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Directum Service Calls

Developers: Directum (Directives)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/08/09
Technology: ITSM - IT Service Management Systems

Main article: IT Service Management (ITSM)

2022: Presentation of the "Service Calls" solution

Directum on August 9, 2022 presented a solution for working with corporate services - "Service requests." With its help, employees can send requests directly from their smartphones to specialized services and track the status of the execution of requests.

The solution is a joint development of Directum and Akelon. It was created to manage applications for the provision of corporate services: obtaining help in accounting, repairing the window in the office, replacing equipment, setting up a remote connection, etc.

With the help of "Service calls" the appeal is issued in several clicks from the Directum RX web client or an employee's personal account - from any device, including a mobile one. If the consumer of the service does not use either one or the other, a colleague can send a request for him.

The solution regulates the flow of requests: applications are not lost, work is distributed evenly among performers within the Directum RX system. The system administrator can make changes to the service directory as needed; skills programming are not required for this.

"Service Calls" from Directum and Akelon are:

  • a single window for ordering corporate services with a user-friendly interface;
  • transparent control over the execution of requests;
  • User-friendly and highly loyal employees
  • simple and low cost of setting up a service catalog due to the no-code approach.