Customers: Vostok-Service-Spetskomplekt Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 Project date: 2018/02 - 2019/02
2019: Vostok-Service-Spetskomplekt manages the company's processes in a single system with the help of 1C:ERP
GK Vostok-Service"" - developer, manufacturer and supplier of overalls, overalls and personal protective equipment. Since 1992, it has become an international company with foreign assets. The company's Russian share of the overalls and PPE market is 28%. Retail Vostok-Service chain countries CIS in Russia and is represented by 280 branded stores located in 170 cities with a population of population 100,000 people.
Constantly developing and increasing production capacity, the company needed a software tool that could "connect" the warehouse system, sales, procurement and planning. In this regard, in 2018, JSC Vostok-Service-Spetskomplekt"" faced the task of introducing a comprehensive automation system.
To solve this problem, the software product "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" was chosen, created on the basis of the modern technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3." The implementation partner was WiseAdvice-IT, an official certified partner of 1C since 2003, holder of a certificate of compliance with the international standard in the field of quality ISO 9001:2015.
As part of the project, the following works were carried out:
- Collect and analyze customer requirements for the automated system by interviewing;
- Development of design methodology, planning of work stages, preparation of work schedule. Provision of TA to the customer;
- Technical implementation of specific accounting and control features in the automation system (adaptation). Small improvements were made (up to 10% of the code);
- Launch of modified subsystems in test mode, development of "feedback" from users;
- Two-way integration with Logistics 1C:TMS has been implemented . Transportation Management and 1C:MDM Regulatory Reference Information Management;
- Training of users;
- Transfer data from previous automation systems.
The system was put into commercial operation on February 14, 2019. As a final result, the customer's business users obtained effective management accounting tools that meet their requirements. 600 jobs were automated.