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Axie Infinity

Developers: Sky Mavis
Branches: Entertainment, leisure, sports



2022: $620 million stolen from users

In mid-April 2022, the United States announced that the North Korean hacker group Lazarus was responsible for the multimillion-dollar theft of cryptocurrency from the Axie Infinity game, where players can earn cryptocurrency.

Ministry of Finance USA On April 14, she also added a crypto-wheeler associated with the Axie Infinity hack to her sanctions list for the Lazarus Group. The group is also known as Guardians of Peace or Whois Team. Experts cyber crime attribute many to the group, in cyber attacks particular, the group was associated WannaCry with the ransomware attack in 2017 and the hacking of Sony Pictures in 2014.

Cryptographic games stolen from users $620 million

{{quote 'During our investigation, we were able to confirm that Lazarus Group and APT38, which are participants in cyber attacks related to the DPRK, are responsible for the theft of $620 million in Ethereum, which became known on March 29, the FBI said in a statement. }} During the attack on Sony Pictures, hackers demanded that the studio withdraw the satirical film "Interview" preparing for release, which described a conspiracy to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. According to a UN report, North Korea's hacker program is an important source of government revenue to finance its nuclear and ballistic missile activities. In addition, by conducting cyber attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges, Pyongyang avoids international sanctions.

{{quote 'According to one of the member states, DPRK cyber attacks stole more than $50 million from 2020 to mid-2021 from at least three cryptocurrency exchanges in North America, Europe and Asia, the report says. }} According to Chainalysis, a cybersecurity company, North Korea launched at least seven attacks on cryptocurrency platforms, as a result of which digital assets worth about $400 million were stolen in 2020. North Korea has consistently denied allegations of hacking.[1]
