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Developers: SP.ARM
Last Release Date: 2024/05/29
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: ERP,  Medical Information System


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The medical information system qMS is a tool for managing the resources of a medical organization (a complex of medical organizations, up to the national health care system) and the quality of medical care, which allows you to competently and correctly act in the process of carrying out reforms in the health care system.

2024: MIS qMS 24.1 with "Electronic Generic Certificate" functionality

SP.ARM has released the release of MIS qMS. The updated version of the system has additional functionality, updated current components, improved design and usability. The company announced this on May 29, 2024.

source = SP.ARM

With the release of release 24.1 in qMS, the functionality of "Electronic Generic Certificate" became available to users. It allows medical organizations to exchange data on birth certificates and coupons with the Social Fund of Russia. Doctors can create, request and submit information about existing certificates, and cancel them. Information is transferred to the fund automatically, which simplifies the work of specialists.

To monitor and analyze the quality of work with SAMD, an EMD tab was developed. It allows you to massively sign and send documents to federal systems and registers, conduct analytics on documents already formed and transferred to the Uniform State Health Information System. In the system, it is possible to configure the background formation of SAMDs that do not require a doctor's signature. Exporting errors to SAMD helps track shortcomings when transferring data from the information system to the Uniform State Health Information System.

The updated version of qMS also updated the module "Situation and Analytical Center." Ready-made dashboards "Obstetrics and Gynecology," "Newborns," "Outpatient and polyclinic care (APP)," "Professional examination," "Data control" have been developed for it. In addition, it became possible to view detailed details of values ​ ​ and new types of diagrams to increase the speed of analysis of the situation and management decisions.

The "Diagnosis" tab has also been updated. A new diagnosis registration window has become available to users with a clear presentation of information, a user-friendly interface and a way to enter patient information without losing the diagnosis structure and the need to register additional characteristics for statistics, SAMD, WIMIS and analytics. It also became possible to add additional sections of the diagnosis, create and use description templates without MKB10 code.

A biomaterial storage unit has been developed for the "Assisted Reproductive Technologies" functionality. It helps track the timing and payment of cryopreservation and storage, form a request for patients who expire their shelf life to inform them of the need for prolongation.

In the "Operation block and hospitalization" component, it became possible to create fixed sets of observation parameters for certain types of surgery and form a "Map of anesthesiological benefits" in pdf by order of the Ministry of Health No. 530n for signing with an electronic digital signature. The file will be saved in the "Medical Map" in the "Documents" section and will be available digitally for viewing and printing with all indicators and graphs.

In the web version of the "Personal Account" of the patient, authorization and registration by phone number are now possible - the temporary code is sent in SMS. The new setting "Feedback" allows you to choose the status of communication between patients and the medical institution, conduct surveys about the quality of service. Opinion analytics will help clinics monitor the level of quality of medical care provided and increase patient loyalty.

For mutual settlements with patients, qMS has added functions for returning money to the payment card, previously debited from the current account, displaying a QR code in the printed form of the account, partial refund of the service amount, prepayment and certificate amount. The system has a "Personal Patient Account" - a balance of advance payments, which includes prepayments made, certificates and their use when paying for services, as well as a deposit.

In this release, the qMS is updated automatically to user authentication. Scrolling of bookmarks that did not fit on the screen and the quick search input field became available again.

Every year, the digitalization process sets new challenges for clinics: the creation of secure medical databases of data, services for interacting with patients, and much more. We study the processes in the clinics in detail and every year, in spring and autumn, we offer our clients new MIS capabilities, including improved visualization and interfaces. In our developments and planning for the development of the system, we take into account international best practices, monitor global trends in the digitalization of medicine, and study best practices. We integrate ready-made, expert systems, decision support systems into MIS qMS, including those developed by us, create a digital twin of a medical organization. A comprehensive approach allows us to offer not only up-to-date automation of business processes, but also to conduct digital transformation of medical institutions, supporting and setting new points for their growth, "said Elena Dontsova, head of the methodological department of St. ARM.


