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1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: 1C Joint Stock Company
Date of the premiere of the system: October 2012
Last Release Date: 2020/11/18
Technology: ERP,  SaaS - Software as a Service


The main articles are:

2025: "1C:ERP" first tested for 30,000 users

1C On February 25, the company "" told TAdviser about the successful completion of load testing of the product "1C:ERP Enterprise Management" for 30 thousand users who simultaneously work in a single base PostgreSQL under management. operating system Linux The testing methodology was developed by the National Competence Center for Holding Management Information Systems (ANO), NCC ISU taking into account the requirements of the largest companies, Russia such as "," RUSSIAN RAILWAY"" and Gazprom neft"." As Rosatom a result of testing using the Apdex (Application Performance Index) method, a performance index of 0.858 was obtained, which corresponds to the "Good" rating and the comfortable work of all users in the information system.

The test configuration consisted of one central server, four workers, a license server, a PostgreSQL server, and 32 load servers. For testing, the Test-Center multi-user load test automation tool was used, which is part of the 1C: Corporate Tool Package product. It uses a test load script for a 1 TB database.

The structure of the data of the test holding was as follows: an organization with 54 branches allocated for individual balance sheets in its structure, which has 1800 divisions, 3.5 thousand warehouses, 80 thousand nomenclature positions, 700 thousand employees, 90 thousand partners, 2.5 million counterparties, 25 million contracts and 1 million fixed assets. The test reproduced the daily work of the following set of specialists of such a company:

  • Chief Production Manager
  • Local Manufacturing Manager
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • storekeeper;
  • accountant for non-current assets;
  • accountant for mutual accounts;
  • other employees.

When developing the testing methodology, the following requirements were taken into account: the requirements of the largest customers provided by ANO NCC ISU; The need to translate into Linux and PostgreSQL corporate customers who already use 1C solutions in thousands of workplaces; the need to test the conditions of up to 30 thousand users in one database as close as possible to the real loads of large enterprises; the need to identify and eliminate possible bottlenecks associated with parallel user work; uninterrupted operation; system stability; and no process errors.

Testing was carried out for 10 hours, during which 885 thousand operations were performed. According to them, the total Apdex was calculated, which amounted to 0.858. Apdex is an open standard for measuring the performance of software applications. The purpose of its use is to assess the satisfaction of users with the response time of the information system. The methodology allows you to assess the comfort of delays in performing basic operations for each role, while simultaneously working in the information system. The range of this indicator from 0.85 to 0.94 is considered comfortable for users.

In early September 2024, 1C told TAdviser about the successful load testing of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management solution for 12 thousand users simultaneously working in a single PostgreSQL base on Linux (More). It also used the ANO technique "NCC ISU," and the test base was 1TB of data and the structure of the test was very similar.

Then the performance index was fixed at 0.856. The platform version has not changed since then - 8.3.27, but the number of processor cores in the database has greatly increased. In last year's test, there were only 64 of them, and in the current test - 192. With a threefold increase in DBMS performance, getting an almost threefold increase in the number of users while maintaining the Apdex level is a good result.

These results primarily mean that the largest Russian vendor is ready to develop its product in accordance with the requirements of large customers, - Kirill Semion, General Director of ANO NCC ISU, explained the results for TAdviser. - For customers, this is a sign that the potential landscape of the system can be simplified in terms of the amount of equipment needed. Fewer points of failure in architecture. As a result, the transition process should become more efficient - easier and faster. Perhaps cheaper.

It is assumed that the test result obtained will remove the barriers to the further transition of Russian users from foreign ERP solutions to 1C products - larger installations than the simultaneous operation of 30 thousand users in the system, Russian companies did not request.

In my opinion, the main barriers are not connected with this or that decision, but are a manifestation of the customer's unwillingness, "complained Kirill Semion. - In fact, methodological documents have been developed to remove these barriers of ANO NCC ISU. Their application will reduce the risks associated with the implementation of such complex projects.


Boris Nuraliev explained why many large companies are talking about switching from SAP to 1C, but are in no hurry to  do so

Companies working for SAP now almost everyone says that they are about to switch to the Russian solution, and 1C is the most obvious choice, but in reality the transition is somewhat slower and more difficult, Boris Nuraliev, founder and director of 1C, shared with TAdviser in October 2024. He cited a number of reasons why, despite the urgent need to move away from Western products, many companies using Western ERPs are in no hurry to start switching to domestic products.

Firstly, such projects are associated with new, often not budgeted costs, while the state of the economy is now such that not all enterprises are good with money, including even those who used to be good, explains Boris Nuraliev.

In addition, many people of a certain generation are accustomed to the cultural concept that everything foreign is supposedly good, and the domestic is a priori worse. For them, in view of this perception, the transition from Western software to Russian is how to transfer from a foreign car to a domestic car, and this acts as a demotivator.

Boris Nuraliev named the key reasons why many companies using Western ERPs are in no hurry to start switching to domestic products

Another possible inconvenience: "It turns out that earlier the Chief information officer convinced the company's board of directors that SAP is the pinnacle of the universe and we need to switch to it, and now I must say that with 1C it will be the same, but licenses are several times cheaper. The Chief information officer may be asked why then he previously promoted the implementation of SAP, "says Boris Nuraliev.

In addition, when everything seems to be working in the company, the complexity of the project stops the transition to a new solution. Still, an ERP implementation project is not just a transfer of data from one system to another, such a project is complex. "1C" is very different from SAP, "this is a different concept," said Boris Nuraliev in a conversation with TAdviser. Therefore, some large companies are in no hurry to enter this difficult story.

The speed of transition is also affected by the lack of specialists. According to Boris Nuraliev, on the one hand, there are now 300 thousand 1C specialists in the country, you can finish training employees with experience in smaller implementations and retrain specialists in foreign systems. But this takes time, but for now there is a shortage of personnel.

The founder of 1C is confident that in terms of functionality and performance, large customers now have no obstacles to choosing 1C. At a business forum in October, the company announced that after optimization, its 1C:ERP solution passed a test for 15 thousand simultaneous users in one PostgreSQL database. The current performance indicators are enough even for very large customers, the company believes.

15 thousand users simultaneously working in ERP are hundreds of thousands of employees at the enterprise, there are only a few such companies in Russia. Russian Railways is the country's largest company. We are doing for them now, because there is a decision that they must move, "says the founder of 1C.

Russian Railways now operates a number of systems on the 1C: Enterprise platform, including the 1C: Holding Management, 1C: ERP , 1C: Document Flow, 1C: CRM solutions. The systems employ more than 20 thousand users. The 1C project program also plans to record inventory, primary accounting documents, accounting and tax accounting, calculate salaries for more than 700 thousand employees and a number of industry automation tasks. Collectively, it is planned that more than 200 thousand jobs will be connected to the resource management system.

From the presentation of Boris Nuraliev

Among other customers from among the largest companies that switch from SAP to 1C are Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Rosatom, Rosseti, etc.

According to 1C presented at the company's forum in October, Gazprom's projects based on their solutions, in particular, include the development of Gazprom's target architecture on the 1C: Enterprise platform, the unified ERP template IUS P 2.0, IUS BuiRG (accounting and settlements for) gas , EASUP (personnel management), IUS MTP (material and technical resources), IUS Industrial Safety, IUS Corporate Environmental Management

And Rosatom is creating a unified system based on 1C:ERP Holding Management. To automate nuclear enterprises and large corporate customers using 1C technologies, a joint venture between Greenatom and 1C, Grintech, was created in 2023.

From the presentation of Boris Nuraliev

Despite the fact that 1C now works more with large and largest ERP customers, as before, SMB enterprises traditionally remain a key market for it, and solutions for them will develop purposefully, and not on a residual basis, the company assured. One of the priority areas here now, says Boris Nuraliev, is to improve the interface of solutions, because many small new enterprises that have young managers when they get acquainted with 1C solutions consider their standard interface to be modern. It is important for them that the program looks fashionable, and for large enterprises this factor is somewhat less significant.

Also, many developments are underway to develop the functionality of solutions for small enterprises. For example, the functionality of automatic reconciliation of counterparty accounting documents has been launched, which saves you from the laborious routine of subtracting-rooting-writing and calling each other. Programs in organizations themselves in the background are associated with the same programs of counterparty organizations, they themselves find inconsistencies in accounting and suggest where to correct.

"1C" catches up with SAP in the ability of the ERP system to hold the load. Time to send a German product to landfill?

