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N3. Health Care

Developers: Netrika Medicine
Last Release Date: 2019/10/31
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: Medical Information System


The N3.Zhealth integration platform is an innovative Russian IT product designed to organize the exchange of medical data and support healthcare management processes at the region level. The solution provides the ability to remotely record for a doctor's appointment, create and maintain an integrated electronic medical record, manage queues for medical care, exchange of laboratory and instrumental research data and other processes in which more than one medical organization is involved.

History of N3 development. Health care

2025: Compatibility of "N3. Healthcare 4.0" with the Tantor and Astra Linux SE DBMS

The company Netrika Medicine"" received certificates of conformity BI- solutions N3.Analitika"" (version 2.0) and the digital platform "N3.Health care 4.0 "with database management system () DBMS Tantor and updated version (OS operating system) of special purpose. Astra Linux SE Compatibility and correctness of the IT solutions were confirmed during tests conducted by specialists of Netrika Medicine and "," which was announced by the Astra Group latter on February 27, 2025.

Compatibility of the components of the "N3" platform with Health care key domestic developers OS DBMS and as part of the digital transformation of the sphere health care solves one of the most important tasks facing the industry ‒ full import substitution IT solutions.

Medical organizations are recognized as objects critical information infrastructure, for which special requirements are imposed. It concerns and used ‒ software preference has to be given to the Russian developments entering century. Register of domestic software Moreover, Russian ON DBMS We also have to be surely certified Federal Service for Technical and Export Control. as the developer, we seek to provide to our clients a wide choice of the general, ON allowed for use on objects of critical information infrastructure, the corresponding category. The testing and the received compatibility certificate allow our customers to use the Tantor DBMS in conjunction with the N3.Zhealth digital platform and the N3.Analitika BI platform (version 2.0), ‒ said Andrey Gul, Technical Director of Netrika Medicine.


Red OS Compatibility

The digital platform "N3.Zhealth" and the BI-platform "N3.Analitika" received certificates of compatibility with the domestic operating system Red OS, certified by the FSTEC of Russia. Red Soft announced this on April 8, 2024.

The compatibility and correctness of the IT solutions was confirmed during the tests conducted by the specialists of the vendors - Netrika Medicine and RED SOFT.

Testing compatibility with operating systems from the register of Russian software certified by FSTEC is part of a strategic technological task to maximize the adaptation of our solutions to the requirements for state information systems (including in the healthcare sector). As part of the task, we check and confirm the compatibility of our developments with the main operating systems and database management systems of Russian vendors, - said Andrey Gul, technical director of Netrika Medicine, - State healthcare organizations work in the face of constantly growing requirements for the security of software products. We strive to ensure that our solutions are as compatible as possible with the products our customers choose in advance.

2023: Astra Linux SE compatibility of one of the components of "N3.Zhealth"

One of the components of the N3 integration platform. Healthcare has successfully passed certification for compatibility with OCAstra Linux. This was announced on August 7, 2023 by Netrika Medicine.

The correctness of the joint work of two the Russian IT solutions is especially important when departments medical and organizations switch to use. domestic software

Tests of the operability and correctness of the joint functioning of the N3 component. Healthcare and Astra Linux SE OS were conducted by software developers - Netrika Medicine and Astra Group of Companies. According to the results of tests that took place within a month and a half, the component of the N3 platform. Healthcare received a certificate of compatibility No. 12804/2023, issued as part of the Ready for Astra IT vendors' technological cooperation program.

The digital platform "N3.Zhealth" is the core for the creation of state information systems in the regions. On its basis, useful services are being developed for patients, doctors and health care organizers. Solutions based on N3. Healthcare have been introduced in 21 regions of the country, they are used by the Ministry of Health of Russia and the FMBA of Russia. More than 45 million residents of the Russian Federation receive medical care in healthcare institutions connected to the company's services.

The tests carried out are not the first case of cooperation between companies. For example, in a number of regions, the components of the N3 integration platform. Healthcare is already running on Astra Linux.

