Customers: Estar Moscow; Metallurgical industry Contractors: MKSKOM Product: 1C: ConsolidationProject date: 2007/12 - 2008/05
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2008: Budget Management Automation
Project prerequisites
In accordance with the key goals, the task arose to build an effective budget management system for the holding companies. Initially, budget management was organized on Excel spreadsheets. However, with the development of the budget model, the acquisition of new companies, the volume of information processed increased significantly. An information system built on tabular documents has ceased to meet the needs of a growing business.
Within the framework of the project, the task of automating budget management metallurgical in the holding "" was set.ESTAR
Project progress
At the first stage of the project, the following tasks were solved:
- Customize Budget Management Model
- Business Unit Data Collection and Validation
- Reconciliation and elimination of the consequences of intra-group transactions taking into account the multi-level structure of the holding
- Consolidation of budgets
At the second stage of the project, the following tasks were solved:
- Analysis of budget execution, reasons for deviation of the Plan from the Fact
- Develop a broad palette of tools to analyze the information accumulated in the system
- Automatic Actual Data Collection
Project results
It was possible to transfer the existing model from Excel almost unchanged in a short time: the beginning of the project is December 2007, and already in January 2008 the first reporting is collected in 1C: Consolidation 8.
When implementing the budget model "ESTAR" in the 1C: Consolidation 8 system, work was carried out to unify budgets. One of the important priorities in this work was the exclusion of double input in the forms of the same information. Due to this, it was possible to simplify the filling of primary information and reduce the complexity of this operation Reporting is organized in such a way that performers from the holding's business units enter reporting through a remote connection directly into a single database. By working in a single database, it became possible to transfer the reconciliation of intra-group operations from the department of the management company to the business units themselves, which significantly reduced the labor costs of ESTAR specialists. At the same time, each business unit has access only to its own data and the data of reconciliation acts for its intra-group transactions.
Another feature of the reconciliation was the comparison of not only financial indicators, but also natural measurements of commodity flows, which makes it possible to achieve greater accuracy in the reconciliation of intra-group transactions.
During the first stage, budget consolidation was implemented taking into account the multi-level structure of the holding. At the first stage, subholdings are consolidated, and then the ESTAR holding. At the same time, intra-group turnover for correct exclusion is automatically divided into internal (between subsidiaries of the sub-holding) and intercompany (between sub-holdings and large subsidiaries of the ESTAR holding).
Consolidation of operating and master budgets for the holding is implemented in a batch mode, which allows you to use an iterative approach when planning and repeatedly recalculate consolidated reports almost without the participation of a specialist.
The data of all reports is decrypted by pressing one button, which makes the resulting budget figures transparent. In general, after the completion of the first stage of automation, the budget process has become more manageable and transparent.