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The founder of the IT Crimea technopark Dmitry Gachko launched a project to support mobilized IT specialists

30.09.22, 14:04, Msk

On September 30, 2022, TAdviser received information that Dmitry Gachko, a serial IT entrepreneur, founder of the IT Crimea Technopark, launched a project to support mobilized IT specialists.

For professionals in the field, a chat bot[1] has been created [2] in Telegram, where IT specialists will be able to get detailed information on mobilization issues. IT specialists who have not found an answer to their question in the chatbot will be able to send it to e-mail. Each issue will be considered individually by professional lawyers.

The project will also help those who received the summons, but believes that they are not subject to conscription within the framework of partial mobilization and its rights are violated. In this case, lawyers will conduct a consultation and help to understand the issue, if necessary - in case of violation of the legal rights of the applicant - they will draw up the necessary statements and complaints.

A separate task of the project is to equip mobilized IT specialists. Funds for the purchase of equipment will be collected by IT companies. A number of companies have already confirmed their readiness to participate in the collection of funds for equipment and personal protective equipment for mobilized IT specialists.

"My main task is to protect the employees of my company and other specialists from our professional industry. A number of my colleagues - IT entrepreneurs - expressed their readiness to support financially our project for the purchase of ammunition for the children to be mobilized. Having received the necessary advice from specialists, we have compiled a list of necessary personal protective equipment, consisting of several dozen items. I believe that industries should unite to support their employees, "said Dmitry Gachko.


  1. [ Chat bot
  2. to help IT representatives on partial mobilization in the Russian Federation]