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Баннер в шапке 2


Martirosyan Vaagn Artavazdovich
Martirosyan Vaagn Artavazdovich


Born December 8, 1951 in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia.

In 1974 he graduated from the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute with a degree in automation and telemechanics.


In 1974-1977 worked as an engineer, senior engineer, then leading engineer of the Yerevan branch of the Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS).

In 1977-1980 - Full-time graduate student of the Institute of Management Problems of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the USSR.

In 1980-1990 worked as head of the laboratory, head of the scientific department and concurrently scientific secretary of the Yerevan branch of the Central Research Institute of Communications. From 1990 to 1993 - First Deputy Head of the Yerevan branch of the Central Research Institute of Communications.

Since 1993 - in the "Central Telegraph" as deputy head of the enterprise for creating new technologies. In connection with the transformation of the state enterprise into a joint-stock company since June 1995 - Deputy General Director for Business Development. Since 1997 - First Deputy General Director of the Central Telegraph.


Since January 15, 2001, he served as general director of the Central Telegraph, and since April 2002, he served as general director and chairman of the company's board.

Since June 2007 - General Director and Chairman of the Board of CenterTelecom. Since April 2011 - Vice President, Director of the macro-regional branch of Center of the combined Rostelecom.

From August 2011 to May 2012 - Senior Vice President at the Corporate Center of the Joint Rostelecom.

From June 2012 to October 2012 - President of Cominfo Consulting.

From October 2013 to the present, he is the co-founder and president of the Minnova group of companies.

Over the years, V.A. Martirosyan was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Central Telegraph, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Centel, OpenCom, CenterTelecomService (now RT Labs), Russian telecommunications networks. "

2011-2013 - Member of the Board of Directors of Giprosvyaz.

1997-2014 - Member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Documentary Communications (ADE).

2012-2014 - Member of the Advisory Board of Aksencher Russia.

2013-2016 - Member of the Board of Directors of MTT Group LLC.

2022: Appointment as Tashir Medica IT Head

Former senior vice president of Rostelecom Vaagn Martirosyan headed the Tashir Medica IT direction. The press service of the investment holding announced this at the end of November 2022.

It is noted that in the company "Tashir Medica" Vaagn Martirosyan will be responsible for the development and launch of new services and IT solutions. For the holding, strengthening expertise in the field of digital projects will accelerate the development of current services and enter new markets, including international ones.

Vaagn Martirosyan heads IT-direction "Tashir Medica"

Among the new projects of the Tashir Medica Group of Companies in the field of digitalization that the Vaagn Martirosyan will deal with are processes for the digital transformation of the assets of the Group of Companies and increasing efficiency through integration into a single ecosystem. By November 2022, Tashir Medica is investing in projects that solve complex problems and accelerate the process of providing medical services, building communication channels within the medical community, as well as between the doctor and the patient, the Civil Code noted.

By the end of November 2022, Martirosyan is also the managing partner of Minnova Group of Companies. The company provides services in the field of strategic planning, business process management, change and efficiency.

Tashir Medica Group of Companies is actively investing in projects to digitalize medicine. By November 2022, the group unites more than 15 companies in various segments health care with a total turnover of more than 15 billion. rubles

The group recalled that under the leadership of Martirosyan, Rostelecom implemented a large-scale state project to create a video surveillance system for the Web Elections 2012 polling stations, and introduced new technologies and systems.[1]

Achievements and awards

  • Candidate of Technical Sciences;
  • senior research fellow;
  • full member of AF RAEN (2001);
  • full member of the International Academy of Communications;
  • full member of the International Academy of Telecommunications Quality;
  • repeated laureate of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR;
  • the best manager of Moscow in the field of telecommunications in 2006;
  • repeatedly included in the list of 1000 best managers in Russia;
  • the title "Master of Communication";
  • honorary title "Honored Worker of Communications of the Russian Federation" (2006);
  • medal "For Labor Valor";
  • Order of Honor;
  • Acknowledgements and diplomas of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Informatization;
  • Gratitude to the Central Election Commission for the creation of a video surveillance system for the presidential election "Web-Election 2012."

Scientific work

V.A. Martirosyan has about 40 scientific papers published and published in various scientific and technical publications. He defended the dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences ("Research and development of methods for managing data flows in automated information processing networks." Institute of Management Problems of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the USSR. Dees. candide. technical sciences, Moscow, 1980).


Married, two daughters.