Availability of the Dispensary Surveillance component

The component "Dispensary observation" for polyclinics has become available in MIS qMS. This was announced by SP.ARM on November 22, 2023.

This component of qMS includes the selection of appointments for a complex of diagnoses of clinical observation, accounting for previous results of the examination by the expiration date of the result, automatic formation of a patient register for trigger events. The selection of patients at the dispensary observation in the "Analytics" tab and the formation of patient lists for re-examination by the date of the next visit are also available.

Having worked out the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 168n dated March 15, 2022, the developers of SP.ARM created reference books that describe the necessary volumes of patient examination with a certain diagnosis. If the patient requires dispensary supervision, the doctor receives an appropriate message in the system, and can determine the dispensary accounting group. Moreover, if the patient is already under observation, a signal mark is also received.

The system has created trigger events and a patient register at the dispensary observation, which will make working with lists more convenient and allow you to form the necessary reports.

It became possible to automatically generate a set of examinations for one or more patient visits to the clinic. If he is observed for several diagnoses at once, then the system will automatically, based on the selected diagnoses, select him the entire set of examinations that he must undergo for his diseases. Thus, you can build the patient's route and not force him to come to the clinic again for each diagnosis.

Thanks to the expansion of one of the reference books, the ability to quickly see the set of studies that the patient needs when referring for medical and social examination has been added. This will allow the doctor not to make a mistake and fully examine the patient before referring to the ITU.

{{quote 'Dispensary observation is one of the priorities for the development of the outpatient service. It allows you to reduce disability, improve the health of patients with various groups of diseases. Therefore, we will continue to develop functionality and add tools, - commented Elena Dontsova, head of the methodological department of SP.ARM. }}

Integration with the State Key system

On November 8, 2023, the developer of IT solutions in the healthcare sector, SP.ARM, announced the release of the autumn release of the qMS medical information system. In the updated version, both existing functionality has been updated and additional components have been added. The changes affected the "Diagnosis" interface, the "Hospital" and "OperaBlock" bookmarks, as well as other services and tools.


According to the company, the description of a clinical diagnosis is the key possibility of any medical information system. In the updated version of qMS, the interface of this module has been completely updated. The main and concomitant diagnoses, as well as complications, are now displayed on one screen. The doctor can not only see and fill them out, but also formalize the records as much as possible. In addition, the characteristics of the diagnosis were expanded by the FNSI reference books, including by. oncology

The updated release of qMS also updated the "Hospital" tab. The possibilities of filling out a resuscitation card, managing the bed capacity, responding to signal marks for admitted patients, monitoring nursing procedures have been expanded.

MIS qMS can integrate with diagnostic equipment that monitors the patient's condition in intensive care units. The data are directly supplied to the electronic medical record, which makes it easier for resuscitation nurses to fill out the necessary documentation and makes it possible to see indicators of monitoring the patient's condition from any point of access to the system. In addition, in the updated version of "Hospital," doctors can customize bookmark windows and quickly switch between them, which makes it easier to work with a specific patient.

The "Operblock" tab has now been worked out in detail from the point of view of everyone: business processes planning the loading of operating rooms, conducting, anesthesia connecting anesthesiological equipment and equipment for monitoring the patient's condition.

Also, MIS qMS has the opportunity to form consent of patients in electronic form and sign documents with an electronic signature using the State Key technology - it is integrated into the patient's personal account in the MIS. That sign a consent or contract, the patient must be registered with the Public services, have a SNILS, passport and registration at the place of residence. Such an important update will save medical institutions from the need to store paper versions of documents in archives.

For perinatal centers, a new release made available the Robson classification group calculation for caesarean section surgery. The patient's class is determined automatically, based on the medical data filled in protocols. In addition, the calculation of the age of a premature newborn, signal marks for pregnant women and work with neonatal screening appeared.

