The Ovum company provided results of the new The clouds now open for enterprise storage overview ("Clouds are open for corporate systems of data storage now").
The senior analyst of Ovum company and the author of the report Timothy Stammers claims that transfer of services of data storage in a cloud opens a new stage in opportunities of storage systems.
According to Mr. Stammers, clouds not only allow to simplify complexity of data storage in comparison with traditional option, but they also shift responsibility for data backup to the supplier of cloud services.
Within the last decade many companies wanted to become service providers of storage systems. These companies made large investments into the new direction, analysts predicted their prosperity. However for several years this direction failed.
As service providers used the same storage systems, as their clients, services of these providers were not much cheaper, than costs for internal systems of data storage.
According to Mr. Stammers as service providers of storage systems could not cut down expenses on network transmission capacity and did not know the concept of a public cloud, they could not offer the enterprises significant savings of means.
Since then the cost of network transmission capacity considerably decreased, and finding of a nauluchshy method of use of opportunities of cloud computing became the main priority for Chief information officers. It is not less important that suppliers of cloud services began to use new generation of technologies of data storage that allows to store very large volumes of data on lower costs, than traditional corporate systems of data storage allow.
According to Stammers, most of system providers of data storage already use advantages of public clouds.
"Many of these suppliers have access to huge clouds of data storage, such as Amazon, Microsoft or RackSpace that allows to save considerably", - Mr. Stammers says.