"1C" In early September 2024, TAdviser was told that they successfully conducted load testing of the solution "1C:ERP Enterprise Management" for 12 thousand users simultaneously working in a single base on PostgreSQL the OS. Linux Having coped with such a load, 1C has come close to fulfilling one of the key requirements of the largest customers still working at. SAP More

"1C" instead of SAP: Pain, complexity, benefits - TA Opinions

After SAP left the Russian Federation, domestic companies faced the task of import substitution. One of the Russian alternatives is 1C solutions. However, the migration process can be difficult and accompanied by a lot of difficulties. Market participants told TAdviser about the main problems of the transition from SAP to 1C in June 2024.

The main obstacle is the inability to transfer part of business processes from one solution to another. According to Navicon managing partner Yevgeny Smirnov, such basic processes for any organization as accounting or end-to-end cost analysis are automated according to different logic in SAP and 1C systems. This forces many companies within the framework of the migration project not only to change the IT supplier, but also to re-build the approach to managing such operations at the organization-wide level, he noted.

Another factor that slows down the transition from SAP to 1C is the problem of 1C optimization on high-load ERP implementations, Smirnov continues. In situations where thousands of users are involved in a project that generate a large number of transactions, major architectural refinements of the base solution may be required. In some cases, it is necessary to involve a vendor, he added.

Transition from SAP to 1C can take months to years

To switch from SAP to 1C, strong methodologists are needed to transfer the entire multifunctional volume with end-to-end business processes and regulatory reference information management, says Natalya Yaskevich, head of the client directorate of 1C department of Korus Consulting Group.

At the same time, it is very important to avoid attempts to "repeat" SAP in "1C," which means for a client who is accustomed to the architecture and interfaces of SAP, the actual restructuring of its architecture of applications and analytical data, system interfaces. And we often face the fact that at first it is difficult for companies to accept all these changes, and at the same time - this is a key factor in a successful project, she said.

Roman Kalashnikov, General Director of Phobusiness (1C product integrator), says that previously the introduction of SAP cost 200-300 million rubles, while the 1C project cost 100-150 million rubles. However, by 2024, the situation has changed. For example, if a company moves from a large SAP system, on which 500 million rubles were spent in 5 years, then the transition to full-fledged 1C functionality can cost a much larger amount, he stressed.

Anton Martyanov, director of the department in the project office of First Bit, agrees with this. Moving processes from one software to another may require more work than introducing new software from scratch, he said. According to Martyanov, a significant increase in the cost of the project and an increase in the timing is partly due to the limitations of the project technology. The choice of contractor is often limited to various electronic trading platforms, because of this the circle of those wishing is narrowed.

According to Evgeny Smirnov from Navicon, it takes at least 7-8 months to launch MVP as part of migration projects from SAP to 1C, but the real implementation period on large projects is one and a half to two years. The IT company Prof-IT Group agrees that the timing is approximately the same. Denis Okulov, Deputy Head of ERP for Functional Expertise at Prof-IT Group, told TAdviser that the company's practice included projects implemented under an accelerated program. Thus, the Moskvich automobile plant was transferred from SAP to 1C in three months, and another automaker in 1.5 months.

The minimum migration period is for those whose system has limited functionality (for example, only finances and personnel) and the number of users (no more than several tens of thousands), Kirill Semion, general director of the National Competence Center for Holding Management Information Systems (NCC ISU), told TAdviser.

The head of the Digital Consulting department of Nota (part of the T1 holding) Artem Karanovich noted that the 1C ERP system has a good technological base, its uniqueness can and should be expanded. In addition, a community of specialists has already formed around 1C, who, if necessary, can be involved in scaling the solution, he is sure.

According to Oleg Logvinov, an expert on digital transformation, Russia lacks a methodology and culture of implementation that would describe in detail the sequence of steps, document formats and aspects of change management, which is inevitably and critically important when implementing ERP-class systems. Russian systems, unlike foreign competitors, often ignore these tasks and, accordingly, cannot adequately ensure the transformation of business processes, while this is exactly what leads to economic effectiveness, he said.

Speaking about the advantages of SAP, experts interviewed by TAdviser highlighted the modularity of the system and the depth of automation of most business processes. Especially highlighted are the forecasting, quality management modules, which by June 2024 are not fully implemented in 1C, said Victoria Reutskaya, head of the business automation department at IT company SimbirSoft. On the other hand, according to her, 1C has a wide range of standard solutions that allow you to automate the company's processes, starting from the specifics of the business.

The Kleverens company believes that many 1C capabilities will delight the business, for example, EDO: the document flow will be launched very quickly, but the production MES system will probably have to be added for itself.

According to Dmitry Vasiliev, Director of the IBS Strategic Programs Department, the advantages of migration to 1C are obvious: the manufacturer develops both the functionality of the platform and business solutions on it, supports most of the changes in legislation, and massively invests in training the community and young specialists literally from school .

The 1C platform covers 80% of the market needs. Of course, there are still such giants  as Sberbank, Russian Railways, etc., which are critically important for the missing 20% of functionality, but in the total mass this is a small percentage of the total number of consumers, Vasiliev is sure.


Red OS Management Load Testing

The experts 1C-Rarus"" RED SOFT and conducted load and functional tests, as a result of which the stability of the standard solutions 1C at was confirmed. operating system RED OS This was announced 1C-Rarus by "" on November 27, 2023. In the test circuit of 1C Rarus cloud services, 2 types of tests were carried out: functional and loading. The purpose of testing was to check the performance of the standard functionality of the popular solutions "1C: Accounting," 1C:ERP and "1C: Management of our company" on RED OS. Read more here.

Integration with the designer of the Sellty online store

Automation platform B2B- sales Sellty integrated with 1C"." The expansion helps to seamlessly exchange data goods trade about and offers, as well as information orders between Sellty and. accounting system In addition, an automated exchange is set up: documents accounts and UPD, data on counterparties, as well as individual price agreements with them. Representatives of the company told about this on August 21, 2023. Sellty

The Sellty extension is installed on top of the 1C client, and for this you do not need to involve developers - the process takes several minutes even for users without advanced programming skills . The extension works with products such as 1C:ERP Enterprise Management, 1C: Trade Management, 1C: Our Enterprise Management, 1C: Integrated Automation - for each of the configurations, the Sellty team created test benches and tested the system. Read more here.

Development of Kanban implementation scheme based on 1C:ERP Enterprise Management

The company Axenix developed optimal supply scheme productions using the method Kanban in the ": 1CERP Enterprise Management" system using automation of a number of key ones. business processes The solution allows you to increase the efficiency of the Kanban method and reduce the risk of stopping production lines due to lack of resources. This was announced on May 11, 2023 by representatives of Axenix. More. here


Edition 2.5

On November 18, 2020, 1C announced the release of revision 2.5 of the ERP Enterprise Management configuration.

Edition 2.5

According to the company, 1C:ERP Enterprise Management is an application solution developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multidisciplinary enterprises, including those with technically complex production. Since 2014, more than 5,000 organizations have become users of the Enterprise Management 1C:ERP.

The main areas of configuration development in version 2.5 were production, planning, purchasing, sales, warehouse, cost accounting, integration with external systems, improving quality and productivity.

Production Management:

  • Parametric assignment and auto-fitting of BOMs will make it easier to maintain variances and changes to BOMs for complex products.
  • Assigning a general BOM to an Item Type optimizes the maintenance of BOMs for similar products of the same type.
  • Auto-reservation of existing semi-finished products instead of their production will optimize the use of semi-finished products stocks.
  • The parametric purpose of analogues of materials and the assistant for selecting analogues will simplify the replacement of materials with analogues in production and other documents.
  • The Division and/or Batch Cancellation Assistant will facilitate the registration of defective products and other production deviations.
  • "Counter" adjustment of the purpose of materials and semi-finished products optimizes the transfer of semi-finished products between orders ("overfilling").
  • The updated capabilities of labor accounting mechanisms, including registration according to operational time data, will simplify the registration of production.
  • Multithreaded production plan calculation speeds up production planning for products of any complexity, as well as supply requirements calculation.
  • It is now easier to split plans and distribute planning functions among responsible employees, resulting in a balanced production and purchasing plan.
  • Updated visual capacity analysis tools optimize the efficiency of production load planning.
  • When planning internal consumption, you can now take into account the requirements for the manufacture of tooling, for the repair of equipment, the consumption of DSE for testing, etc.
  • The updated online settlement mechanism allows, without conducting all document chains, to detail the debt by the terms of its occurrence and planned repayment, optimize the speed and parallelism of users' work, and speed up the implementation of month-end closing procedures.
  • Updated methods have been automated within the framework of mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers - an advance payment for an order and a loan on an invoice, which allows you to significantly save time for specialists when drawing up contractual documents.
  • Support for "Centralized Contracts" with suppliers and buyers optimizes settlement for companies with branches.
  • The use of the "Agent Scheme" in agent and principal side procurement facilitates accounting by further automating operational processes.
  • The updated capabilities of creating orders to suppliers now allow you to automatically take into account delivery conditions and speed up the work of logicians.
  • The ability to track paper originals of primary documents allows you to control the movement of documents and streamline their execution.
  • The so-called "internal" documents can now be executed electronically. This will reduce the turnover of paper documents within the enterprise.
  • Significant acceleration of the processing of orders, including cargo transportation and delivery services, is achieved through integration with the 1C: Delivery delivery service and the Yandex Go service.
  • The updated pricing mechanism allows you to flexibly assign prices in the context of the properties of goods, series and other characteristics, which speeds up and simplifies the work of users.
  • You can now issue retail sales by order, assembly and delivery of goods in a mobile client, while integrating with 1C: Mobile cash desk is supported. Thus, it simplifies the accounting of payment for Internet orders, automates the assembly and delivery by its own couriers.

Volume Scheduling:

  • Multithreaded production plan calculation accelerates the planning of production of products of any complexity, as well as the calculation of supply requirements.
  • It is now easier to split plans and distribute planning functions among responsible employees, resulting in a balanced production and purchasing plan.
  • Updated visual capacity analysis tools optimize the efficiency of production load planning.
  • When planning internal consumption, you can now take into account the requirements for the manufacture of tooling, the timing of equipment, the consumption of DSE for testing, etc.

Purchasing and Sales:

  • The updated online settlement mechanism allows, without conducting all document chains, to detail the debt by the terms of its occurrence and planned repayment, increase the speed and parallelism of users' work, and speed up the implementation of month-end closing procedures.
  • Various methods have been automated within the framework of mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers - an advance payment for an order and a credit on an invoice, which allows you to save time for specialists when drawing up contractual documents.
  • Support for "Centralized Contracts" with suppliers and buyers makes it easier to maintain settlements for companies with branch offices.
  • The use of the "Agent Scheme" in agent and principal side procurement facilitates accounting by further automating operational processes.
  • The updated capabilities of creating orders to suppliers now allow you to automatically take into account delivery conditions and speed up the work of logicians.

Delivery, service, remote work:

  • The ability to track paper originals of primary documents allows you to control the movement of documents and streamline their execution.
  • The so-called "internal" documents can now be executed electronically. This will reduce the turnover of paper documents within the enterprise.
  • Faster processing of orders, including cargo transportation and delivery services, is achieved through integration with the 1C: Delivery delivery service and the Yandex Go service.
  • The updated features of the pricing mechanism allow you to flexibly assign prices in the context of the properties of goods, series and other characteristics, which optimizes the work of users.
  • You can now issue retail sales by order, assembly and delivery of goods in a mobile client, while integrating with 1C: Mobile cash desk is supported. Thus, it simplifies the accounting of payment for Internet orders, automates the assembly and delivery by its own couriers.

The capabilities of the accounting subsystem under IFRS for the organization of corporate accounting were equal to the capabilities of accounting under RAS due to the development of standard accounting reports, the implementation of quantitative accounting in the IFRS register and the development of a generator of arbitrary financial statements.

Primary accounting VAT in the Russian Federation and abroad is now covered by the capabilities of typical functionality.

Additional features:

  • Management of R&D costs was implemented.
  • Support of the process of coordination of travel costs and optimization of such costs became possible due to the development of the functionality of accounting for business trips and electronic tickets, as well as integration with the Smartway service, which allows you to book tickets, hotels, transfers.
  • The development of cost allocation mechanisms allows for more flexible cost allocation and more accurate cost calculation.
  • The optimization of the batch accounting mechanism for VAT and STS led to a tenfold acceleration of the corresponding stage of the closing of the month.
  • In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, in version 2.5.6 of the ERP Enterprise Management configuration, lease accounting was implemented according to FSBU 25/2018.
  • Dividing liabilities into long-term and short-term liabilities eliminates manual accounting transactions.
  • The Update Configuration via Copy mechanism allows you to upgrade to the updated version of the configuration without stopping users.

As part of a comprehensive automation solution focused on the catering industry

In October 2020, two leading Russian suppliers of IT solutions for automation of the food industry: the Razdolye implementation center, one of the key partners of 1C in the segment of large industrial enterprises, and Prism PIK, the developer of the Prism: MES solution, announced the entry into the market of a joint solution of integrated automation focused on food industry enterprises.

The joint solution provides end-to-end automation of processes based on the "seamless" systems integration "Prism:" and "MES Enterprise 1CERP Management 2," as well as industry solutions based on this platform. In particular, ON Razdolie:SalesFood automates the management of the commercial service of large food production. More. here

Expansion of functionality using the module "1C-KPD: Time accounting "

On May 8, 2020, the company "" 1C-KPD announced the expansion of the functionality "1C:ERP Enterprise Management" using the module 1C-KPD: Time accounting"." The comprehensive business management information system has been supplemented with an employee time tracking tool, which in turn has significantly simplified the processes Human Resources Management and calculation of wages - one of the key functions of ": 1CERP Enterprise Management." More. here


Mobile Client Release 1C:ERP

Main article: Mobile client 1C:ERP

On October 15, 2019, 1C announced the release of the 1C:ERP mobile client for the Enterprise Management 1C:ERP application - a solution for creating a comprehensive information management system for any enterprise. Read more here.

1C will create an international version of its ERP system

On June 25, 2019, it became known that over the next two to three months, 1C will create an international version of its ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning), which will be easier to implement among customers abroad due to easier adaptation to local realities.

International version of the 1C:ERP system
We set ourselves a goal from the Russian ERP to allocate a core cleared of "Russian legislation," which can be used in different countries as a basis for developing local solutions.

At the same time, from his words, it could be concluded that in the future the Russian ERP will be developed on the basis of this particular kernel.

Monichev said that the decision to develop an international version was made in connection with the relevant requests of 1C partners involved in the implementation of the company's product outside our country. The top manager noted that 1C:ERP is in good demand in the CIS countries (for example, Kazakhstan and Belarus), in many states of Eastern and individual countries of Western Europe (in particular, Germany and Italy), as well as in territories very remote from Moscow like Vietnam.

The beta version of the international ERP with index 2.5.3 will be released in August or September 2019. Then its final revision will begin based on incoming partner requirements.

Alexey Monichev is confident that the work of "1C" on the English version of ERP will benefit not only foreign, but also Russian users - due to the accelerated development of its functionality.

In particular, according to the top manager, within the framework of this project, a significant development of the subsystem IFRS (international financial reporting standards) will take place and a fully customizable RAS chart of accounts (issued Ministry of Finance Russian accounting standards) will appear.

The English interface in test status appeared in "1C:ERP" in version 2.4.8 already in early June 2019.

We have organized a fully automatic translation technology. We use the services of professional translators working on the Smartcat portal,

As soon as phrases or words that require translation appear in the configuration store, they are immediately loaded into Smartcat, and after processing, they are also automatically returned to the system in English.

In addition to the interface, to create a full-fledged international version of "1C: ERP," the basic configuration of which was historically programmed in Russian, now its code itself is being translated.

As representatives of "1C" clarified, we are talking about the translation of application code in the built-in programming language "1C," on which the ERP configuration is written: object names (metadata) of the configuration, variables, procedures and functions. For example, the Production Order object in the English version will be called ProductionOrder, and so on.

At the same time, the company adds that in the language "1C" from the moment of its appearance it was possible to use both Russian ("if... then") and English (if... then) language syntax - at the choice of a specific 1C programmer[1].

2018: Integration of the Yandex.Cash module into 1C: Enterprises products

In February 2018, 1C added the Yandex.Cash payment module to the standard 1C: Enterprises electronic document library. Thanks to this, 1.5 million commercial and budgetary organizations that use 1C products will be able to accept payments in them through Yandex.Kassa - from electronic wallets, from bank cards or through Internet banking. Read more here.


1C-Rarus is preparing a module 1C: Customer-developer

Main article: "1C: Customer-developer. Module for 1C:ERP "

On October 18, 2017, 1C-Rarus announced preparations for the release of the 1C: Customer-Developer product. Module for 1C: ERP, "which allows you to automate the processes of building, selling and renting real estate and investment activities.