Integration with the Electronic Clinical Pharmacologist drug product interaction system has been optimized. Data on the examination of drug interaction are received in the patient's electronic medical record, and in case of violation protocol doctor may indicate its causes.

In the autumn release, the function of monitoring the prescription of antibiotics with the detected antibiotic resistance appeared. Also, doctors can create their own treatment regimens, group appointments and use them not only within the framework of one patient visit, but also build a certain sequence in treatment, if required.

Another possibility is the selection of the patient's route according to non-detailed appointments. If the doctor recommends several different consultations to the patient, then using the "Selection" tab, you can optimally schedule their receipt for one visit.

Add Component - Operation Block Tab

On June 20, 2023, SP.ARM released an updated release of its product - MIS qMS. In the updated version of the system, additional functionality has appeared and existing services and tools have been improved.

So, a component has started working in the system - the "Operblock" tab. It is designed to plan and operate operating rooms, monitor patients during surgery, and analyze processes over the past day. Functionality includes "Operation Planning," "Operations," "Patient" and "Operative Day Patients."

Added the ability to control the system by voice. Medical personnel, as well as subject administrators with the help of a voice assistant will be able to open the necessary functional bookmarks, settings sections, electronic medical records, schedule bookmarks, MIS sections, enter data of new patients. In the future, the tool will be especially useful, for example, in the operating room, if the surgeon needs to record medical and diagnostic manipulations in real time and create marks for the passage of their various stages.

The tools of the system for hospitals have been modernized. The Hospitalization tab differs from the previous version in the ability to work in one window mode. The user can go to other bookmarks using pop-up control panels and return to the same interface from which he started work. Improved imaging, added a lot of information that allows you to assess the condition of the patient and the bed capacity of the department. The new functionality allows you to obtain data from bedside observation monitors, conduct appointments.

Also, qMS implements a mechanism for prescribing medical devices (vascular catheters, drains, tubes, etc.) with subsequent monitoring of their care. Appropriate instructions and tools have been developed. This addition is relevant for many clinics, especially surgical departments of hospitals.

The system has changed the cash check interface, redesigned the payment functionality for the account, as well as certificates and a bonus program for patients.

In the updated version of qMS, the functionality "Anti-TB assistance" has been added, which allows you to maintain a "Card of the applicant for anti-TB assistance" (Form N 045/y) and includes services, statuses and necessary printing plates.

To help doctors, the "Lists of Attention" functionality appeared. Using this tool, you can add patients under special control to the corresponding lists, indicate the reasons for adding, transfer data to other specialists if necessary. This is the first step in the direction of optimizing the information system for the outpatient service and information support of the dispensary observation process. SP.ARM plans to develop such a large-scale direction and in the near future will present even more interesting qMS functionality for polyclinics.

The updated version of the MIS added unified forms of medical documentation used in medical organizations, by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 530n. At the same time, the emphasis is placed on the convenience of data entry and on the compliance of input forms with VIMIS and SAMD.

In the personal account, patients can now self-register before visiting the clinic without prior registration of consent to the use of LC or authorization through the ESIA. In addition, they can remotely issue an agreement with the clinic, manage their consents to notifications and telemedicine consultations, pay for services, as well as fill out mandatory information before appointment and choose clinic services.

Also, traditionally, we have improved design and usability. Adaptive components have appeared in the system: toolbars, bookmarks, sidebar and pop-ups. qMS is becoming more friendly, new solutions appear in it that help in the medical and diagnostic process and simplify the work of doctors and nurses, - commented Elena Dontsova, head of the methodological department of SP.ARM.

Release of "Operblock" tab

The company SP.ARM announced on March 31, 2023, preparations for the release of MIES the qMS component - the Operblock bookmark. It is designed to plan and operate operating rooms, monitor patients in, time operations and analyze processes over the past day.

During the project, the developers prescribed an action plan for the personnel involved in the preparation and conduct of operations, identified the main subtabs of the component, brought into a single process the existing functionality in this area and developed other possibilities for the actions of the medical staff in the MIS.