We have been systematically transferring all our developments to the use of free software and solutions that are included in the register of domestic software for a long time. Confirmation of compatibility with Astra Linux was a logical continuation of this great work, "said Andrei Dyukov, head of sales and development at Netrika Medicine. - Our customers are faced with the task of completely switching to domestic software, including Russian operating systems. Therefore, it was important for us to understand in practice, to independently pass the official compatibility check with Astra Linux, certified by FSTEC.

We strive to ensure that customers are comfortable using our software products, and for this it is important to ensure their 100% compatibility with the IT solutions they use. Compatible products help the transition of state organizations in the field of health care to domestic software, - said Dmitry Tarakanov, head of the department for the development of technological cooperation of Astra Group of Companies.

2021: Integration with five systems for NSR services

Netrika Medicine helped five developers of information systems for emergency medical services (NSR) integrate with the N3.Zhealth platform. This was announced on July 15, 2021 by Netrika (Netrika). Thanks to this, companies were able to simplify interaction with medical information systems: ambulance doctors can receive information about the patient's health by going to the call, and district doctors - information about calls and their results.

Among the tasks related to the digitalization of health care, the integration of medical information systems (MIS) with solutions intended for emergency and emergency medical services (NSR) occupies a separate place. In a situation where you need to act quickly, digital technologies help.

Among those connected: Computer Intelligent Systems Company, TELDA Research and Production Enterprise, ICL Group of Companies, Next Technika Scientific and Technical Laboratory, ADIS - New System Technologies. As of July 2021, companies operate in more than 40 regions of the Russian Federation, and the integration carried out allowed them to ensure continuity between the NSR service, outpatient institutions and hospitals.

Now all participants in the process are in a single information field. The ambulance team, traveling to the call, gets access to the patient's medical history and information about the presence of chronic diseases, concomitant diagnoses, prescribed drugs. This allows her to form treatment tactics on the way and make decisions taking into account her history. The call card - a document that contains information about the diagnosis, procedures carried out, the fact of hospitalization - is stored in an integrated electronic medical record, and in electronic form becomes available to the attending physician. Thanks to this, the local doctor receives a notification about the fact of the call and "assets," that is, those patients who need to be examined after the ambulance visit.

Integration with ambulance systems is another step in the development of the ecosystem of the N3 Healthcare platform, which we have been working on for more than 10 years. A community of vendors of systems for digital medicine has formed around our solution. Our partners have deep expertise in their subject area and are seamlessly integrated with key N3 services - an integrated electronic medical record, laboratory service, telemedicine subsystem. Thanks to this, we can offer regional expert-class solutions that quickly adapt to changing requirements and do not limit the customer in the development of the necessary functionality, - comments Igor Bashkov, Commercial Director of Netrika Medicine.


Creating a regional ecosystem for medical information systems developers

On October 31, 2019, Netrika introduced an ecosystem for medical information systems developers based on its flagship product N3.Zhealth. Netrika expands the capabilities of state information systems in the field of health care (GIZZ) by including specialized solutions in the digital circuit. This approach allows at the regional level to create an ecosystem of information system developers for medicine who have deep expertise in certain areas of medical knowledge.

"Netrika" has created a regional ecosystem for developers of medical information systems

As noted in Netrika, in contrast to the approach when a large supplier tries to implement various functions in all areas of medicine on its own, the N3 Healthcare ecosystem provides regional health authorities with a choice of solutions that have proven themselves and most fully meet their needs and tasks. For example, many regions have implemented systems for automating the work of emergency and emergency medical care, preferential drug provision; most laboratories are automated. "It works - do not touch," - the principle of project management proven by practice, which is 100% observed in the N3 ecosystem.

How is the ecosystem? During the project to modernize health care, many information systems were introduced in the regions: medical information systems of medical organizations, laboratory and radiological information systems, as well as many others. The N3.Zhealth platform accepts, systematizes and stores information that it receives from these systems, and transmits it to users - doctors, patients, healthcare organizers, Netrika emphasized.

