Customers: Oriflame Contractors: Microtest Product: IBM Cognos PlanningНа базе: IBM Cognos Project date: 2007/09
The Microtest company became the partner in implementation of an automated system of budgeting of Cognos 8 Enterprise Planning at the Russian office of the international cosmetic company "Oriflame Cosmetics".
Implementation is performed within the global project on creation of the budgeting system providing the consolidated management and control of financial flows of all company. The Belgian company Hallemeesch & Coutuer acts as the global partner in implementation.
System implementation of financial planning, according to the customer, will become the tool for the solution of both the current, and perspective problems of increase in process performance. The budgeting system will cover the central office "Oriflame Cosmetics" in Moscow and 14 regional branches of the company.
During implementation of the Russian part of the project the budget model implemented at the Bruxelles office of the customer will be adapted to requirements of the Russian company and also some additional functions of an automated system will be finished.
Implementation is going to be completed within three months from the moment of start of the project.