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InoTech: AIR Digital HR Platform

Developers: InoTech (TS-Innotech)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/06/03
Technology: Big Data,  HRM

The main articles are:

2023: Placement on the marketplace

The solutions of Innotech Group (part of T1 Group) are placed on the Russian software marketplace обеспечения Including the All-in-one HR platform AIR. The company announced this on March 16, 2023. Read more here.

2022: AIR Digital HR Platform Launch

On June 3, 2022, the Innotech Group of Companies, a provider of solutions for business digitalization, announced the launch of an all-in-one digital HR platform AIR of its own design to solve all HR problems at every stage of the employee's life path in the company. The intelligent platform allows you not only to automate routine operations, saving HR team time, but also to close more complex talent management tasks using AI, Big Data and other technologies. More than a hundred recruiters are already working with AIR, who communicate daily with 1000 + candidates inside the platform, conducting up to 400 funnel specialists daily. The AIR platform allows you to digitalize the processes of preboarding, onboarding, adaptation and personnel management, helping to quickly employ an employee in the company and effectively integrate into the team.

Gartner predicts that by 2024, the 69% of all business processes can be fully automated, including those where intelligent decision-making is required. One of the key tasks of AIR is to increase the speed of hiring and optimize the quality of selection of specialists in the market through intelligent assessment of candidates and recommendations for the formation of effective teams, as well as reduce business costs.

"Personnel are a key factor for the development of any company's business. In less than two years, we have managed to recruit more than 8,000 IT professionals to the team, while working to retain employees, ensuring high engagement and low turnover. As a technology company, we know well the price of the opportunities that give businesses up-to-date talent management technologies. That is why we have created such a tool that allows us to optimize personnel processes quite effectively. And the experience of its use in the perimeter of the Innotech Group of Companies confirms this. We are confident that AIR will provide additional opportunities for growth and technological support of any business, "-

comments Olga Dobryakova, Deputy General Director of Innotech Group of Companies for strategic initiatives and organizational development.

Applying a comprehensive approach and collecting data at all stages, allows you to receive more complete predictive analytics, as well as simplifies the interaction of the manager with the employee, linking together processes from three main blocks: recruitment, administration, development and motivation.

"The platform is a single window for all employees of the company. Managers can receive all necessary information about their team, as well as initiate any personnel changes. Employees, in turn, receive a tool for submitting requests, receiving benefits and a platform for communication. And, of course, all this with elements of gamification that increase the involvement and satisfaction of the company's personnel, "-

comments Alexander Fedorov, Head of Product Management, Innotech Group of Companies.

Also, the AI assistant recruiter is supposed to work on the AIR platform, which evaluates the candidate and conducts basic communication. At the beginning of June 2022, the algorithms of the recommendation system are being tested, the integration of which will make the platform more efficient.