New centralized subsystems, which should be implemented in the regions by 2024 as part of a project to create a digital circuit in healthcare, use data from previously developed subsystems. For example, the results of laboratory tests, which are stored in the appropriate regional subsystem, are equally in demand both when automating the provision of assistance to patients with cancer, and when monitoring pregnant women, and when treating cardiovascular diseases.

In order to ensure continuity of care and eliminate the need for medical staff to re-enter information into vertical information systems across different profiles, the N3 Healthcare platform provides access to the patient health data available in the platform. As a result, it becomes possible to integrate specialized solutions into the state digital circuit in a short time and get the maximum return from the funds invested in the creation of regional GIZZ.

In practice, this works as follows. The decision "Oncopasport of the patient," developed by LLC "TECHLAB," receives from the platform "N3. Healthcare" information about referrals to the oncologist and other information that has signs of an oncological profile. After that, the system identifies the patient, describes his actual route and complements the medical history with recommendations for further treatment, notifications about the timing of routing, sharp changes in the patient's condition.

Another example telemedicine portal is for organizing and conducting remote consultations in the "doctor-doctor" format Integration. with the platform "N3.Zhealth" allows to provide participants of telemedicine consultation access to the patient's medical history, the results of laboratory and diagnostic tests, which are stored in the regional integrated electronic medical record. The results of the consultation will also be preserved in the regional IEMC. Thus, telemedicine becomes an integral part of the regional digital circuit and can be organically integrated into existing processes, according to Netrika.

AIS Monitoring of Pregnant Women, developed by SOTS-Inform LLC, also relies on these regional subsystems. Based on information about a pregnant woman from the moment of first contacting a maternity clinic - diagnoses, laboratory results and other parameters - the system forms a detailed map of the entire range of appointments in accordance with the state standard of medical care (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 572n of 01.11.2012). Also, the system automatically monitors the use and implementation of appointments, monitors the change in the state of indicators and signals them, automatically determines the degree of perinatal risk, risk group, severity of preeclapsia. It is important that when working with the system, the data entered into the IIA automatically enter the maternity monitoring system, without duplication and double-entry of data.

Since data is stored in the platform "N3. Healthcare" in a structured form, they, according to the developer, can be applied to them. algorithms artificial intelligence The company DOC+ connected to the N3.Zhealth platform, and based on the data received from regional subsystems, it developed a mechanism for quality control of medical documentation based on. As of AI October 2019, the system is at the piloting stage in. St. Petersburg

"The value of the developed solution is that we provide one-time input and reuse of information. You do not need to re-enter data in a specialized system or register. All necessary information is entered automatically. This allows you to quickly and relatively simply include new subsystems in the regional digital circuit, as well as come close to the task of automated register formation and analytical reporting. For young developers, connecting to the "N3. Healthcare" ecosystem is an opportunity to apply their knowledge in large-scale government projects to create a single digital circuit, "

Integration with N3.Telemedicine

On June 27, 2019, Netrika announced that it had developed a service for interaction between participants in medical care and automation of document management N3.Telemedicina together with the joint-stock company Concern Radio Construction Vega. The service was created as part of the development of the N3 integration platform. Healthcare is designed to collect, transmit and analyze data as part of the remote interaction of doctors with their colleagues and patients. Read more here.

Integration with SBKlaud cloud platform

On April 25, 2019, Netrika announced that it had signed a partnership agreement for cooperation in the field of health care with Servionica. The goal of the partnership is to make digital health care accessible to clinics of all sizes and forms of ownership. One of the priority areas will be the integration of the N3.Health project created by Netrika with the cloud services of Servionica and its partners, including the SBKlaud platform.

