Axenix previously Axteam before that Aksencher Russia
Since 2002
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115054, Paveletskaya Square, 2/2, 7th floor
Performance indicators
2022: Revenue reduction by 6.7% to RUB 10,249 million
At the end of 2022, the revenue of Axenix (Axenix) decreased by 6.7% - up to 10,249 million rubles. The revenue of AKSTIM LLC from the financial statements for 2021-2022. excluding VAT. In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 52nd place.
Agreement with HSE to train specialists in advanced technologies and consulting
The St. Petersburg office of Axenix and the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg signed a partnership agreement. Together they will develop educational initiatives in the field of advanced technologies and consulting. The university announced this on March 17, 2025. Read more here.
Opening of the Certified Training Center in Tver
Axenix opened a Certified Learning Center (CSO) 1C based on its office in the city. Tver At the first stage, the courses are aimed at both university students and Tver employees of Axenix corporate clients throughout. In Russia the future, training will be available to a wide range of students. The classes are conducted by Axenix employees who have passed the official certification of the 1C manufacturer. software The company announced this on January 22, 2025.
The course program, based on the guidelines and recommendations of 1C, is supplemented with practical examples from real projects of Axenix. This will allow students to easily adapt their knowledge to the peculiarities of various industries and fields of activity.
Classes are held both in person and in a remote format. As part of the training, the company provides the necessary methodological materials, software and access to the 1C knowledge base. At the end of the courses, students are issued certificates.
1C is named the leader of the Russian ERP market in 2023 according to the ANO "National Competence Center for Holding Information Management Systems" (NCS ISU), and the need for 1C specialists continues to grow actively. The launch of a certified center with courses enriched with experience from our many years of practice will allow students to gain in-demand knowledge for a successful IT career. For companies, it is an opportunity to systematically train personnel to work with local solutions. The training is conducted by experts who participate in projects for the implementation of 1C solutions in different industries. After specialized training, our teachers received more than 10 specialized certificates that allow them to conduct courses in the Central Council. In the future, industry areas of training may be opened, "said Stanislav Nagorsky, head of 1C practice at Axenix. |
Axenix's 1C practice has grown substantially over the past few years. The company's specialists have extensive experience in the successful implementation of large projects for the implementation of 1C solutions, localization and replacement of foreign systems with domestic ones. For January 2025, the Axenix team is implementing solutions based on the 1C platform for leading market players in industries such as consumer goods, retail, pharmaceuticals, logistics and others.
Agreement with St. Petersburg State University to improve the competencies of university students and graduates
Axenix and St. Petersburg State University have signed a partnership agreement. Together, St. Petersburg State University and Axenix will increase the competencies of students and graduates of the university in the most demanded areas of IT. Axenix announced this on October 22, 2024. Read more here.
Opening a laboratory for research and development of AI systems in TvGTU
Axenix has opened a laboratory for the research and development of artificial intelligence systems at the site of the Tver State Technical University (TvSTU). The laboratory will take part in the educational process of the university and in basic scientific research. Axenix announced this on September 17, 2024. Read more here.
Opening an office in St. Petersburg
Axenix on April 17, 2024 announced the opening of an office in St. Petersburg. This is the fifth location in the company's expanding regional network: Axenix offices are already operating in Moscow, Tver, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.
The Axenix team in St. Petersburg has more than 170 professionals in the field of information technology and consulting. The company plans to increase the staff of the St. Petersburg office to 500 employees.
The opening of the office is due to the large personnel potential and a serious academic base in the field of training IT specialists. A powerful industrial cluster is located in the region, and the interest of enterprises in automation and digitalization is constantly growing. So the appearance of the Axenix office in the northern capital was only a matter of time, and opening it, we reach a significant reference point for us in creating a regional network in, Russia- said the Dmitry Gorynin head of the network of regional centers Axenix. |
At the same time, the company emphasizes that St. Petersburg is one of the leaders in terms of digitalization among Russian regions. More than 50% of the total volume of public services are provided here in electronic form, an extensive MPSC system operates, projects such as the Digital Petersburg ecosystem of urban services and the I Live Here application are being implemented, and the use of solutions using artificial intelligence is practiced in public administration. Also in the city are the central offices and regional divisions of leading companies in financial, oil and gas, FMCG and other industries. This creates an increased demand for IT services and has a positive impact on the development of the IT industry.