Edition 2.4

In September 2017, 1C announced the release of version 2.4 of the ERP Enterprise Management 2 configuration, the main areas of development in which were: production management tools, planning, sales, warehouse and delivery management tools, financial results and controlling, international financial accounting, non-current assets and regulated accounting.

In general, the capabilities of version 2.4 will be in demand when automating enterprises in various industries, primarily production ones:

  • APS/MES - tools for operational production management within the framework of production management methodology version 2.2;
  • Acceptance of materials, goods for safekeeping with the possibility of redemption in case of further use;
  • Independent classification and distribution of item costs in management and regulated accounting types;
  • Formation of the planned cost of production with the possibility of detailed planning of direct and overhead costs;
  • Reports for control of production costs, conducting a plan of actual analysis of the cost of released products;
  • Mechanism for accounting for non-current assets in management, international and regulated types of accounting;
  • Management accounting on the working chart of accounts of regulated accounting.


Further development was received by the production subsystem "Production management. Version 2.2 "and Regulatory Reference Subsystem:

  • Implemented APS/MES - tools for operational planning and dispatching of production at the internal level as part of the production management methodology version 2.2, which make it possible to organize the execution of the production schedule in a separate unit (workshop, site). The APS/MES subsystem is being developed within the framework of cooperation with the Lenpoligrafmash holding.
  • To implement the placement of production stages with two or more types of work centers in several planning intervals, the possibility of specifying the operating procedure of the used types of work centers has been added to the production stage.
  • To simplify document management at the internal level, a general production document log has been implemented.
  • The mechanism for the transfer of works, products and materials between production units, including those allocated for a separate balance sheet, has been expanded.
  • The possibilities for writing off the results of adjustment of work implementation have been expanded, methods have been supported: writing off to expenses, reducing sales, capitalizing on income and increasing sales.
  • The resource specification provides support for measuring products (bulk, weight, volume, etc.) with the possibility of setting up a batch of production, the possibility of producing products in an amount that is not multiple of the specification output is realized.
  • When describing the product structure, it is possible to use the specifications of semi-finished products in development, it is possible to use algorithms for calculating the standard amount of resources required for production (materials and types of work), and the composition of available operands and functions in the formula designer is expanded.
  • When you create a roadmap, you have added a restriction on the selection of nested routes by executing department.


  • The work scheme for "rolling" planning has been optimized, the ability to edit the values ​ ​ of previous plans and keep plans up to date for certain periods of time has been implemented; replacement of plans of corresponding periods with subsequent storage of information on replaced and replaced plans.
  • Increased flexibility of production planning: the possibility of adjusting specifications, quantities, start-up/release dates of semi-finished products planned in production plans is realized, while maintaining the history of changes based on manual user adjustments.
  • A new tool has been developed to control production plans for products and semi-finished products in terms of start-up/release dates with a given frequency.

Subcontracting Scheme

  • The work with documents on the reflection of the subcontracting scheme using the general document log is unified.
  • In the delivery notes, as well as in the documents for the transfer of materials to production, a unified form of selection for orders/orders is implemented.
  • When placing orders, the processor is organized to fill out calculation articles, which are used in the future when filling out reports to processors.
  • The possibility of providing materials for the production of products with the involvement of third-party processors using the option of isolation within the framework of the subcontracting production scheme has been expanded.

Financial Result and Controlling

  • Independent distribution of expenses in management and regulated accounting, expenses for financial results in regulated accounting by areas of activity, as well as additional expenses for goods in management accounting for the organization - the recipient of expenses were implemented.
  • Cost accounting scenarios and cost calculation are unified in accordance with international financial accounting rules. Under the updated scenario, cost accounting and the calculation of the cost of goods are carried out without VAT in the management accounting currency.
  • A universal error checking mechanism has been added for all scheduled month-end closing operations.
  • A mechanism for calculating the planned cost of products and semi-finished products has been added with the possibility of detailing to primary costs and subsequent detailed analysis of deviations in the section of semi-finished products and redistributions. The peculiarity of this mechanism is the support of various options for calculating the planned costing of products (semi-finished products), depending on the stage at which the current production process is located.
  • Increased detail in the reports on production costs, organized serial accounting of materials and products in production units within the framework of "Production management. Version 2.2. "
  • When analyzing the cost of manufactured products (semi-finished products), the explosion of production costs in the context of sales documents was implemented.
  • A report has been developed that allows you to control the quantitative and cost indicators that have formed the cost of production, with the possibility of detailing to primary costs.
  • Updated the list of operations in the scheduled procedure for closing the month, added operations of deferred generation of movements in fixed assets and intangible assets, followed by calculation of the value of fixed assets and NMA accepted for accounting or upgraded in the current period.


  • The mechanism for applying the actuality date when generating budget data has been clarified, in budget instances used for entering plan data, the user independently determines the need for the absence (availability) of later plan adjustments in the budget instance.
  • Work was carried out to optimize the performance of the main mechanisms of the subsystem.


  • A new version of payment offset has been implemented, in which the payment document can act as an object of settlements and be read out on invoices.
  • In the event of an unused advance, it is possible to change the payment offset rate to what is necessary in the current situation; The exchange rate can be changed both in the regulated accounting currency and in the management accounting currency.
  • Group execution of payment documents according to the data of several instructions has been implemented.


  • New capabilities have been added for the Sales Assistant workplace: displaying information about the customer (partner dossier), creating requests for the return of goods from the customer, quickly filling goods by item segment, predicting the recommended quantity of sales to the customer, and controlling the minimum order amount as part of the mechanism for deviations from sales conditions.
  • To organize and simplify the work on the execution of documents of commodity movement between organizations, a specialized workplace was added, all documents drawn up according to the Intercampani scheme were combined, with the possibility of prompt transition to workplaces for the execution of documents on the basis of issued orders.
  • The purpose for works separate for the direction of activity or order of the customer is filled in in the document of the certificate of works performed.
  • The requirements of Federal Law N 54-FZ are supported.


  • The procedure for creating agreements on the provision of agency services with the principal (supplier) has been supplemented.
  • Procurement tools have been optimized.
  • The posting of the Goods in Transit schema is supported.
  • A mechanism has been provided for reflecting non-actual deliveries of goods during procurement.

Warehouse and delivery

  • When issuing documents of internal commodity movement, it is possible to choose the currency of both managerial and regulated accounting.
  • The scenarios for the delivery of goods have been supplemented, in which delivery orders can be an agreement on the terms of purchase or an invoice issued by order.
  • When issuing a return of goods previously shipped but not accepted by the recipient, automatic filling of the quantity of goods is provided; The quantity is filled based on the actual shipment of the goods.
  • The procedure for determining the GTD numbers (cargo customs declaration) of components during the assembly (disassembly) of goods no longer requires manual entry of the GTD numbers.
  • The new mechanism for accepting goods for safekeeping forms postings on off-balance sheet account 002 "Inventory and Material Values Accepted for Safekeeping."
  • The new inventory type accounting concept reduces the variability of inventory types.
  • Accounting of goods on the way from suppliers was implemented, in which the transfer of ownership is formalized before the actual receipt of goods to the warehouse.
  • It supports the accounting of unpackaged deliveries of goods, in which the transfer of ownership is recorded after the actual receipt of goods into the warehouse.

International Financial Accounting

To minimize double entry of documents in case of convergence of regulated and international financial accounting, the possibility of keeping records of non-current assets according to operational accounting data has been added. As a result, on the basis of the document of movement of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, operational accounting reflects postings both according to RAS and IFRS rules.

Regulated accounting

  • It is possible to indicate the identification number (tax number) of a legal entity outside the Russian Federation.
  • It is supported to store the details of the TIN and CPP of the counterparty in the received invoices.
  • The mechanism for reflecting information on registration with tax authorities of separate divisions of the organization allocated for a separate balance sheet has been optimized.
  • The registration of the special taxation procedure for property tax has been changed.
  • Updated forms of return and calculation of property tax advances.
  • VAT accounting for commodity exports is supported.
  • A new procedure for setting accounts when reflecting settlement transactions with counterparties using the parameters of GFU settlements has been determined.
  • The procedure for setting up accounts within the work center "Setting up posting documents in regulated accounting" has been improved.
  • Separate accounting under contracts was carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law N 275-FZ.