According to the company, integration with the cloud platform SBKleod"" and computing resources in, DPC which will be provided within the framework of the Servionica partnership, will allow medical organizations to solve several strategic tasks at once: ensuring with minimal costs the implementation of Resolution Governments of the Russian Federation No. 555 dated May 5, 2018 "On a Unified state Information System in the Healthcare Sector," compliance with processing requirements, personal data exchange data of research, increasing the efficiency and quality of patient care, as well as the availability of high-tech medical services, including services. telemedicine

We plan to provide a service for connecting to Uniform State Health Information System and other digital health services together with our partner - Servionica.

Vladimir Solovyov, Project Development Director N3.Health

Digitalization of health care is one of the key factors in the transition to the digital economy. A breakthrough in this area can be achieved using modern domestic developments that provide Russian doctors and their patients with maximum access to best practices and accurate analytics, safety and efficiency of sharing the necessary data. Cooperation with Netrika allows us to apply cloud solutions and services on the SBKlaud platform.

Evgeny Shchepilov, Managing Director of Servionica LLC

Inclusion in the Digital Economy ANO database

On February 7, 2019, it became known that the N3.Healthcare platform was included in the base of effective cases of the Digital Economy ANO among the solutions that serve to improve the lives of citizens. The base was compiled by ANO "Digital Economy" with the participation of authorities and businesses from Russian regions.

According to the compilers of the database, "N3.Zhealth" allows you to increase the efficiency of management of the region's health care system, the quality and availability of medical services by integrating various medical systems, bringing data into a single format and using them in the interaction of various IIAs at the regional and federal levels. As of February 2019, the modules "N3. Health care" are already used in daily practice in 16 regions of the Russian Federation.

author '= Alexey Ilyin, managing partner of Netrika group '
Digital transformation from words on paper turns into a process that already affects the quality of life of people, the interaction of the state with business and the effectiveness of public administration. For this, it is very important to exchange experience, telling examples of successful solutions that actually work in the regions. I am sure that over the next 5 years, the case base will be replenished with many more best practices, including from our experience.

2018: Cloud Service Development N3.Health

On November 22, 2018, Netrika announced its entry into the B2B market. The company has developed a comprehensive solution that integrates the information systems of private medical organizations, laboratories and insurance companies, organizing correct data exchange between them. To test the solution, a pilot project has been launched, in which several large private clinics and insurers of St. Petersburg are participating. Read more here.

2016: Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases

Netrika has officially confirmed the status of a domestic developer of IT solutions for healthcare. On December 23, 2016, by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications No. 682, the integration platform N3.Zdravhelenie was included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases. The product "N3. Healthcare" has been tested for compliance with the requirements for Russian IT products and is allowed for procurement by government agencies.

2015: Integration with MIS Avicenna

On July 9, 2015, Netrika announced the completion of the integration of the Avicenna medical information system with the N3 platform. Healthcare.

According to the developers, integration will allow medical organizations using this information system to expand the work of the Electronic Registry service for online appointments with doctors in the regions, and exchange medical data with other health care institutions.

platform N3. Health care, developed by Netrika, already provides interaction of more than 400 medical institutions in eight regions of the Russian Federation. Connecting a new MIS will expand this list and provide new services to more patients in different regions. We are glad that the number of MIS developers who support the integration services of the N3 platform is steadily growing. Healthcare, which confirms the high quality of healthcare solutions developed by our specialists, "said Denis Chumakov, head of healthcare at Netrika.

Avicenna is the 17th MIS integrated with the N3 platform. Healthcare. Previously connected systems operate in 20 regions of the Russian Federation:

In addition to medical information systems, the N3 platform. Healthcare is integrated with various laboratory and PACS systems.

"Integrating our medical information system with the N3 platform. Health care will certainly open up more opportunities for patients and make the appointment process more convenient. The high quality of healthcare solutions from Netrika allows us to be sure that the service will work at the highest level, "said Maria Abramova, CEO of Costa, developer of Avicenna MIS.


Platform N3. Health care is integrated with KIIS "Electron"

Integration of the N3 platform has been completed in St. Petersburg. Netrika's health care with the integrated medical information system Electron in terms of the Appointment to the Doctor service. Currently, the developer of MIS "Electron," CJSC "NIPK" Electron, "is implementing several pilot projects for the implementation of this MIS in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the transition to commercial operation is expected in 2015.