Yuri Ivanov, a graduate of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. Bonch-Bruevich.
The objectives of our team are to increase the presence of our company in the North-West, strengthen interaction with local universities, colleges, IT and business communities. My personal goal is to create a large professional team in St. Petersburg, to build regular training and command-forming activities, "said Yuri Ivanov, regional director of Axenix in St. Petersburg. |
Axenix plans to work with young IT specialists through tools that have successfully proven themselves in other locations - from hackathons to field workshops and internships. The company's achievements in terms of the construction and recognition of the HR brand are confirmed, among other things, by the presence of Axenix in the ranking of the Top 100 employers according to the version for 2024, as well as the third place in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year among business specialties" of the annual Changellenge employer rating, which collects the opinions of students of Russian universities.
The office of Axenix is located in BC Plaza, Malookhtinsky Ave., 64.
Cooperation Agreement with Voronezh State University
Axenix agreed to work together with Voronezh State University (VSU), a cooperation agreement was signed. This will allow the company to participate in university internship programs, forming a strategic personnel reserve in the region. Axenix announced this on March 4, 2024. Read more here.
Launch of an internal corporate university
Axenix has launched an internal Corporate University. The company announced this on January 29, 2024. Specialized in-depth programs for employees are created and conducted by managers, key experts of the company, as well as the best external training providers. The university's training programs are designed for different categories of employees and are aimed at introducing high standards of business conduct into everyday work, as well as developing soft skills and professional competencies.
Various training programs for specialists are planned for 2024. The "Timlid School" is intended for specialists with a managerial development track: during the training, employees fully live in the full development cycle. The ON"School of Managers" covers topics related to building relationships with clients, risk and change management finance , project management. The "School of Architects" covers all aspects of the work IT of architectors in the design of solutions. The program is aimed at a large audience interested in developing technical knowledge.
For novice consultants, the Analyst School program is designed. She will help new employees of the company gain the skills necessary for a career in the field of consulting. This program includes modules that analysts and consultants regularly use in practice: communication tools, innovative consulting, data visualization, methods for effectively solving problems, digitalization, BI systems, technological and business strategies.
Axenix uses the format of the "School of Analysts" in assessment centers to search for employees among university students and graduates: before the start of the assessment, a short and informative "educational program" is carried out on the main modules so that candidates can use their knowledge in working on the final task. According to the results of the tests, the strongest participants receive an invitation to work at Axenix, and after employment they connect to the Analyst Schools program.
Employees are trained in the format of expert lectures, workshops and practical tasks. It is led by practice managers and company experts with extensive experience in a specific subject area. After completing each module, employees work out their knowledge and skills on real client projects. Curators regularly assess how analysts have learned the theory, check the quality of their work, help to disassemble complex questions and errors, and provide feedback.
The training will help our analysts to systematize and structure knowledge in order to further qualify for the role of consultants. We expect that such a career path will take them about one and a half to two years. In addition, within the framework of the School of Analysts, we will conduct educational lectures that all employees of the company will be able to attend. We also plan to supplement training modules as needed to provide comprehensive information on all topics. We hope that the School of Analysts will help colleagues and applicants accelerate their career growth and development, - commented Sergey Shalamov, project manager in the practice of strategic consulting at Axenix. |
The creation of a corporate university was a manifestation of our commitment to innovation and continuous learning. In our opinion, this is one of the key factors in business success. We are confident that investments in the knowledge and development of our employees will become an engine for them to grow and achieve new heights in our company, - said Anna Antonova, leading specialist in promoting the HR brand Axenix. |
Axenix is not an educational organization, according to the Federal Law "On Education."
Opening an office in Krasnodar
On October 10, 2023, Axenix announced the opening of an office in Krasnodar. This office will expand the Axenix network and allow the company to use the personnel and business potential of the Southern region.
According to the company, as of October 2023, more than 55 employees of the company are already working in Krasnodar.
