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MirCli uses more than 120 Telfin numbers for work in Russia and the CIS

Customers: MirCli (Mirkley)

Moscow; Trade

Product: Telfin. Office Virtual PBX

Project date: 2021/10  - 2022/04

2022: Provision of 120 virtual numbers

May 26, 2022 - Russian telecomprovider Telfin"" provided the climate company MirCli with more than 120 virtual issues and. RUSSIAN FEDERATION countries CIS All calls come directly to the office of the organization. To Moscow In addition, the company uses "Telfin" numbers for collectoring.

To improve the quality of communication, multi-channel customer service without geographic reference, MirCli connected IP telephony based on a virtual PBX. The company handles more than 1,000 calls every day.

Thanks to collectoring, MirCli were able to assess the real effectiveness of various advertising campaigns, optimize and increase their performance.

{{quote 'Traditionally, the hot time in the climate business coincides with the summer period. This season we are ready to accept incoming demand from our customers at the highest level, both in cities and Russia throughout, CIS- commented Sergey Kononov, Marketing Director of MirCli. }}

{{quote 'We aim to provide high-quality consulting and offer effective and proven technologies in the field of telephony for solving a large range of business tasks of our clients. In the summer, demand for air conditioners and more complex climate installations increases significantly, and for companies operating in this area, any communication problem can have a critical impact on business performance over the year. Telfin IP-telephony in this case is a business opportunity not to think about non-core tasks and concentrate on solving customer problems, "commented Ivan Pavlov, Telfin project manager. }}