Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Karpenko Dmitry Eduardovich
Karpenko Dmitry Eduardovich

Date of birth: 7/23/1971

General length of service: 11 years.

Education of 1989-1994 Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, Faculty: Calculus mathematics and Cybernetics (VMIK), Specialty: applied mathematics; Qualification: Mathematician

Main qualification:

  • The specialist in information technology field, databases, development and support of the application software.
  • The specialist in the field of data protection.
  • The specialist in the field of Internet technologies.
  • Installation specialist and maintenances of computer systems, various operating systems and application programs. Supported operating systems are among Windows NT/2000, NetWare, UNIX.
  • Has experience on creation of devices of automated systems, writing of programs, installation and setup of the equipment, including network.
  • Is qualified for integration of computing systems, using methods of modern network technologies.

Work experience:

  • 1996 - 2016 of JSB Svyaz-Bank, Moscow. Chief expert, Head of the safety department of telecommunications

Administration of corporate network of bank (network protocols: TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, Netbeui). Vzaimodeysvtiye with global networks (TCP/IP, X.25 protocols)

Development of the applied systems and databases (C, C ++, Delphi, VB SQL, Lotus Notes/Domino). Including specialized bank complexes and finance applications. Client bank systems. Creation of a special application for work with Web servers.

Creation and support intranet system.

Information security support of network (development of the concept and specifications, purchase equipment, installation, setup, maintenance).

Maintenance of installed systems (special and general purpose).

The organization of effective interaction with branches (information exchange, reports, payment documents).

Participation in creation of department 'Information science and mathematical statistics' at Medical faculty.

Participation in writing of an annual rate (lectures and seminars) for students.

Information technology implementation in educational process.

Development of the special software.

  • 1990–1994 Works on a contractual basis.

Developments of the integrated information systems including the systems of the special information analysis.

The organization of works and selection of group of specialists capable to support and develop the special software of the Gossayepidnadzor.

Foreign language skills: English (basic)

Photos of the Karpenko Dmitry Eduardovich