Accounting for non-current assets

A non-current asset accounting scenario has been added in which:

  • all types of accounting for non-current assets (regulated, international and managerial) are based on the data of the operational circuit;
  • common documents are used for all types of accounting;
  • opportunities for recording transactions with non-current assets in international accounting are brought into line with similar opportunities in regulated accounting;
  • independent management accounting of non-current assets is maintained in case of disconnection of regulated and international accounting;
  • The depreciation mechanism for calculating a large number of accounting objects has been optimized.

Human Resources and Payroll

The regulated personnel accounting and payroll calculation are unified with the configuration "Payroll and HR Management of the PROF," revision 3.1.3.

Service capabilities

  • To create geographically distributed systems, a distributed information base (RIB) mechanism has been added. This mechanism synchronizes configuration changes and completely consolidates data between the central base (central RIB node) and all peripheral bases (peripheral RIB nodes).
  • To develop the tasks of e-commerce, a mechanism has been added for creating and publishing your own 1S-UMI sites. The mechanism is implemented within the framework of a separate service for automated creation and filling of the site "in one click."
  • Simplified the mechanism for servicing and developing conversion rules using the universal Enterprise Data format, support for version 1.4 is implemented.


To switch to version 2.4, you must install version at least 2.4.1 of the ERP Enterprise Management 2 configuration. Version 2.4 requires platform version "1C: Enterprise" 8.3.10 or higher.

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 can be purchased, leased or used in the cloud.

Development of regulated accounting

Generate document transactions

  • Possibility of automatic drilling. accounting only for documents verified by the accountant
  • Set up an accounting account for materials that have been recycled
  • Item assembly/disassembly reflection without account 20
  • Setting Up UTII Sales Posting Accounts


  • Filling in section 7 of VAT declaration
  • Convenient workplace for transferring VAT to the budget for individual operations
  • Support of VAT accounting features when importing goods from the EAEU
  • Development of VAT tax agent functionality
  • VAT accounting for the "long production cycle" is under development (to version 2.4.3)


  • Historical loss accounting for profit tax accounting purposes
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) accounting of reserves of upcoming expenses

Separate accounting for the State Defense Order

Cost Analysis Plan

Production Management Development

At the enterprise plan level

  • Planning in the context of directions (projects, contracts) is supported
  • Rolling planning
  • Automatic end-to-end planning of the production of all redistributions has been implemented - from finished products to purchased materials
  • Manual plan adjustments supported
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) planning of material residues
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) execution of plans on a cumulative basis

At the level of inter-office management

  • Simultaneous employment of several work centers during the

At the level of internal control

  • In development (to version 2.4.3) shift-daily tasks and a new workplace for "manual" assignment of operations

The general

  • Specifications for dimensional products are supported
  • Formulas for calculating resource consumption in specifications and roadmaps are significantly developed
  • In development (to version 2.4.3) support of repair production processes

Integration with GIS

Availability from the Cloud

In July 2017, the flagship product "1C" - "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" - will become available from the cloud in test mode. This was announced by the director of "1C" Boris Nuraliev.

To begin with, a pilot stage starts, providing for free use of the application. In the future, the estimated cost of the service will be from 1500 rubles per user 1 per month.

Earlier, 1C allowed partners to lease "1C:ERP" to customers

1C believes that 1C:ERP in the Internet 1C:Enterprise 8 service will be convenient for small enterprises with complex production that require production planning and accounting capabilities. The product is also aimed at new enterprises that are ready to build their business processes, relying on the typical capabilities of "1C: ERP," geographically distributed production and trading companies of small and medium scale.

The product may be interesting for users of other solutions who want to try using "1C: ERP" on their data, the company believes.

Earlier, in May, 1C allowed partners to lease 1C:ERP to customers. The minimum cost for one workplace in this case is from 1000 rubles. per month when installed on client equipment.

Leasing 1C: Enterprise programs is a rapidly growing 1C business segment. In May 2017, more than 60 thousand jobs were leased. Sales growth in 2016 amounted to 37%. Contracts "Lease of 1C Software" were concluded with 54 large corporations using more than 12 thousand licenses. The scheme has become popular when an insourcing company within the holding becomes a tenant and provides software to its subsidiaries.

According to 1C, as of May 2017, about 1,600 organizations use the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management decision in Russia.


Sales dynamics of standard ERP-solutions "1C"

According to 25.10.2016: 1268 customers purchased a commercial version 1C:ERP The 1C website has published a 279 of implementations[2]

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" as amended 2.2

Functionality of 1C:ERP

Positioning 1C:ERP Relative to Other 1C Solutions

More than 100 specialists participate in the development

  • 1C:ERP contains 7.5 million lines of code

Reverse communication comes from 30 pilot projects

  • Since 2014, more than 1000 wishes have been realized

The most prompt support has been built

  • 7 days - average "lifetime" of error[3]

Ensure that users work in parallel

  • Leverages the capabilities of the 8.3 platform
  • Offline accounting procedures are performed offline
  • Operational algorithms are maximally optimized

Scale of implementation 1C:ERP

  • 1800 users in one information base - already working at the end of 2016
  • 4,500 users in one information base - implementations underway

You can work with 1C:ERP via the Internet

2016 1C:ERP Interface

Production implementations

  • Order-Based Management and Accounting Model Level 3 Management, Optional
  • Volume Scheduling
  • Inter-Office Schedule
  • In-house schedule
  • Reduced requirements for NSI quality
  • Accounting for material and resource constraints
  • Support for legal requirements

Development in version 2.2

  • Preservation of methodology
  • Architecture Optimization
  • Improve productivity
  • Development of material logistics
  • Simplification of primary accounting
  • Ergonomics development
  • Architecture Optimization
  • Improving reliability
  • Increase calculation speed
  • Calculation of the cost of products during processing
  • Optimization of recalculation
  • Reduced memory consumption
  • Built-in diagnostics and testing

1C:ERP Cost Calculation

  • Quantity distribution of batches by FIFO
  • Include/Exclude VAT
  • Preliminary Cost Calculation
  • Distribution of additional expenses
  • Allocation of Indirect Expenses and Salaries
  • Calculation of WIP share
  • Calculation of cost using a system of linear equations

Treasury in 1C:ERP

  • Integration with other ERP subsystems
  • One-Click Paperwork
  • Convenient payment calendar
  • Support for 275-FZ settlement payments
  • Exchange with banks in DirectBank format
  • Automatically post incoming payments
  • Accepting payments through Yandex.Cash

Move from other applications to 1C:ERP


The platform-oriented approach allows you to:

  • Use your business-oriented development language
  • Reduces development time
  • Accelerates developer training
  • Execute once written applications:
  • On different operating systems - Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • On different DBMS - MS SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL
  • In different versions - local, client-server, cloud, distributed,...

2015: "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" as amended 2.1

On September 29, 2015, 1C announced the release of revision 2.1, 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.

In this edition, the functionality of managing production, costs, financial and material resources of the enterprise has been expanded, opportunities have been implemented to improve the efficiency of business management and the convenience of users.

The result of the work done is the development of the functional capabilities of "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" in version 2.1.

Functionality "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" in integration with "1C: Document Flow" (2015)

Main changes and additions to revision 2.1 "1C:ERP Enterprise Management":

  • opportunities to organize monitoring and analysis of the enterprise's activities by target indicators: implementation of the control principle "Day - Week - Month," expanded capabilities for visualizing analysis options, distribution of information about the enterprise's indicators to users' e-mail.
  • development of production functionality: the use of tools/systems at the workshop level MESAPS that make it possible to draw up an optimal operational schedule for work centers according to the selected criteria, scenario modeling of the preparation of a operational schedule, preparation of a operational schedule taking into account various parameters of the technological process (adjustment options, parameters of inter-office transitions, etc.).
  • opportunities to identify and use enterprise reserves to reduce business costs:
    • monitoring of the availability of unallocated consignments of goods in case of mutual settlements, carried out during the execution of documents and the formation of reports, with the possibility of automatic updating;
    • monitoring the distribution of batches of goods in online mode during the formation of reports, with the possibility of automatic updating.

  • Development of cash management and financial liability control mechanisms:

    • use of cash limits for partners, counterparties, contracts and other analytical budgeting sections (BDDS),
    • support of bank accounts in foreign banks,
    • Simplified procedures for downloading/uploading data when exchanging with banks.

  • development of budget management tools and services:

    • modeling of different scenarios in preparation of budgets,
    • batch input of budget instances within one budget task,
    • Compare versions of budget instances.