An office in Rostov-on-Don was opened in 2020. It employs specialists who develop software, implement information systems, and maintain applications and IT infrastructure for the benefit of large customers. Krasnodar is the next stage of our development, expansion and strengthening of its presence in the region. narrated by Victoria Suprunova, Regional Director of Axenix |
The personnel and business potential of the Krasnodar Territory attracts large suppliers of IT solutions here. Local business is rapidly developing here and its needs for digitalization are growing. All this creates favorable conditions for the development of our industry. The opening in Krasnodar was a logical step in the expansion of Axenix in the South of the country. told Dmitry Gorynin, head of the network of regional offices Axenix |
In addition to business potential, Krasnodar has a significant personnel reserve. Only specialized technical universities of the city with a population of 1.12 million people annually graduate more than 10 thousand students in IT specialties.
Our approach to team formation involves an active recruitment of graduates of specialized IT specialties. Therefore, Axenix works closely with representatives of the higher school of the region and the region in particular: among the company's partners are Kuban State University and Kuban State Agrarian University. And we're working to expand that list. It is also worth noting the proximity of the Sirius Federal Educational Center, located in Sochi, with which we also discuss options for our cooperation. added Victoria Suprunova |
Opening a working space at the Higher School of Business of the Higher School of Economics
Consulting company Axenix and the Higher School of Business of the Higher School of Economics opened coworking space on the university campus in Moscow on Shabolovka. The space is decorated and equipped in accordance with modern trends in the organization of educational spaces. The design uses the corporate colors of the partner company. This was announced on October 9, 2023 by representatives of Axenix. Read more here.
Creating an Integrated Supply Chain Planning and Management Direction
Axenix on September 6, 2023 announced the creation of an integrated supply chain planning and management direction within its strategic consulting services portfolio.
The direction was headed by Denis Shulga, an expert in the field of logistics, supply chain management, operational and anti-crisis management.
At Axenix, Denis Shulga is engaged in strategic and management consulting in supply chain management and integrated planning. Denis also headed the expert council for the development of the In.Plan platform, which is tasked with strengthening methodologies in terms of business processes and value proposition for customers.
This area, headed by Denis Shulga, as well as the creation of an expert council, will strengthen Axenix in terms of strategic and management consulting. This will help us offer customers best practices in supply chain planning and management based on their business value and key challenges, "said Stepan Nesterov, Managing Director of Product at In.Plan at Axenix. |
{{quote 'Axenix has a professional integrated supply chain planning and management team with many years of experience in implementing international solutions, deep technical and industry expertise. The In.Plan platform developed by the company is a functional and promising system on the Russian market of planning solutions in terms of architecture, capabilities and further development. I hope that my experience in logistics management, optimization and automation of supply chains, strategic business transformation will help Axenix strengthen In.Plan's market position and offer customers the most effective integrated planning and operational management strategies, "commented Denis Shulga, Head of Strategic Consulting Practice" Integrated Planning "at Axenix. }}
Attaching an SAS Command
Axenix on August 3, 2023 announced the creation of the Center for the Development of Analytical Products within the framework of the Applied practice. artificial intelligence This unit has 30 people, the core of the team is formed from employees who previously worked Russian in the office of an international company. SAS The division was headed, Ilya Kathan previously - the director of state work with companies SAS/. RussiaCIS
The market has a shortage of domestic solutions in the field of analytics. Under these conditions, Axenix invests in the creation and development of analytical products. They will offer our customers convenient tools for working with data and artificial intelligence technologies, "said Ilya Kathan, head of the Center for the Development of Analytical Products Axenix. |
This division will strengthen the development of Axenix's key product solutions - the In.Plan integrated planning platform and the universal digital platform for the SKORAX financial market. A separate independent area of work will be the development and subsequent development of new Axenix products for working with data, including a self-service data preparation tool.
The key task for the development of the In.Plan platform will be to create a set of AI Toolkit components that will allow the integration and application of artificial intelligence algorithms at all stages of integrated planning. AI Toolkit will simplify the development and implementation of advanced analytics algorithms, including using low/no code, provide transparent lifecycle management of machine learning models, and significantly reduce the time for putting models and algorithms into commercial operation.
Another equally important task to develop the functionality of In.Plan will be related to the development of an integration module that will provide advanced transformation and data validation capabilities and support integration process management.
