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Metpromstroy (MPS) (1C: Integrated automation 8)

Customers: Metpromstroy (MPS)

Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Product: 1C: Integrated Automation 8

Project date: 2020/08  - 2021/04

2021: Automation of management and accounting based on "1C: Integrated automation "

In April 2021, it became known about the automation of management and accounting on the basis of "1C: Integrated Automation" in the company "MetPromStroy," which implements construction and installation work. The contractor was chosen one of the federal 1C integrators with a large portfolio of implemented projects for integrated automation of medium and large businesses - WiseAdvice-IT.

As a result of the implementation of the 1C system, the following main accounting circuits were automated:

  • Finance, Management Accounting, Performance Monitoring:
    • Accounting (Bank and Cash Desk, Settlements with Counterparties, Inventory, Trading Operations, Production Operations, Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets, Payroll and Personnel Accounting, Period Completion, Regulated Reporting);
    • Tax accounting;
    • Budgeting, financial planning;
    • Financial analysis;
    • Management accounting and cost calculation using ABC method;
    • Monitoring and analysis of key performance indicators of the enterprise;
    • Balanced BSC scorecard;
    • Data analysis and forecasting;
    • Cash Management (Treasury);
    • Data consolidation;
    • Calculation of dividends;
    • Management accounting.

  • Sales, Warehouse and Logistics Management (SFM, WMS):

    • Sales, Service, Marketing (Customer Ordering, Standard Order Cost Calculation, Pricing, Price Lists, ABC/XYZ Sales Analysis, Sales Planning, Sales Accounting, Payment Receipt Schedule, Customer Settlements);
    • Warehouse and Logistics (Warehouse Management, Order Warehouse Management, Inventory Reservation, Address Warehouse Logistics, Inventory Accounting in Shop Pantries, Inventory Picking and Disassembly, Serial Numbers, Shelf Life and Certificates, Inventory Analysis ABC/XYZ, Inventory Equipment Connection).

  • Procurement and Supplier Relationship Management (Supplier Ordering, Purchasing Planning, Goods Receipt Accounting, Non-Invoiced Delivery Accounting, Supplier Relationship Management, Supplier Payment Scheduling, Supplier Settlements, Supply Chain Management).
  • Personnel management and personnel accounting (Payroll, Personnel accounting, Time and attendance, Regulated reporting, Application of various motivational schemes, Employee employment planning: vacations and/or other activities).
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Consulting support was provided, a paid 1S:ITS agreement was drawn up to support and easily update versions of the system.