Customers: System-root Rostov-on-Don; Information technologies Contractors: Naumen (Naumen Consulting) Product: ITSM365.ruProject date: 2020/07 - 2020/08
2020: Implementation of ITSM 365.Support
System-Root uses the ITSM 365 cloud solution to automate service processes.
To optimize the quality of services for customers, the company has a need to implement an automation system. With the help of a modern IT solution, it was planned to optimize the processing of applications, the load of engineers and implement other capabilities of the service business model in the company.
For several years, System-Root used a different desk service solution for internal support of a large client. However, this system did not allow asset management, the interface was inconvenient to work, there was no mobile application.
Following the KISS (keep it short and simple) principle, the system integrator chose the ITSM 365.Support tool as a more versatile platform. The company deals with its settings on its own. Knowledge Base articles, documentation, and technical support advice from ITSM 365 help.
In September 2020, the decision was presented to a small test group of external clients. For 3 months, they registered more than 100 applications for services related to ensuring the operation of equipment, providing access, connecting the Internet and telephone communications, corporate services, and e-mail.
Users noted the efficiency of automatic notifications for all stages of work and the convenience of communicating with System-Root technical support through the self-service portal. Also, customers have the ability to send requests to technical support through mail. All information from the correspondence automatically enters the system, where it is processed by engineers. Scoring based on the results of completed applications helps determine how satisfied customers are with the services provided.
By obtaining analytics through built-in reports, you can optimize the load on engineers, detect weaknesses in processes, and identify routine processes for automation.
The level of process automation is one of the main factors in the growth and maturity of the company. We look forward to moving to the next level with ITSM 365. noted Rostislav Vasilkov, Chief information officer of System-Root |