As part of the development of the SKORAX functionality, the Center's team will develop a risk rule designer based on the low-code principles for the decision-making system and a module for managing machine learning models. The platform with advanced functionality will allow financial industry companies to offer an end-to-end solution for the creation and import substitution of bank credit pipelines, underwriting and scoring systems in insurance companies, as well as similar systems in leasing and factoring companies.
Our team has cross-industry experience with both SAS products and successful experience in product development, already obtained in Russian companies using import-independent technologies. This will allow us to develop analytical tools for the corporate segment that allow us to quickly replace solutions such as SAS Real-Time Decision Manager, SAS Intelligent Decisioning, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Model Manager or similar solutions of other foreign vendors. We understand well what Russian customers need, and we implement global approaches to apply to the needs of domestic business, "said Mikhail Alexandrov, Technical Director of the Axenix Analytical Product Development Center. |
Identification of transport logistics practice
Technology consulting company Axenix on July 24, 2023 announced that it had allocated the practice transport logistics within the Department of Consumer Goods,, retail Pharmaceutical Industry and. transport An experienced team of more than 200 specialists will help launch projects and build holistic effective processes in the field of transport management.
Based on a deep understanding of the market, an analysis of dozens of transport systems and extensive design experience in transport logistics, practice will help in choosing a local TMS (Transportation Management System) vendor, offer architecture recommendations, develop a planning and execution methodology, as well as a single target implementation process. The team will also support process optimization and re-engineering of supply chains, including using simulation modeling tools.
Practitioners will help not only select, but also implement management systems and mobile applications, as well as solutions for providing online communication with transport companies and dispatching, which are used when there is no need for a full-fledged TMS.
To solve specific industry problems, experts can develop customized products. As part of the development and support services, they will conduct integration with the necessary platforms and services, improve the solution for updated processes, and provide functional and technical support.
We continue to develop partnerships with various vendors and are ready to act as intermediaries between them and customers. Our team helps you choose the optimal solution based on business requirements, and also provides the entire range of services you need - from architecture development to information security, "said Yulia Shutikhina, head of Axenix's transport logistics practice. |
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Team Allocation
Axenix on April 3, 2023 announced that it is strengthening work with enterprises. oil and gas industries He headed the direction "Exploration and Production," Sergey Vityaev appointed managers and. Olga Krokhaleva Andrei Shpilevoy
Sergey Vityaev is responsible for the development of projects for the digital transformation oil and gas of companies. It is faced with the tasks of designing, implementing and replicating IT solutions. Sergey is an expert on digital fields and integrated modeling. Before taking office at Axenix, Sergey Vityaev headed the field development departments LUKOIL in and. Sinopec Sergey's direction is supported by the Axenix Industry X team, consisting of more than 50 people for April 2023. They solve the problems of designing, developing and implementing niche solutions that increase the efficiency and quality of production in various industries. industries
Olga Krokhaleva leads an expert direction on geology and field development. She is responsible for projects on digital deposits, digital twins, as well as digital cases. Earlier, Olga Krokhaleva worked, headed the 3D modeling department at Rosneft and led projects for field development and green power at Halliburton Landmark.
Andrey Shpilevoy is a specialist in, and data management machine learning organization. data stores He oversees the design and implementation of corporate data banks, information systems and IT landscapes, and. date-sayens MDM Andrey implemented projects in various resource companies (Lukoil, Rosneft, shelf Gazpromneft consulting , etc.) and companies for the implementation of production applications, geo-information technologies, reengineering, field business processes development analysis and hydrodynamic modeling. To solve software development the problems of the oil sector gas , Andrei is helped by 250 Axenix experts on data and. They artificial intelligence implement projects Russia for Kazakhstan intersectoral companies, the sphere, FMCG bank and production.
The team will continue to develop digitalization strategies for oil and gas companies, ensure their practical implementation based on platform solutions and provide further support to achieve the intended results. Also, experts will conduct import substitution projects: select the optimal set of domestic software products, form migration schedules to new systems, and, if necessary, offer options for developing custom solutions. A separate area of work will be the introduction of data-based digital products such as virtual sensors, predictive analytics, machine vision tools and artificial intelligence. Support will be provided by other key cross-industry experts, including in the field of development, preparation of strategies and consulting.