In the work on Operblok, it was necessary to take into account the variability and flexibility of the process, since changes in it occur constantly and continuously, during the preparation and conduct of operations. So, for example, it was necessary to resolve the issue of not only the appointment of surgical interventions, but also their cancellation, and reassignment to other dates.

The Operblock functionality includes "Operation Planning," "Operations," "Patient" and "Operative Day Patients."

"Planning operating rooms" allows you to create a preliminary entry for an operation on a certain day and on a certain operating table. It helps to distribute patients by the time of the operation, add emergency patients to the schedule, shifting all records by time, as well as exclude the patient from the list. In each operating room, you can schedule a certain number of operations depending on the department. In addition, in the sub-tab, you can print the operating day plan and display the specialists employed in the operating room during the specified period.

Viewing and editing the operations plan is regulated according to the role access of specialists in the IIA.

The "Operating" subtab is designed to monitor the operation of operating medical facilities. It displays operating tables in the form of labels that show their occupancy in real time, the time of surgery for each patient and contain signal marks about delays in current operations. The operation steps can be added if necessary. This functionality helps the heads of operating units and departments to monitor the operation and workload of operating rooms.

The "Patient" subtab allows you to enter observation parameters, stages of surgery and anesthesia, administered drugs. It can also print an anesthesia map. Data on the beginning and end of the operation is inherited into the status of "Operation Protocol" and "Anesthesia Protocol."

The sub-tab "Patients of the operating day" helps to form a sample of operated patients for the required period, to sort them by the attending physician, operating surgeon, type of operation and other parameters. For each patient, the "Anesthesia Chart," anesthesia protocols and surgery are displayed.

The developer plans to add the ability to shift patient records in the schedule with an automatic shift of all subsequent appointments, to enable the display in the schedule of operation participants specified in the assignment details. Also in the study are printed forms and analytical queries, the maximum inheritance of time and observation parameters from the patient's screen to protocol statuses.

The "Operblock" tab will be available to users in the autumn update of MIS qMS.

This functionality will help hospitals simplify the process of planning operations, analyze the load on the operating unit and doctors, work in a convenient format with patient lists and protocols,
commented Elena Kobeleva , medical adviser to SP.ARM.

Addition of determination of duration of upcoming hospitalization and coding of diagnosis with ICD codes

On March 7, 2023, SP.ARM announced that it had introduced machine learning-based tools in MIS qMS - an intelligent determination of the duration of the upcoming hospitalization and coding the diagnosis with ICD codes. They make it easier for doctors to work, minimizing errors and the time cost of planning hospital occupancy and completing medical records.

Forecasts for the timing of hospitalization, as a rule, are built empirically taking into account the experience of treating a particular disease. The algorithm developed by SP.ARM programmers allows you to make them based on incoming information about the patient: diagnosis, gender, age and other data collected upon admission to the hospital. Based on them, the medical information system predicts how many days the patient will presumably take a bed. The solution helps to optimize the use of bed capacity in hospitals.

By default, the length of stay is set empirically, depending on the profile of the department and its specialization. When testing the functionality, it turned out that if you rely on such figures and use the system of intelligent determination of the duration of the upcoming treatment, the hospital will be able to receive patients by 18% more than the usual number. The expected accuracy of the algorithm in practice is about 93%.

A tool for predicting the length of hospitalization is already available in qMS and can be deployed on the basis of any medical organization.

The first research on the project of selecting the ICD code for clinical diagnosis was carried out in partnership with one of the Western companies. The final stages of the project and testing were already carried out by SP.ARM specialists on their own.

A system developed on the basis of linguistic algorithms makes it possible to determine the most suitable ICD code based on a clinical diagnosis. The doctor can either confirm it or put his option. Such a solution will be convenient to use for all medical organizations and doctors.

This functionality will be available to the mass user in the spring release of MIS qMS - in the updated interface of the "Diagnosis" component.

