Customers: Nizhny Novgorod cellular communication Nizhny Novgorod; Telecommunication and communication Contractors: LANIT Product: LanDocsProject date: 2009/09
Desire of the customer to optimize one of the key business processes – to reduce time expenditure by preparation and approval of agreements of suppliers and the different state organizations became the main motive of the solution to implement EDMS. As a result of the held tender as a software platform the LanDocs system was selected.
Works on software implementation of LanDocs in Nizhegorodskaya sotovaya svyaz Ltd took in total three months. The LANIT-NN LLC company (the subsidiary company representing LANIT in Nizhny Novgorod) became the contractor on the basis of the agreement of subcontracting.
As a result of project implementation in the LanDocs system "without papers" (using the electronic digital signature) preparation and approval of draft agreements is executed and also control of agreement signature by suppliers and the state organizations is exercised. For cost reduction, the users called by wrong or insufficiently prompt actions, the management subsystem was used by flows of works (workflow) of LanDocs: MARSHRUTIZATION which implementation allowed to develop library of standard routes of the movement of agreements.
Implementation of the automated technology of the processing of agreements, in the maximum degree excluding manual transactions and inconsistency of the data saved in different program systems demanded to organize data exchange between LanDocs and the ERP system of Microsoft Dynamics NAV functioning at the enterprise. An ERP system provides to accounting and financial services wide feature set of support of the signed agreements, managerial and accounting, business planning. At the same time the LanDocs system provides storage of large volumes of electronic documents of different types, gives to participants of document flow opportunities of creation of instructions and control of their execution, allows to automate reconciliation procedures and document approvals, provides the legal importance of electronic documents and actions over them due to application of the EDS.
Integration of two systems allowed, having integrated functionality of MS Navision and LanDocs, to create at the enterprise an integrated environment of execution of works on creation, approval and signing of the contracts, on the one hand, and on their financial accounting, maintenance and control of execution, with another.