Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Equal Evgeny Aleksandrovich
Equal Evgeny Aleksandrovich

Was born in 1976 in Krasnoyarsk.

In the 1999th with honors graduated from the Siberian space academy of M.F. Reshetnev in "Aircraft control systems" (specialization "the software of systems"). At the same time, also with honors and in the same educational institution, got second higher education in "Economy and management at the enterprises". Underwent occupational retraining according to the "Management Training for the Organizations of the National Economy of the Russian Federation" program (specialty "Management").

Started a career the software engineer in Krasnoyarskavtodor, then worked as the accountant, the economist. In five years became the associate director on economy of Siberian Machine-building Holding LLC from where passed into OGK-2.

At first took a position of the associate director on economy in OGK-2, and then became the deputy CEO for IT.

In 2006 was entitled Candidate of Economic Sciences, and in the 2007th finished training in the MVA-finance program in Financial academy at the Government of the Russian Federation.