  • tools for effectively organizing the process of providing the enterprise with resources:

    • the ability to automatically round off the number of ordered parts according to the packages specified in the collateral parameters,
    • management of delivery of goods from suppliers,
    • formation of discrepancy reports after receipt.

  • development of stock management and warehousing mechanisms:

    • The new Order Order Order Procedure, which allows you to select the sequence of paperwork and manage the actions of the persons involved in the shipment.
    • Control of the quantity of goods shipped when closing internal orders (transfer orders, internal consumption orders, assembly/disassembly orders)
    • accounting of goods at responsible storage warehouses; The ability to specify the quantity of goods in the associated units of measure (two units of measure)
    • accounting of measuring goods in the address warehouse.

Revision 2.1 includes mechanisms to improve user experience:

  • by default, the Taxi interface is used, which is most adapted to work on low-resolution screens.
  • You can set up the Accounting Detail in user mode by selecting functional options.
  • to prepare the information base for work, a wide set of initial filling tools is presented, including the "Help to fill out settings and reference books."
  • The composition of documents for entering initial residues at the time of system startup has been significantly expanded.
  • specialized workplaces are used to reflect business activities: performance of target tasks with the possibility of quick search and prompt access to information required for decision-making.


Provisional Price and Release Dates

The cost of the 1C: Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 solution will be approximately 2-3 times the cost of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management version 1.3, of which it is a development. Alexey Nesterov, Director of 1C ERP Solutions, spoke about this on June 11, 2013.

Thus, the price of "1C: Production Enterprise Management" version 1.3, according to "1C," is 155 thousand rubles, and the preliminary cost of the new version of the solution in the company was indicated in the range of 300-450 thousand rubles.

The specified range is working, but generally reflects the price order for the new solution, which will allow customers to estimate the approximate costs for the future in advance, explained TAdviser Nesterov. The final cost of the decision will be announced closer to the release of the final version, while when calculating it, it is planned to take into account the opinion of partners, he added.

The release of the beta version of 1C: Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 is expected in July 2013, and the final version at the end of 2013, they say in 1C.

1C also said that they do not plan to withdraw 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management version 1.3 from sale and support, and if such a decision is made, the company will warn users and partners about this at least three years before the decision comes into force.

Sept. Beta release

In early September 2013, a beta version of the new ERP system "1C: Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0" was released. For end users to carry out independent pilot implementations based on this system, "1C" offered the software product "1C: Enterprise 8. Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version" with a recommended retail price of 14.5 thousand rubles.

To work with the Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta configuration, you must use version 8.3.3 and higher of the 1C: Enterprise platform. The expansion of the number of automated workplaces when using the solution is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

"1C" They note that the application solution included in this delivery - the configuration "Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version" - is not a complete commercial delivery and is offered at a special low price.

"At the same time, the pilot stage of implementation can be considered as a preliminary stage of implementation of a complex integrated application solution for automating the organization's economic activities," the company says. "At this stage, users can get acquainted with the configuration capabilities, assess the scale of the implemented functionality and ease of operation."

The subsequent transition of users to the final version of the Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 configuration can be carried out on the basis of an upgrade according to the standard scheme, they say in 1C. According to the company, its cost will be: the cost of the purchased product minus the cost of the rented product plus 150 rubles, but at least half of the cost of the purchased product.

The data accumulated in the beta version will be saved when moving to the final version, which is scheduled for release at the end of 2013.

1C notes that "the release of a comprehensive solution of this level is a gradual process." At the first stage - in October 2012 - an evaluation version of the Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 configuration was released, which was intended to familiarize partners with the basic principles and methodology of the developed solution. Since the beginning of 2013, under the supervision of 1C, the company's partners began the first pilot projects for the implementation of a new ERP system.

Dec. Recommended retail price 360 thousand rubles

In December 2013, 1C named the prices for Enterprise Management 2.0 (UP) software. The vendor calls this development his first real ERP and positions it as a solution for large customers with more than 10 thousand jobs[5]

Up to this point, UP 2.0 was in beta status. Although quite large customers were also involved in the implementation of UP 2.0 in 2013, it was not about full-fledged commercial installations, but about the study by customers of the possibility of switching to this ERP and preliminary acquaintance with the functionality.

The price of the main delivery (version 8.3 platform, application solution and license for one workplace) was the same and all partners had 14.5 thousand rubles. excluding the 1C application server (72 thousand rubles in the case of one server, without clustering; prices for various server options range from 14.4 thousand rubles. up to 180 thousand rubles) and directly licenses for workplaces (for 100 AWS - 300 thousand rubles, for 500 AWS - 1.48 million rubles) The vendor did not name the exact price for the final version of the main delivery of UP 2.0 "1C," voicing only the range of 300-450 thousand rubles.

Now the amounts have become known: the recommended retail price for the UP 2.0 on sale on December 31, 2013 is 360 thousand rubles. This package does not include server and multi-user licenses, but includes the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform, ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 and Application Design System configurations, a configurator, a license for one workplace and documentation.

Also for 990 thousand rubles. you can buy a second extended set: the corporate version of UP 2.0 with document flow, server and 100 user licenses. We will remind, earlier the vendor promised that when the final version of UP 2.0 appears, the company will provide a 70% discount to customers who have already used the beta version and will be able to confirm this. 1C took this percentage of the base delivery price and deducted the resulting 252 thousand rubles. from the prices of both delivery sets. In total, for beta users, the price is 108 thousand rubles. and 738 thousand rubles. respectively.

2012: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 is an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multidisciplinary enterprises, including with technically complex multi-transfer production, taking into account the best world and domestic automation practices of large and medium-sized businesses.

The evaluation version 1C": Enterprise Management ERP () 2.0" was released in October 2012. The product is implemented on the platform. "1C:Enterprise 8.3"

The solution "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" is the development of " version 1.3 (1S:UPP) currently used in Russia and the CIS countries and takes into account the experience gained over 10 years of using this system in large-scale projects with hundreds and thousands of jobs (more than 16,000 enterprises use the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management"). More than 500 enterprises have already become users of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0.

Solution Benefits

  • Functionality at the level of international ERP systems
  • A 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform that supports the Internet, including cloud and mobile computing
  • availability of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of the system PDM EAM PMO ITIL(,,,,,,,,,,, etc CRM MDM WMS TMS.); BSC ECM CPM
  • a network of partners with many years of experience in implementing ERP systems.

Automation of production processes and financial activities increases the efficiency of the business and competitiveness of the enterprise, improves the conditions for conducting internal and external audits, contributes to the growth of the investment attractiveness of the company. The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution allows you to build a comprehensive enterprise management information system that ensures timely adoption of management decisions, transparency of business processes and assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise, individual departments and personnel.

Development and innovation in "1C:ERP" relative to "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management":

  • The new production management subsystem provides inter-office and operational control, operational dispatching, bottleneck control, equipment loading control.
  • The repair management subsystem allows you to keep records of repair objects, record operating time, monitor the implementation of current and unscheduled repairs.
  • The cost accounting and cost calculation system provides detail up to the composition of the initial costs, clarity and control of the validity of the calculation.
  • The financial management subsystem allows you to keep records in terms of areas of activity, use flexible rules for allocating costs. Treasury functionality allows you to effectively manage money.
  • Advanced budgeting mechanisms and tools use a tabular budgeting model to efficiently and clearly manage the budget process using the Gantt chart.
  • Subsystems for the automation of trade and warehouse activities provide effective management of the sales process, allow the use of mobile workplaces for warehouse workers and sales representatives.
  • Customer relationship management allows you to evaluate the results of marketing actions, track the stages of transactions with customers, form a sales funnel and analyze the effectiveness of personnel.
  • The Procurement Management subsystem includes dedicated workstations that allow the automatic calculation of the purchase demand of the product in accordance with the assurance rules.
  • Within the framework of the regulated accounting functionality, the reflection of business operations for financial accounting groups is provided, the ability to keep records in the context of separate divisions (branches) of the enterprise, automatic support for accounting for "complex" VAT without additional settings.
  • The functionality of personnel management and payroll calculation makes it possible to maintain personnel records required by large production enterprises, to calculate salaries based on generation data.
  • The International Financial Accounting (IFRS) subsystem allows accounting and reporting using various reporting methods, combining RAS, operational accounting and parallel accounting data.
  • The configuration model is delivered in IDEF0 notation in "1C: Application Solution Design System" (SPMS), which makes it easier to design, implement and maintain the enterprise information system.

