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Tashir Group



+ Tashir MEDICA (TMedika)

Tashir MEDICA Group of Companies is an investment holding that is part of Tashir the Tashir MEDICA Group of Companies and unites more than 15 companies in various segments health care with a total turnover of over 10 billion (rubles 2021 data). Tashir MEDICA invests in patient services and infrastructure for providers, supporting new effective models in. to medicine The holding is represented at all levels of the healthcare value chain and adheres to the principles of 4P Healthcare in the selection of projects.


2023: Tashir Medica opens the first clinic in Moscow

In March 2023, Tashir Medica Group of Companies announced the creation of its first clinic in Moscow. A project called VH is being implemented by a subsidiary of TM-Diagnostics LLC. Read more here.


Vaagn Martirosyan heads IT-direction "Tashir Medica"

Former vice-president of Rostelecom Vaagn Martirosyan headed the Tashir Medica IT direction. The press service of the investment holding announced this at the end of November 2022. Read more here.

Purchase of 100% shares of the developer of digital tools for pathomorphological diagnostics "Unim"

On August 17, 2022, the Tashir Medica investment holding informed Zdrav.Expert about the redemption of 100% of the shares of Unim, the Skolkovo residency center, which develops digital tools for pathomorphological diagnostics based on its own laboratory. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed. Read more here.

Cooperation with Amedart for the development and production of Russian drugs

The memorandum of strategic cooperation in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology was concluded by the resident of the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow" company "AMEDART" and the Group of Companies "Tashir MEDICA." The companies plan to produce antiretroviral, antitumor, antidiabetic, prescription and over-the-counter drugs for the hospital sector. This was announced by "Technopolice Moscow" on March 17, 2022. Read more here.

2021: Acquisition of a 50% stake in Netrika Medicine and ElnetMed

On October 14, 2021, the investment holding Tashir MEDICA Group of Companies announced to TAdviser that it had acquired a 50% stake in IT solutions for public and private healthcare systems Netrika Medicine and ElNetMed. It is expected that this partnership will accelerate the development of companies in the B2B market and enter other markets, including international ones.

Tashir Medica acquired a 50% stake in Netrika Medicine and ElNetMed

The company "ElNetMed" is a member of the group of companies "Netrika" and is the developer of the N3.Health platform. With this decision in 2019, the company entered the commercial healthcare market and combined clinics, insurance companies, aggregators and laboratory services on the same platform. The N3.Health project was the first operator equidistant from medical information systems in Russia, officially authorized by the Ministry of Health to transfer data from private clinics to the Unified State Information System in the field of health care (Uniform State Health Information System), as required by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 555. Additionally, the cloud platform contributes to an increase in patient flow and cost reduction due to the digitalization of processes between participants in the commercial medicine market.

Netrika Medicine is a spin-off project of Netrika Group of Companies specializing in the integration of medical information systems and the creation of services for patients, doctors and healthcare organizers. The company's portfolio for October 2021 includes more than 40 IT products for different branches of medicine, and the key product - the N3 Healthcare platform - provides data exchange between medical organizations and federal services. The platform has been implemented and is used in 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the FMBA of Russia. Most vendors of applied systems for medicine presented on the Russian market are integrated with the platform - these are more than 100 systems of different developers. Connected to the platform are medical organizations serving a total of more than 25 million people, over the past 5 years, the company's revenue has increased threefold.

The digital medicine market over the past two years has shown significant growth, mainly due to the accelerated pace of digitalization of the public sector of medicine, and, according to experts, reached 17 billion rubles. Among the most important trends of the healthcare market are the transition to analytics based on primary data, the expansion of the patient's remote interaction with medical organizations and the connection to the Uniform State Health Information System of all medical institutions.

According to the parties, the deal is strategic for Tashir MEDICA and Netrika Group of Companies.

The acquired companies will become the core of the development of a private digital healthcare ecosystem.

The strategic priority of the partnership is to support the development of ElnetMed through the scaling of digital medicine services to a larger number of private medical clinics, laboratories and insurance companies (B2B), and in the future - the creation of services for patients (B2C).

Shareholders are counting on twofold growth of the group of companies over the next three years, provided by investments in products, development of personnel potential and transactions. M&A

For Tashir MEDICA, strengthening expertise in IT products is an integral stage in the development strategy of "new medicine" services based on a predictive approach and personalization.

Given the favorable initiatives of the legislative authorities to support the commercialization of data and the creation of new digital health services, companies have great prospects for business development. The accumulated knowledge stimulates the promotion of a seamless approach to the provision of health services to clients not only within the framework of the outpatient or inpatient level, but also at home or in the workplace.