Customers: Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) Contractors: Synthellect Product: Synthellect Tessa Mobile NegotiationProject date: 2016/08 - 2021/12
2021: Tessa License Pack Extension
- Carrying out load tests. TESSA
- Performance of works on modification EDMS to fault-tolerant architecture.
- Integration with the Personal Office of the Russian Post.
- Integration with the Bank of Russia Personal Office.
- Integration with Crypto Pro DSS (use of EDS).
- Integration with Diadoc.
- Developing the Archive module.
- Integration with Delis subsystem.
- Finalization of integration interaction with the Agency's website, with the subsystems "System insurance and competitive payments ,"
- "Litigation System," "Automated Production Management System."
- Refinement of integration with SMEV and tracking of Russian Post.
- Refinement of workplaces, types of documents, processes of their approval, execution, signing and registration.
- Purchase additional licenses and update of TESSA SED license package. Continuation of technical support for the project.