{{quote 'Machine learning is a painstaking work, it takes a lot of time to set hypotheses, select data for training algorithms, further checks and testing. But this is a promising direction that opens up additional opportunities for developers of medical information systems. Therefore, it is important to monitor such trends in order to keep up with progress and not lose competitive qualities. The emerging MIS qMS tools simplify the work of doctors primarily and serve the benefit of patients. The definition of ICD codes minimizes the possibility of errors when filling out documentation, and predicting the timing of hospitalization improves the use of available material and human resources, - commented Vadim Zhuk, medical adviser, head of the medical and analytical department of SP.ARM. }}

qMS compatibility. qWARM Desktop version 9.7 with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7

and GC "Astra" the qMS developer MIES company "" SP.ARM completed a series of qMS client health tests. qWARM Desktop version 9.7 in environment OS Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7. The results of joint studies confirmed the compatibility of software products and their correct operation. The results of the tests are confirmed by certificate No. 10790/2023 issued as part of the Ready IT for Astra technological cooperation program. Linux The company "SP.ARM" announced this on February 2, 2023.

Import substitution for February 2023 is also relevant for the healthcare sector. The compatibility of qWARM Desktop with Astra Linux will allow medical institutions to switch to safe domestic platforms and at the same time maintain the continuity of all processes, as well as minimize sanctions risks from foreign vendors who have left Russia.

Receiving documentary confirmation of client "qMS. qWARM Desktop "in the Astra Linux Special Edition OS environment is far from the first step in the cooperation of SP. ARM and Astra Group of Companies. Previously, we have already passed certification to confirm the compatibility of MIS qMS in general with the previous version of the operating system. It is no coincidence that we chose Astra Linux as the flagship OS. Our customers need a predictable, reliable and safe environment for work, and Astra Group products that meet the requirements of Russian law regarding the use of IT have become a technical solution to this issue, "commented Sergey Shevkunov, Head of IT at SP.ARM.

Add Voice Assistant

A voice assistant, Marina, has appeared in the qMS medical information system developed by SP.ARM. This is an interface navigation and system management tool based on open source speech recognition technologies Vosk api and Silver models. The development company announced this on January 12, 2023.

The solution reduces the time to switch bookmarks and perform frequent actions, essentially replacing the usual "hot" keys. Medical personnel, as well as subject administrators, with the help of voice will be able to open the necessary sections of settings, electronic medical records, schedule bookmarks, sections of the program, etc. When using the voice assistant, the work becomes much easier and faster.

Controlling the qMS MIS interface with voice is sometimes the only possible way to interact with the system for example, surgeons, PAO doctors, and CSO specialists. Medical and diagnostic manipulations can be recorded by voice in real time and marks of their various stages can be created.

But in the work of a doctor at a regular appointment, voice commands will be useful - suffice it to say "schedule" and the system will open the desired screen. And for registrars who care about the speed of work, the voice command "new patient" will come in handy, opening a ready-made form for data entry.

The marina is activated by a voice command, using a special icon in the system interface or a button on the keyboard. The assistant allows you not only to execute the command, but also voices your actions. This is convenient when a specialist does not have the opportunity to look at the computer screen.

The first industrial version of the assistant includes the main set of search queries and calls in the system, formed on the basis of the most frequent calls to the MIS. In the future, the number of teams will increase. At the same time, users will be able to add their commands, voice triggers and experiment with assistant settings for themselves.

The voice assistant understands different command options - for example, "Medical card" or "Open a medical card" will be recognized the same way. For January 2023, the version of Marina is being tested, which will allow you to operate not only with teams, but will also find the semantic part of what the user wants, referring to the MIS with a regular speech.

The appearance of the voice assistant became possible after the launch of the latest versions of qMS - qWARM Desktop and web qWARM. Users additionally do not need to install anything for its operation - the assistant is ready to work already when the updated system is first launched.

