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The leader of the industrial paints market in the UAE switched to the ERP system on the 1C platform

Customers: Shaji Auto Paints Trading (Shaji Paints)

Dubai; Chemical industry

Product: FirstBIT ERP

Project date: 2022/02  - 2022/07

2022: Transition to an ERP system developed on the basis of the Russian 1C platform

The Arabian manufacturer and distributor of industrial paints in OAEShaji Paints has switched to the FirstBit ERP system developed by the Dubai division of First Bit, an international partner of 1C. This was announced on September 15, 2022 to TAdviser by representatives of the IT company First Bit.

Dubai company purchased Russian-developed software for business automation

The system solves the tasks of accounting and management of business processes. It accumulates all types of data of the company and its branches, automates the transaction cycle, warehouse accounting, personnel accounting and payroll, and also independently generates management reports.

Thanks to FirstBit ERP, the company can approve credit limits and track the profitability of each order. When shipping goods, the company monitors the presence of overdue payments for each customer. As a result, according to the customer's recall, the number of requests for deferred checks received from customers decreased by 70%.

Prior to the introduction of FirstBit ERP, the company used several disparate solutions for financial management, sales, procurement, inventory, and customer engagement. Each of the ten branches worked with separate software, so collecting customer data and preparing consolidated statements took a lot of time and effort.

According to Alexander Smolyaninov, head of the First Bit division in the Middle East, the transition of foreign business to Russian automation software is especially relevant for those companies that have divisions in Russia.

"Due to the sanctions, the use of Russian software has become the only opportunity to create a single space for managing data and business processes for an international company operating in Russia. Specifically, in this case, such a task did not stand, but it was the experience of working on similar cases in the UAE and Oman that allowed us to develop an international FirstBit ERP product on the 1C platform, which fully meets the requirements of the global market. The interest of local customers in our product suggests that it is not inferior to foreign counterparts, "said a representative of First Bit.

The project began with the automation of customer service processes - sales, purchasing, CRM. Then other functional blocks were added to the system in sequence:

  • Automate the work of sales representatives
  • financial management;
  • Inventory management
  • calculation; VAT
  • payroll calculation.

"We are already feeling the benefits of a centralized solution. Many processes have accelerated, we have become more in control of operations and can see the big picture throughout the company. Most importantly, our customers report improved service quality and lead times. We have big plans to further develop automation systems in partnership with the First Bit team, "said Shine Shayyahan, Managing Director of Shaji Auto Paints.

According to the "First Bit," thanks to the automation of cash management, the company managed to reduce its receivables by 10%, without slowing down the scaling and growth of the business.

Over 3 years of work in Dubai, the Middle East branch of First Bit has implemented more than 200 projects of various industry specifics (trade and distribution, construction, production, services, consulting, real estate rental, etc.), with a different scale of activity (small, medium-sized businesses and holding structures) and wide geography (UAE , Qatar, Netherlands, CIS).