Customers: Agro-Belogorie Belgorod; Agriculture and fishery Contractors: MKSKOM Product: 1C: ConsolidationProject date: 2011/01 - 2014/12
Number of licenses: 100
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2014: Creation of a unified budgeting system
Project objectives
The task was set to create a unified budgeting system, which involved the automation of the budget process for 5 different business areas, based on detailed planning of production indicators in the large agricultural group of companies "Agro-Belogorye."
Project prerequisites
The business lines of automated enterprises are diverse. Each of the directions has its own unique budget model, individual forms of management accounting. The holding structure includes enterprises engaged in pig breeding, animal husbandry, crop production, production of mixed feed, meat processing. Also in the structure of the holding there are allocated infrastructure enterprises.
Budgeting and management accounting before implementation were carried out in Excel, as a result of which the influence of the human factor reduced the effectiveness of planning and accounting.
Project Solution and Progress
During the project, the 1C: Consolidation system implemented unique production and financial planning models. Entering information on standards, process charts, production plans, price forecasts and sales volumes provides a balanced assessment of financial results and a qualitative analysis of influencing factors.
In total, more than 200 different budgets have been implemented in the framework of the project in all areas of business.
The customer insisted on the appearance of the reports familiar to the management. It was necessary to ensure that information on budgets was entered and edited simultaneously for 12 months. On the other hand, it was necessary to set up formulas in a monthly model, convenient for further support. In the data entry forms, you had to implement the dimension output in the hierarchy. The created block report designer made it possible to implement all these requirements, both for displaying information and for convenient editing.
Project results
The methodology for budgeting enterprises within each area is brought to a single basis. Budget models have been implemented for 5 business areas:
- pig-breeding
- grain companies
- elevators, feed production
- dairy farms
- infrastructure companies
Set up automatic lift of the fact for pig complexes, plan-actual analysis.
As a result of the project, the quality of planning and information collected has improved. Algorithms became uniform for all companies within the same direction, different directions began to use unified data sources for intra-group operations. The time for obtaining a management fact and a plan for a factual comparison have decreased.