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Roselectronics: Motor Surfing Board

Developers: Roselectronics (Russian Electronics)
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2022
Branches: Transport

2022: Announcement of speed board for motor surfing

In mid-August 2022, the Roselectronics holding, part of the Rostec state corporation, presented a high-speed motorcycle surf. It can accelerate to 55 km/h and swim in a full tank for about 60 minutes.

The motor surf is a board of carbon fiber, equipped with an internal combustion engine with a volume of 100 cm3. It is driven by a water cannon and a quarter-wave resonator, which serves as an exhaust system. The weight of the board does not exceed 20 kg, and the original design allows you to quickly accelerate, make short turns with a minimum loss of speed and jump, the press service of Rostec notes.

"Rostec" presented a high-speed board for motor surfing

Motoserf was developed by specialists of the Chelyabinsk radio plant "Flight" holding "Roselectronics." The start of deliveries of the device to the market is scheduled for the spring of 2023. By August 2022, an electric version of the motorized surf is also being developed, said Sergei Sakhnenko, General Director of the United Instrument-Making Corporation (the managing organization of the Roselektronika holding).

Our engineers have created a product that is not inferior to foreign samples in terms of basic technical characteristics and wins competition in price and cost of ownership. Russian components and materials are used in the motorcycle surf, "he said.

Sakhnenko also cited data according to which the global market for sports motor pumps is growing by at least 10% every year. At the same time, mainly four players are represented on the global market - from, Czech Republic, and Great Britain. China South Korea

By mid-August 2022, it is not reported how much the Roselectroniki high-speed motorcycle surf will cost. Nor is its market name listed.[1]