1C Flagship Solution Capabilities

Monitoring and analysis of business performance indicators

The Target Monitor is used to monitor and analyze enterprise performance targets. The tools of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution allow you to analyze the current values ​ ​ of indicators and the dynamics of their changes, obtain a short or extended form of presentation of indicators, with a graphical display of data and decryption of values.

Key features:

  • building a hierarchical model of goals and targets;
  • creation of various variants of indicators with the possibility of comparison;
  • monitoring of target indicators with source data decoding;
  • possibility of analysis of financial results by areas of activity;
  • variety of graphical forms of analytical reports;
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone).

Performance monitoring and analysis tools enable:

  • set an unlimited number of performance targets and various options for their analysis;
  • monitor the work of the organization in real time, "cover the entire business with one look";
  • Timely identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, growth points;
  • decipher the indicators with details up to individual business operations.

Work on mobile devices is supported. "1C: ERP Monitor" is a special application for mobile devices that allows you to:

  • Quickly view the status of targets in the form of charts and detailed reports
  • Decipher targets using reports
  • view contact information of partners, their files, as well as make calls to them;
  • selectively synchronize data to speed up work.

The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution implements a set of reports that allows the management team and executors to receive the necessary information from the system for timely adoption of management decisions.

Planning system

The use of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 ensures the consistent work of enterprise services for the construction and execution of sales, production and procurement plans.

The system supports several planning levels:

  • Multi-price planning support
  • separation of target and control plans;
  • Availability of various options for filling out plans (historical data, formulas, data import, etc.);
  • the possibility of using seasonal factors;
  • Automatic planning of materials to support the production plan
  • check the correctness and balance of plans, assess the feasibility of demand plans at the expense of plans
  • provision;
  • Availability of plan-of-fact analysis tools.

Production Management

Product Data Management

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 allows you to organize a single database of regulatory reference information necessary for production management. Resource specifications specify the regulatory need for material and labor resources for the production of products and describe the manufacturing process products. The production route is defined by the production stages at the level of subdivisions (workshops) with the possibility of specifying key resources. The production stage can be detailed in the roadmap before the process operations.

Production Order Management

Two levels of production management are implemented in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. At the upper level (the level of the chief dispatcher), in accordance with the production route of the product, a production volume schedule is formed to coordinate the activities of production departments. The principle of interval control is implemented, which allows to reduce the dependence of the quality of planning on the reliability of time standards.

At the level of workshop planning, operational dispatching of production is carried out taking into account the load of equipment and the execution of tasks received from the chief dispatcher within the required time frame. At the workshop level, operational planning is provided using optimization criteria, tools for modeling the production program are implemented.

Generation of production schedule

The production schedule is formed on the basis of sales and production plans, customer orders, internal orders, including orders for equipment repairs. The production demand is converted in the system into a production order queue, taking into account the priorities and the required production dates. Tasks to be solved:

  • Assess the feasibility of production orders by the demand date
  • formation of coordinated production programs (plans) for individual units;
  • optimization of the use of material and labor resources by production units;
  • Operational management of changes and deviations in production plans.

In-House Management

The production schedule with the established deadlines for the execution of production stages is the basis for organizing work in the divisions. Work planning within the production stage is carried out by the local dispatcher. The local dispatcher draws up a schedule of work in planning intervals, based on the current production situation, the drum-buffer-rope method, MES/APS algorithms are supported. Automated recording of work performance using bar coding system is provided.

Local manager functions:

  • control over the provision of resources for the performed stages;
  • scheduling of works to be performed, loading of work centers;
  • allocation of local production batches for processing (formation of route sheets);
  • monitoring the execution of production processes in its division;
  • Rescheduling of route sheets;
  • timely notification of the chief dispatcher of critical deviations from the production schedule.

Organization of repairs

The functionality of equipment maintenance and repair management is implemented. Automation of repair activities is designed to ensure the effective use of the company's assets:

  • preparation, planning and control of equipment downtime prevention works (scheduled inspections, detection of deviations at early stages, prevention of defects);
  • ensuring the high quality of the manufactured products by monitoring the condition of the equipment (timely replacement of consumables and spare parts, monitoring of operating time and residual life);
  • reduced costs for maintaining the equipment operability;
  • introduction of uniform regulations for provision and financing of repair works.

The functionality of the subsystem solves the following problems:

  • registration and storage of information on the objects used, parameters of their operation, parameters of planning of their periodic maintenance;
  • registration of equipment usage in accordance with the specified regulations;
  • planning of periodic scheduled repairs.

Cost Management and Cost Calculation

To build an effective cost control system at the enterprise, use existing reserves and consistently reduce costs, use best practices and a set of functional tools. In 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0, expenses are allocated that form:

  • Cost of production - costs through subdivisions are attributable to orders for production and products (works performed).
  • Financial result - the objects of accounting are areas of activity, organizations (including in order to form profit and loss of organizations), centers of responsibility in the form of divisions.
  • Value of non-current assets - formation of the value of future fixed assets and NMA facilities, accounting of capital construction expenses, R&D.

The following approaches are used to analyze and build a cost management system:

  • collection of all information on the enterprise's expenses through operational (resource consumption standards, characteristics of the work performed, etc.) and cost characteristics of business processes;
  • allocation of significant and controlled costs;
  • Use of various procedures and methods for allocating expenses to the cost of issues and financial results of the enterprise;
  • formation of the value of current and non-current assets, expenses for R&D and capital construction;
  • generation of cost of issues by calculation items with the specified classification of costs.

The financial result shows the efficiency of the enterprise and characterizes the state of equity for the reporting period. The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 tools generate financial results and provide tools for analyzing them by automating the following tasks:

  • formation of financial results by areas of activity;
  • formation of general and separate financial results;
  • accounting for other income and expenses.

Financial results are formed: from the sale of goods and works separately for orders, transactions, departments or managers, suppliers, groups of financial accounting for goods.

Financial Management

"1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" allows you to ensure planning and operational control of the receipt and consumption of cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise and the prompt reflection of transactions with funds. Key features:

  • various details of mutual settlements: contracts, orders, invoices;
  • classification of transactions by cash flow items;
  • control over the targeted use of funds;
  • cash settlement and analysis of debt in several currencies;
  • control of established limits;
  • the possibility of using various payment methods;
  • Settlement reconciliation assistant;
  • use of payment request approval stages;
  • support of acquiring operations;
  • accounting of loan, loan and deposit agreements in cash planning.

The payment calendar is the main tool for operational financial planning, forming a payment schedule and monitoring the timeliness of its implementation. To organize the prompt and safe exchange of electronic payment documents with the bank, a technology has been developed for direct interaction with the banking service from 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0, without uploading to a file and then uploading documents to Client Bank. Payment documents are formed in "1C: ERP," in the interface familiar to the user, and sent to the bank's server. In it, documents can be signed with an electronic signature (EP). Payment statuses in the bank and bank statements also come directly from the bank to the "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" interface.


Budgeting in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 allows you to carry out financial planning of the company's activities, develop optimal solutions and control the achievement of the company's financial goals. Budget planning methods can be used at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. The main advantages of the Budgeting subsystem in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 are flexibility and scalability for any enterprise, a convenient mechanism for customizable budget forms and financial reporting.

Key features:

  • various budget planning options:

Based on previous periods
«From scratch»;
  • Customizable user-defined plan calculation schemes.
  • support of multi-price planning mode with automatic calculation of different scenarios;
  • accounting in different currencies with recalculations at planned rates;
  • use of up to eight analytical sections of budget items;
  • decoding of actual budgeting data with details to business operations;
  • Combined use of actual and plan data in planning for future periods
  • Support for different budget generation scenarios (top-down and bottom-up)
  • possibility of multi-price planning of non-financial indicators: customer satisfaction, conversion rate and others;
  • customizable cost allocation mechanisms.

Effective management of the budget process allows the involved specialists to perform the necessary tasks in a timely manner, and the heads of departments through a specialized workplace to monitor the process as a whole and make the right management decisions in a timely manner.

Regulated accounting

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 ensures the formation of timely and high-quality information on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise:

  • recording and summarizing information on assets and liabilities, income and expenses of organizations and their changes in value terms;
  • control over the availability and movement of property and cash, the use of material and financial resources;
  • preparation of reliable regulated, tax, statistical and analytical reports.