Participation in the IT Government Day 2023 conference
Managing Director of Axenix Dmitry Gorynin will speak at the IT Government Day 2023 conference with a report "How to implement a digital transformation strategy?"
Dmitry will tell why the operationalization of the digital transformation strategy is critical for its successful implementation. Will list typical barriers that may prevent an organization from achieving the goals outlined in the strategy, as well as share methods for overcoming these barriers. Will review the tools and approaches that should be used in the phased implementation of the digital transformation strategy.
"This report will be of interest to the leaders responsible for the development and implementation of the digital transformation strategy. We will discuss, firstly, how to build an operating model that will allow you to implement all the fixed goals and objectives. Secondly, let's talk about how to avoid typical problems and mistakes, which include incorrect goal setting, ignoring the management of the expectations of responsible persons, insufficient attention to the effectiveness of communications, lack of stage in terms of implementation, etc., "- notes Dmitry. |
Agreement with the Tver region on the development of the IT cluster
Axenix (ex-Accenture) and the government of the Tver region signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of high technologies. Axenix announced this on February 13, 2023.
The document was signed by the Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya and Axenix CEO Vartan Dilanyan.
Tver Oblast is a strategic region for Axenix. In 2007, the company opened a technology center in Tver. It employs about 700 specialists performing IT projects for large Russian companies.
Axenix sets as its priority the development of the personnel reserve in the regions of presence, for this we cooperate with universities and centers for training specialists, including such programs are being implemented in the Tver region. In addition, we are interested in closer cooperation with the industrial cluster and participation in digital transformation projects of the economy, "Vartan Dilanyan noted. |
Before signing, the parties discussed the content and formats of cooperation, including the creation of a Russian management system at production facilities.
{{quote 'The key project is the formation of an IT cluster in the Tver region, training and training of employees for the industry. The development of the economy, industry is associated with information technology and the presence of specialists who can increase labor productivity. For the Upper Volga region, this is an opportunity to make a breakthrough in development, - said Igor Rudenya. }}
We provide a wide range of services, including those aimed at increasing labor productivity. Interested in the development of capacities in Tver. For us, this is a supporting region. We also support local universities. We provide an opportunity for young specialists to retrain, training and trainings have been established, "Vartan Dilanyan said. |
In the Tver division of Axenix, as of February 2023, more than 400 graduates of Tver universities and colleges work, including more than 100 of them received their first working experience in the company.
Axenix works closely with educational institutions in the regions where offices operate. Career days and job fairs are held in Tver, training and production practices, hackathons and case championships are organized, work is underway with the student IT community, an internship program has been created and training IT courses in various areas, there is a partnership with Quantorium, etc.
One of the key tasks is to support IT education and regularly contribute to the formation and development of the future generation of IT specialists, "said Dmitry Gorynin, head of Axenix regional technology centers. |
Establishment of the In.Plan Platform Development Expertise Center
Axenix on October 4, 2022 announced the creation of the Center for Expertise for the Development of the In.Plane Platform. The structure is formed by joining a team that previously worked on supply chain management projects in SAP. Axenix has been joined by system architects, consultants, project and sales management specialists, methodologists and other experts from Digital Supply Chain. This association is designed to strengthen the company through the synergy of the expertise of the global vendor with the Russian and international design experience acquired by Axenix over the years of work in the Accenture network.
The team will focus on developing Axenix, the In.Plan integrated planning platform that helps large companies build efficient planning systems amid supply chain breakdowns. For October 2022, In.Plan includes modules for operations and sales planning, central forecasting, supply chain and return management, and operational analytics (control tower).
We are developing the In.Plan platform to address the most critical business challenges of recent times. Strengthening Axenix with high-quality professionals from the vendor company with an understanding of the processes of developing and promoting our own IT solutions will help us implement the most ambitious plans for scaling and development. The Center of Expertise will constantly improve the In.Plan platform, bringing to it international standards and best planning practices from different industries, "said Stepan Nesterov, Managing Director for Product In.Plan at Axenix. |
The Center for Expertise In.Plan was headed by Sergey Ulanov, who for 20 years has gone from a business process consultant to the head of consulting practice for supply chain planning at SAP.
