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CorpSoft24 developed the Tax Monitoring subsystem for RusHydro

Customers: Krasnoyarskenergosbyt

Krasnoyarsk; Power

Product: 1C: Accounting PROF
Second product: 1C: Holding Management

Project date: 2021/09  - 2022/03

2022: Development and implementation of the "Tax monitoring" subsystem

On April 14, 2022, the company CorpSoft24 announced that its specialists had completed a project to develop and implement the Group's Tax Monitoring subsystem RusHydro for the company (Krasnoyarskenergosbyt RusHydro division). on the platform "."1C


RusHydro Group - Russian power Holding. As of April 2022, RusHydro combines more than 60 hydroelectric power plants in, Russia thermal power plants and electric grid assets in the Far East, as well as energy retail companies and scientifically design institutes. The installed capacity of power plants included in RusHydro is 38.2 GW.

The company is tasked with ensuring the transition of RusHydro controlled companies to tax control in the form of tax monitoring.

Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt was chosen as the pilot implementation, then the solution should be replicated to other RusHydro DZO.

The exceptional task was that the requirements based on the regulations of information interaction with the tax authority and the provisions on the internal control system (IAS) are not covered by the model solutions presented on the market.

The project was implemented in six months. Specialists CorpSoft24 developed the subsystem "Tax Monitoring of the RusHydro Group," which reveals indicators of tax reporting and information about the organization of the internal control system. In addition, the subsystem provides the organization of the automated workplace of the tax inspector with the functions of analyzing the data of the taxpayer information base.

"The solution we developed is configured and adapted for the accounting systems of RusHydro controlled Companies, including all branches and geographically separate divisions, it will allow the company to create a single data environment and use it to improve the quality and efficiency of interaction with the tax authority,"

said Elena Shishkova, head of the department for the development and implementation of ERP systems. CorpSoft24

In the near future, the tax monitoring subsystem will also be adapted and implemented in RusHydro-owned companies in the Far East: Far Eastern Energy Company, Far Eastern Generating Company, Far Eastern Distribution Grid Company, Kamchatskenergo and Sakhalinenergo.