Developers: | EsDiAi-Normalization (SDI Normalization) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2021/12/30 |
Technology: | MDM - Master Data Management - Master Master Data Management, SaaS - Software as a Service |
Main articles:
2021: Development of cross-industry cooperation service for industrial enterprises
The company JSC "SDI SOLUTION" on December 30, 2021 announced that it is implementing a Skolkovsky project dedicated to cross-industry cooperation of industrial enterprises. The project is a continuation of the work of ESDIAI Risoch LLC (resident of the Skolkovo Foundation) to create a semantic MDM system adapted to industrial production.
ESDIAY Normalization (a subsidiary of SDI SOLUTION) is responsible for the implementation of this project.
The organization of interaction between subcontractors and counterparties, the supply and promotion of products in the domestic and foreign markets are impossible without the formation of common principles for unifying the description of corporate objects of regulatory reference information (NSI) on the basis of harmonized domestic and international standards.
Unification of descriptions of NSIs should be based on standards ensuring completeness, quality and unambiguous identification of information objects without duplication and distortion of meaning when transmitting data between various application information systems. Participants in the information exchange should use common dictionary terms and designations in relation to the description of NSIs based on the Open Technical Dictionary (OTD) open technical dictionary methodology, created taking into account the specifics of Russian terminology and in accordance with the GOST R ISO 22745 standard methodology.
The need to create OTD as a cloud service is justified by the desire of economic partners to accurately and unambiguously establish requirements for basic data on goods, works and services. The use of unified terminology to unambiguously describe classes and identify product characteristics will allow the free exchange of information between application information environments working with corporate master data in various contexts.
The development of SaaS cloud OTD maintenance service integrated with MDM system will allow:
- Accurately establish the properties of goods, works and services;
- Accurately identify information and exchange quality data between economic partners in cross-industry cooperation;
- Synchronize different reference databases with minimal conversion
- Reduce the complexity of enterprise master data exchange processes
- Improve the efficiency of procurement of goods, works and services, including in electronic bidding;
- Reduce the cost of cataloging goods.
The issue of standardization of the presentation and exchange of corporate master data is a strategic task of the state level, the implementation of which will allow to conduct cooperation and technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises at a qualitatively new level. The task of centralized management of corporate NSIs in the project to create digital production in Russia is infrastructure, platform and innovation. The proposed project will allow combining domestic IT developments within a single information space of master data management, said Project Manager Ph.D. Andrey Andrichenko.