Axenix is not only a consulting company, but also a developer with the necessary expertise to create truly working products. Axenix has a large and very strong team of specialists who can embody in the new product all our experience, as well as knowledge of industry standards, architectures and methodologies accumulated over 20 years of work on dozens of projects around the world, - said Sergey Ulanov, head of the expertise center In.Plan of Axenix. |
Axenix's first plans for platform development include developing a low-code constructor to manage data model objects, creating a scenario planning tool, and implementing a collaborative planning function with partners.
Complete retraining from SAP to 1C more than 50 specialists
Axenix (ex-Accenture), continuing the development of 1C practice, on October 3, 2022 announced the completion of retraining more than 50 specialists from SAP to 1C.
In April 2022, Axenix began a comprehensive retraining program for the company's specialists - 1C Academy. The program was developed on the basis of 1C methodological materials and international training practices, which have historically been adhered to in. Within Accenture the framework of the program, special attention was paid to the review of 1C flagship solutions and preparation for 1C Professional certification.
It was possible to take part in the work of the "1C Academy" in different formats: in person or remotely, independently or in a group, with the support of a mentor or teacher 1C. For four months, Axenix employees received training in the areas of "Concept of Application Solution 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2," "Overview of Application Solution 1C: Holding Management 8," as well as "Fundamentals of Programming in the 1C System: Enterprise 8.3." Among the program participants were both novice consultants and experienced managers of the company.
The retraining program has shown excellent results. During the training, our specialists significantly expanded their competencies in Part 1C in addition to knowledge and expertise on SAP and became even more in demand on the market. This is important, since in Russia today there is a high demand for projects to switch to import-independent software, including migration from SAP to 1C. Axenix this will allow you to more effectively manage and implement projects thanks to the accumulated knowledge and built communications with customers, - commented Kristina Gribovskaya, Head of 1C Practice at Axenix. |
Brand change to Axenix
The Russian consulting company, which was previously part of the international network, Accenture will operate in the country under the new Axenix brand (Axenix). This became known on September 12, 2022.
The new name was created with the participation of our employees. It partially includes the name of the Phoenix bird and refers to the idea of preserving continuity, revival and a new stage in the life of the company, "Axenix CEO in Russia Vartan Dilanyan explained to Kommersant.
About 2 thousand employees work in offices and development centers of the company in Moscow, Tver, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Almaty by mid-September 2022. In addition, according to the publication, more than 150 new vacancies have been opened in various areas, including data analytics, information security, industry consulting, the introduction and development of automated banking systems, etc.
The company has five departments:
- "Technologies and System Integration";
- "Strategic and Technology Consulting";
- "Consumer Goods, Retail and Pharmaceutical Industry";
- " Financial Sector";
- " Natural Resources."
It is noted that after changing the name of the brand, the level of wages, health insurance for employees and their families, opportunities for training, certification and career mentoring were preserved. Employees received an anti-crisis payment in the amount of three salaries.
Axenix plans to develop both areas that have historically developed within the framework of work in the Accenture network and new ones - in particular, related to the import substitution of technologies in Russian business.
We chose a name consonant with "Aksencher" and containing part of the Phoenix name at the same time, to affirm the immutability of our values, as well as the desire for revival and evolution. While maintaining a brilliant team of experts, we offer customers rich international experience, high quality standards and a deep understanding of the needs of Russian business, the company said in a statement on the official page on the VKontakte social network. [1] |
Appointment of three managing directors
On August 9, 2022, AksTim LLC (ex-Aksencher) announced the appointment of Pavel Kirik, Alexei Minakov and Yuri Seredin as managing directors.
Pavel Kirik is responsible for developing the practice of platform solutions (implementation of applications, in particular 1C, ELMA, Forsyth, First Platform, Naumen and many others) in the Technology department. The team helps customers with application selection, adaptation and implementation, in particular, with the study of import substitution and the transition from global solutions to local alternatives.
Alexey Minakov is responsible for the development of services in the field of working out functional and technical architectures, including microservice approaches, development, software testing deployment and support, ON continued development of competence in, Java React,,, PostgreSQL Camunda Angular,,, and Kafka .Net so on.
