Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Tregub Vladimir Olegovich
Tregub Vladimir Olegovich


Vladimir Tregub was born in the Ukrainian SSR, in the village of Sovetsky, Sovetsky District, Autonomous Republic of Crimea.


In 2003 he graduated from Tauride National University named after V.I. Vernadsky with a degree in law, in 2013 - Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine with a degree in public administration with the qualification of Master of Public Administration.


Vladimir Tregub began his career in 2004 in the tax police of the State Tax Administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where he served until 2006.


From 2007 to 2014, he served as head of the legal sector, senior state tax inspector, deputy head - head of the Soviet branch of the Feodosia United Tax Inspectorate of the Tax Service of the Republic of Crimea.

From 2014 to October 2019, he served as acting head of the administration of the Soviet district of the Republic of Crimea and head of the administration of the Soviet district of the Republic of Crimea.

In November 2019, he took the post of head of the administration of the Soviet district of the Republic of Crimea.

2021: 92nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials in terms of income

For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the income of the family of Vladimir Tregub amounted to 4.1 million rubles. The official's personal income is 1.3 million rubles, the income of family members is 2.8 million rubles. As a result, 92nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials by income for 2021 according to CNews Analytics[1].

2022: Appointment to the post of ICT Minister of Crimea

On April 5, 2022, Vladimir Tregub was officially appointed to the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea. The corresponding decree was signed by the head of the region Sergey Aksenov.

{{quote 'Appoint Tregub Vladimir Olegovich to the public position of the Republic of Crimea - Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea for the term of office of the Head of the Republic of Crimea, - the decree says. }} Prior to that, he headed the ministry, Mikhail Afanasyev which in March 2022 became the head of the administration. Simferopol As for Vladimir Tregub, before his appointment as ICT Minister of Crimea, he was the head of the administration of the Soviet district of the republic.[2]
