling cases in the regions of Russia.

The platform "N3.Analitika" is presented in the category of solutions to improve the efficiency of public administration. As the compilers of the base noted, the system contributes to the growth of state and municipal administration by monitoring and controlling the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal authorities. As of November 2019, the decision is already valid in St. Petersburg, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as the Altai, Trans-Baikal Territories and the Kemerovo Region.

Entry into the Unified Register of Russian Programs

On January 25, 2019, Netrika announced the inclusion of the N3.Analitika system in the Unified Register of Russian Programs of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The development of Netrika is designed to help regional executive bodies make balanced management decisions.


According to the company, N3.Analitika is in January 2019 one of the few BI systems on the Russian market optimized for public administration tasks. The work of regional authorities is associated with a large amount of data that are collected and generated by different information systems and have a different format. Reporting in this regard requires a lot of labor, including training personnel. In addition, when reducing data from various channels, sources of origin of certain indicators may be lost, which casts doubt on their reliability.

Netrika's solution brings the data to a single format and makes it possible to quickly generate reports using intuitive infographics. The BI system captures and displays the source of each key figure, and allows you to drill down to the source itself. At the same time, dedicated specialists with knowledge of programming languages ​ ​ are not required to generate reports.

When analyzing even a large amount of data, the system identifies causal relationships between different indicators, so the generated reports help to make effective decisions. N3.Analitika implements the configuration of user roles: depending on the position of employees and the confidentiality of information in the system, you can create users with different access rights. Many visualization options are also supported, both simple and complex.

{{quote 'author
= Denis Chumakov, Head of Healthcare at Netrika|Initially, the N3.Analitika system was created for the purposes of healthcare management at the regional level: for example, it made it possible to find out how effectively the distribution of referrals for medical tests between different laboratories occurs and whether this process can be optimized to reduce the waiting time for patients. The data obtained made it possible to draw up an up-to-date picture: where there is an overload of laboratories, studies on which diagnoses are the most in demand. However, the needs of government agencies for high-quality analytics tools are expanding, so for January 2019 the solution is adapted for management education and transport, the provision of public services to the population and other areas within the public sector.}}