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ViewSonic myViewBoard EdTech

Developers: ViewSonic
Branches: Education and science
Technology: Office Applications

2022:5 million users

On March 4, 2022, ViewSonic Corp. announced that the myViewBoard ecosystem, which was created to digitalize the educational industry, has just crossed the mark of 5 million users - the platform is used by more than 5,000 institutions around the world.

myViewBoard was introduced ViewSonic in 2018 and is intended for creating digital content, communication and collaboration in the audience. The platform has a number of advantages, thanks to which it can be used in various educational applications as part of face-to-face, remote or hybrid training.

It is very important for ViewSonic to remain at the forefront of digitalization of education, since this is one of the key areas of activity of our business, "said the Maria Solovyova marketing director of the ViewSonic Russia representative office in and. - countries CISmyViewBoard is developing and becoming an increasingly open, flexible and accessible platform for teachers, schoolchildren and students involved in the educational process. A milestone of 5 million active users allows us to be optimistic about the future of educational technologies.

ViewSonic develops interactive displays ViewBoard and software myViewBoard. These solutions demonstrate the company's approach to providing a wide range of technologies with an emphasis on ecosystem openness and compatibility. With the help of ViewSonic products, educational institutions acquire a "single window" for digitalization and become more flexible in the transition from traditional teaching methods to digital and hybrid practices.

myViewBoard allows you to expand the qualities of interactive displays ViewBoard from ViewSonic, as well as compatible with interactive displays from other brands. The solution can be used with devices that work on, and operating systems Windows Android , iOS which allows educational institutions to simplify them to integrate into the existing infrastructure. This openness enables teachers to share educational materials with their colleagues around the world in a collective educational environment.