Key features:

  • Record keeping in organizations with a complex structure of subordination, which have branches on an independent balance sheet and separate divisions;
  • a single chart of accounts for accounting and tax accounting;
  • registration of business operations within the framework of operational accounting with preparation of primary documents;
  • recording of business transactions in regulated accounting in accordance with the accounting policy of the organization and settings for accounting;
  • support of separate accounting of costs and VAT when conducting activities with different taxation systems;
  • operational control of the composition of transactions and their analysis on primary documents;
  • creation and updating of transactions based on the results of the month-end closing;
  • monitoring of the relevance of the primary documents in accounting.

To solve accounting problems, specialized workplaces are offered that allow you to keep detailed records with minimal labor costs. For example, a work center for processing and monitoring the movement of fixed assets allows you to track the life cycle of equipment, buildings and structures in the enterprise, current credentials.

The built-in 1C-Reporting service provides electronic interaction with regulatory authorities directly from 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0, for example, sending regulated reporting of organizations to the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie and Rosprirodnadzor, as well as other types of document management.

Human Resources and Payroll

In 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0, all the main processes of personnel accounting, payroll, tax calculation, formation of reports and certificates to state bodies and social funds, and planning of labor costs are supported.

Personnel accounting:

  • HR workflow;
  • staffing, staffing and payroll control;
  • military accounting.

Time and Attendance:

  • production calendars: all-Russian and taking into account regional holidays;
  • fixed and rolling work schedules, summed up time accounting, part time;
  • Recording of deviations: overtime, recycling, weekend work, time off, absenteeism, leave, etc.
  • schedule of main and additional vacations, accounting for balances.

Payroll calculation and accounting:

  • support of all forms of remuneration: time (using monthly, day, hour tariff rates and several tariff rates depending on the type of work), piecework and their variations using the premium system;
  • a wide range of opportunities for developing incentive schemes for employees using various performance indicators, both an individual employee and the enterprise as a whole;
  • accounting for the composition of payroll costs.

Maintaining mutual settlements with employees of the enterprise:

  • the possibility of payments through the cashier and distributor;
  • transfer to a bank account, exchange with banks as part of salary projects.

Taxes, contributions, regulated reporting:

  • Personal income tax, insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds, accounting for mutual settlements with funds, accounting for penalties and fines;
  • support of all income taxation regimes of organizations for calculation of standard contributions;
  • flexible rules for calculating insurance premiums at additional rates based on the results of CPS;
  • regulated reporting for submission to the bodies of the Federal Tax Service, FSS, PFR and Rosstat can be sent directly from the system. The convenient 1C-Reporting service ensures the exchange of documents with regulatory authorities in electronic form via telecommunication communication channels using an electronic signature.

Analytical reporting:

  • Analytical reporting: analysis of personnel, payroll, unified forms for accounting for labor and wages: payroll; payroll and payroll, analysis of the deposited salary; as-built documents register; employee loans, etc.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Accounting according to international standards in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 provides for a combination of the following approaches:

  • Translation of transactions from the accounting subsystem (RAS) into the IFRS format according to flexible, configurable accounting transfer rules (postings);
  • the ability to maintain international accounting according to posting templates according to operational accounting data without using translation from RAS and binding to the closing dates of periods according to regulated accounting;
  • maintaining parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards to maximize compliance with IFRS requirements for those accounting areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant;
  • transformation of RAS reporting into IFRS.

Key features:

  • Set up a financial accounting chart of accounts
  • Posting rules in accounting
  • The composition of posting templates is determined by accounting policy and set up in the system.
  • Financial accounting groups, such as settlements, nomenclature, cash, income and expenses, serve as a source of clarification of accounts in transactions;
  • Posting is reflected in accounting in the deferred mode with the possibility of using the scheduled tasks mechanism;
  • Use the Report Generator to prepare financial reporting forms, including pre-configured sets of reporting forms with a hierarchical structure of key figures;
  • The methodical model of posting templates and reporting delivered or the ability to configure the subsystem for the management chart of accounts adopted by the company.

Customer Relationship Management

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionality helps to effectively build long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 has a set of necessary tools aimed at attracting and retaining customers and allowing:

  • keep full contact information on counterparties and their employees;
  • Manage and monitor customer interactions, and use the built-in alert system
  • Segment customers, items, allocate business regions for sales analytics
  • reflect marketing activities in the system and analyze their effectiveness;
  • reflect in the system the cycle of interaction with buyers from the initial contact to the full fulfillment of mutual obligations, using structured sales business processes;
  • store individual and standard agreements, flexibly manage the discount system using automatic mechanisms for their calculation;
  • Monitor and analyze customer claims for shipped products
  • Conduct newsletters and alerts;
  • Perform ABC (XYZ) classification with BCG matrix construction
  • create a sales funnel, analyze the reasons for losing in potential transactions;
  • store information about competitors and their pricing policies.

Sales Management

The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution includes the necessary tools for planning and controlling sales, facilitating the work of commercial divisions and ensuring the proper level of control by enterprise managers. Key features:

  • management of wholesale sales of products from stock and to order, p.. reservation of goods;
  • automation of retail sales: integration with sales equipment, product assortment management, printing of price tags and barcode labels, use of loyalty cards and much more;
  • use of a mobile application for the work of sales representatives;
  • flexible pricing options: maintaining several types of prices in different currencies, using standard and individual price agreements;
  • construction of various schemes for automatic creation of discounts;
  • organization of commission trading, specialized reporting for its control, agency services;
  • delivery management tools with the ability to plan own vehicles and use vehicles of logistics companies;
  • analytical and operational reporting.

The solution provides for the possibility of self-registration by customers orders via the Internet and receiving operational information about their status. The main capabilities when working in self-service mode:

  • View information about your orders
  • View available balances in warehouses
  • New order;
  • control of the status of mutual settlements;
  • change of contact information;
  • execution of the Commissioner's report;
  • filing claims;
  • preparation of a procurement plan.

Procurement Management

Stable supply of production materials and timely fulfillment of customer orders without exceeding the planned cost requires a clear organization of procurement activities. "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" provides:

  • Identify warehouse and production requirements
  • Purchasing planning based on sales plans, production plans, and customer orders
  • recording of the purchasing cycle in the system from the moment of demand to the receipt of goods at the enterprise and final mutual settlements;
  • storage of the supply history, possibility to rank suppliers by their reliability degree;
  • maintaining contracts, standard and individual purchase agreements;
  • automatic registration of supplier prices at goods receipt;
  • Manage status and status of purchase orders
  • support of various internal document flow schemes of procurement activities;
  • registration of discrepancies in quantity and quality during acceptance of inventory;
  • automatic registration of cargo customs declaration numbers and countries of receipt.

Warehouse and Inventory Management

Capabilities of the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 solution for warehouse managers and specialists and inventory management services:

  • targeted storage of goods and materials allows you to manage the layout of storage places at arrival, assembly from storage places during shipment, movement and disassembly;
  • automatic selection of the optimal storage location during placement and assembly;
  • creation of working areas for optimal access to storage bins, formation of a procedure for bypassing storage bins;
  • Use different picking strategies to optimize the placement of goods in bins
  • a mechanism for proactive replenishment of storage balances by storage cells;
  • Multi-step inventory process
  • optimization of internal logistics and delivery processes to customers.

The use of the warehouse employee's mobile work center is supported. Performing tasks using a mobile workplace allows you to reduce the time of placement and selection of inventory, as well as minimize the number of errors due to the use of a bar coding system.

Joint use of "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" with "1C: Document Flow 8"

The joint use of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 with 1C: Document Flow of 8 KORP complements the solution with new capabilities. 1C: Document Flow 8 provides automation of the full cycle of processing of official and internal documents at the enterprise, with support for both electronic and paper document management:

  • support for working with documents of any type: text documents, images, audio and video files, design system documents, archives and others;
  • Centralized secure document storage, document versioning, full-text search
  • the possibility of using electronic signature and encryption of documents;
  • Set up business processes for user and department interaction
  • planning of events, corporate mail and forum, maintenance of projects, contracts;
  • Recording and monitoring of working hours;
  • Automated download of documents from e-mail and scanner.

1C-Electronic Document Flow

The use of 1C-Electronic Document Management (1S-EDO) allows organizations to use the exchange of legally important electronic documents instead of paper. Paperless document management not only helps to reduce the cost of mail transfers, consumables, archiving, but also increases the efficiency of the organization.

Implementation 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

1C recommends that users implement 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 in close cooperation with 1C partners who have the necessary competencies in the field of comprehensive automation of enterprises on 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a staff of certified specialists, partners with the status 1C: ERP Center.