For January 2023, there are 8 shades of voice and Marina accents available, but work on humanizing the voice continues, and in the near future she will talk as a very real person.

The plans also include the implementation of a continuous input mode for more convenient interaction with an assistant, such as Alice from Yandex. It will be enough to pronounce the activating word or phrase at the usual pace for the assistant to perform the necessary actions. In addition, restrictions on access and functionality will be provided. Marina will learn to understand the context, there will be new buttons for voice commands, the ability to configure voice triggers.

The voice assistant in MIS qMS will be massively available to customers in the April release of the system.

2012: Main functions of MIS qMS

Patient Flow Management

  • registration of patients and personal information about them;
  • creation and maintenance of an electronic medical record (EMR);
  • using a universal electronic card (UEC) as a patient identifier;
  • identification of neonates and inpatients with RFID-tagged or barcode bracelets;
  • the use of bar coding technology at all stages of patient movement, laboratory samples;
  • medicines and medical supplies;
  • search for EMR of patients by different parameters;
  • distribution of the primary flow of patients at the stage of registration or search of their data in the database;
  • Export and update patient information from other databases
  • maintaining lists and queues for hospitalization;
  • formation of a hospitalization plan.

Electronic Health Record (EMR)

The electronic medical record is an electronic analogue of the standard forms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Outpatient Medical Record" (form 025/y) and "Inpatient Medical Record" (form 003/y).

EMR includes:

  • Electronic medical records;
  • Appointments;
  • Results of laboratory and instrumental tests;
  • Graphic files, scanned images, digital photos.

The number of required sections of medical records in the patient's electronic medical record is not limited. In the qMS medical information system, it is possible to organize document approval by using electronic digital signature technology.

Institution Resource Management

The schedule is a tool for planning the work of doctors, laboratories, various services of a medical institution. Several patient recording modes on the schedule: through the schedule or from EMR through appointments. Automatic monitoring of conflicts when making an appointment, etc.

Bed fund - accounting, control and planning of bed fund.

Inventory management. Pharmacy

Control of the entire process of movement of medicines and consumables. Detailed tracking of the entire path of movement of medicines and consumables, up to their write-off to a specific patient. Complete material consumption analytics. Full analytics for purchased materials. Control of materials by shelf life, etc.

Financial Resources Management

Automatic control of business processes, in particular, interaction with various counterparties: insurance companies, CHI funds, corporate clients. Accounting of services rendered, execution of all necessary documentation. Development of LPU pricing policy, estimation of cost of services.

Electronic Document Exchange

In MIS qMS, it is possible to support electronic information exchange between health care institutions, transmitted in the form of messages of the international standard HL7.

Interaction with the radiological information system

Ability to obtain, process and archive digital diagnostic images. Transfer of the diagnostic image obtained from the diagnostic equipment to the electronic medical record.

Interaction with laboratory information system

Patient and prescribing information is transferred from the qMS medical information system to a fully functional laboratory information system. The obtained results of the studies, after their confirmation, are automatically transmitted to the patient's electronic medical record and are available for viewing by the doctor who prescribed the study data, immediately after verification of the results of laboratory tests by the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics. All appointments, tests and results are stored in the qMS medical information system.

Analysis of the work of the medical institution. Statistical reports

The system tools allow you to prepare and efficiently process search statistical and analytical queries of any necessary degree of complexity. The information stored in the system allows you to effectively monitor the activities of the organization and the system as a whole. As medical reporting, it is possible to implement ready-made versions of approved medical and statistical reporting forms in the system, as well as other reports used by medical institutions to analyze their activities.

Reference books

In addition to service reference and classification information, the system includes specialized medical and economic reference books. Each of them initially contains many attributes and is available for further configuration by the user.

MIS qMS is built using thin client technology, so its needs for workstation resources are quite modest.

MIS qMS is implemented on the basis of the Caché DBMS of InterSystems Corporation, which provides high performance, reliability and scalability with low hardware requirements.