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The market of "clouds" will be divided by the telecom companies


18.08.10, 17:00, Msk

According to forecasts of Ovum company, in the next two-three years telecommunication companies will be the main players in the world market of cloud computing. Thanks to telecommunication companies the number of "cloud" users will quickly grow.

Peter Hall, the analyst of Ovum company and the author of the report "The concept of cloud computing for world telecommunication companies" considers that thanks to telecommunication companies the number of "cloud" users will quickly grow within the next several years.

According to Mr. Hall, the market is recovered and will grow quickly enough during within the next two-three years therefore for many telecommunication companies time for development of strategy for gaining the share in the market came.

On Peter Hall's statements, the main telecommunication companies use services of data centers and a hosting together with networks and opportunities of security for satisfaction of needs of the clients for cloud services for a long time.

Results of a research are based on studying of 150 enterprises numbering staff more than 1000 people with the assistance of Orange Business Services, AT&T and Verizon.

According to Mr. Hall, all enterprises participating in a research saw communication between cloud computing and achievement of the main competitive characteristics.

"All respondents of the company consider cloud computing usilitety their key characteristics. Orange Business Services used the term IT operator to reflect the new role in IT services by analogy with a traditional role of the network operator of communication", - Mr. Hall considers.

Mr. Hall recommended to Chief information officers not to panic if they have no strategy of cloud computing yet.

According to Mr. Hall, telecommunication companies which did not develop the concept of cloud computing yet should not feel that they passed something as the market for the present is in embryo, and end users still watchfully treat cloud computing.