In institutions using this MIS, the availability and responsiveness of primary care will increase for patients due to new opportunities for making an appointment with a doctor: through terminals, telephone service centers, self-recording portals and mobile applications. All this will be possible thanks to the integration of KIIS "Electron" and the integration platform "N3. Healthcare."

N3 platform. Healthcare is integrated with the federal IEMC service

Ministry of Health Russia officially confirmed in May 2014 the passage of test cases for unloading data from regional MIS of the Arkhangelsk Region to the federal IEMK service through the N3 integration platform. Healthcare. In the Report on the Implementation of Services from 30.04.2014 in the Library of Uniform State Health Information System Documents (published on May 18, 2014), the Arkhangelsk Region is listed in the column "successfully passed integration."

Netrika specialists, in close cooperation with the Arkhangelsk MIAC, carried out integration at two levels - regional and federal. First, in December 2013, a full-fledged data exchange was provided between local medical information systems and the IEMK regional repository, then - with the federal service. In the Arkhangelsk region there are 4 main MIS that serve the state medical and preventive institutions of the region. In total, 75 state-owned LPUs operate in the region.

The passage of control examples in accordance with the approved program of the Ministry of Health was carried out sequentially. The first test cases were transferred to the federal IEMK service back in March 2014. To date, the process is 100% complete.

Earlier, at the end of 2013, on the basis of the N3 platform. Healthcare in the Arkhangelsk Region, the regional segment of the Uniform State Health Information System of the Arkhangelsk Region was implemented. Thanks to this, all MIS of the region were integrated with the federal electronic registry (before that, schedules from the LPU were unloaded to the FER manually), an appointment with a doctor in all LPUs became possible through a single entry point ( Also, work was carried out on the creation of the Hospitalization Portal of the Arkhangelsk Region for management at the level of the MIAC and the Ministry of Health of the patient flows between the LPU of the region.

The N3 platform. Healthcare is designed to build, modernize and/or transform the region's health management system. This product has been in industrial operation for more than two years. Netrika is the official supplier of the regional Uniform State Health Information System segment in St. Petersburg and the Arkhangelsk region. Since 2011, the company has been working as an integrator in the field of health care, specializing in the peaceful integration of information systems in health care (MIS, LIS, PACS and others). The N3 platform. Healthcare has integrations with:

  • 8 outpatient and inpatient MIS operating in 12 regions of Russia
  • LIS "Across"
  • PACS Agfa

Platform N3. Health care integrated with MIS qMS

In St. Petersburg, at the beginning of 2014, the integration of the N3 platform was completed. Netrika's health care with the medical information system qMS of St.ARM. Now on the Official Portal for an appointment with a doctor in St. Petersburg, patients can sign up for institutions using MIS qMS. The first of them - SPb GUZ KPD No. 10 - has been operating MIS qMS since 2010. The geography of the presence of SP.ARM solutions covers at least 8 regions in Russia. Solutions also work successfully in several institutions of Kazakhstan.

Integration platform N3. Health care in only one St. Petersburg ensures the interaction of several hundred medical institutions. The inclusion of a new participant in information interaction in the regional fragment (REGIZ) of St. Petersburg was carried out promptly and without interference in the work of health care institutions.

Integration of the service "Appointment to a doctor in electronic form" with MIS qMS became the 8th in a row for the N3 platform. Health care in terms of integrations with medical information systems. Earlier in 2011-2013 integrations with 7 outpatient and inpatient MISs were carried out. The N3 platform. Healthcare has been in industrial operation for more than two years and provides transparent information interaction between heterogeneous information systems (MIS, LIS, PACS, etc.), including seamless integration of these systems with federal services of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. On the basis of this platform, regional fragments of the Uniform State Health Information System in St. Petersburg and the Arkhangelsk region were created. Similar work is now underway in several more regions of Russia.