Yuri Seredin became the managing director of the Resources practice. He is faced with the task of developing the direction of asset management. His group works mainly with enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industries as part of process optimization and the development of digital companies.
When moving from Aksencher to AksTim, we were able to save virtually the entire team and continue to increase our expertise. The appointment of three managing directors at once opens up development prospects. Each of my colleagues who received this appointment is a strong business leader with a working team behind them. I am sure that the new opportunities will allow them to develop teams using more than 20 years of experience and bring more benefits to our clients, - said Maria Grigorieva, Managing Director of the Technology Department of AksTim LLC (ex-Aksencher). |
The appointment of managing directors took place as part of AxTim's annual career promotion program. More than 15% of the company's almost 2,000 employees in offices in Moscow, Tver, Rostov-on-Don and other cities received the increase. Regular promotions of the most effective employees continue the career traditions acquired during the years of work in the international company Aksencher.
The company's value proposition for employees is continuous development. We are proud of both those who work with us today and our "graduates." For 30 years of work on the market, we have become a kind of "forge of personnel" for the Russian IT industry. Recent colleagues become our clients and partners - with almost everyone we maintain good business and friendly relations, - said Maria Grigorieva. |
As of August 2022, the company has opened more than 100 positions in the departments of infrastructure consulting, information security, 1C practice, data analytics, software development.
Joining the strategic consulting team to Reksoft
Reksoft, one of the Russian developers of digital solutions, announced to TAdviser on July 27, 2022 that it had joined the strategic consulting team of Accenture's Russian division. Read more here.
1C Development Plan
Analysts of AksTim LLC (ex-Accenture) note that the demand for solutions based on the platform 1C in the Russian ERP system market has increased 2-3 times in recent months. AksTim is increasing its 1C team, as announced on July 20, 2022.
By the end of 2021, 1C's share in the Russian platform solutions market almost equaled that of SAP. This dynamics is due to both the trend towards import independence, and the constant expansion and improvement of the 1C product line, the development of their functionality.
AksTim specialists note that a number of representative offices of international companies, whose business is located in Russia as of July 2022, are actively developing plans to ensure business continuity. This led to an increase in demand in the 1C segment: the business requests an estimate of the cost of switching from one platform to another and the potential for developing the system for the needs of companies.
In this regard, the number of projects where companies need to help develop a new IT strategy, architecture, has sharply increased. We see that 1C has all the prerequisites to become a leading player in the ERP systems market. Of course, such a transition is not fast, takes years, requires special training and the availability of appropriate resources both from the customer and from the contractor. In the last three months alone, the number of requests for 1C solutions from our customers has grown 4-5 times, "said Kristina Gribovskaya, head of 1C practice at ex-Accenture LLC. |
AksTim is actively expanding its team of 1C experts, as of July 2022, these are specialists from more than 10 cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Voronezh and others. 1C direction in the company is constantly growing due to both the external personnel market and internal reserves. In addition, AksTim conducts retraining of IT consultants specializing in platforms of Western software manufacturers.
It is important to note that AksTim remains a multi-tender company, which allows you to form an IT architecture based on platforms from different software manufacturers and implement complex projects.
With the departure of Western vendors, a vacuum formed on the market, which began to quickly fill with players offering interesting and sought-after niche solutions. We have selected proposals for alternative replacements. Partnerships with suppliers allow you to more accurately choose a solution for customers, ensure smooth transitions with the preservation of functionality, integration of the landscape. In addition, we see an opportunity to combine what is in the developed methodologies used on large transformation projects to increase the level of maturity of the implementation of 1C systems, "added Kristina Gribovskaya. |
According to her, having expert knowledge of systems of different manufacturers, expertise and experience in implementing 1C solutions, an in-depth understanding of industry processes, best practices and methodologies for implementing solutions of different levels, as well as having an infrastructure and security division, AksTim offers comprehensive solutions that meet the needs of customers.
The former "daughter" of Accenture in Russia was called Axteam
On June 6, 2022, it became known about the change in the name of the legal entity of the former Russian division of Accenture. According to Interfax, citing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Aksencher LLC has been renamed Akstim LLC. The new name of the company in English is Axteam.
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, by the beginning of June 2022, 57% in Akstim LLC belongs to the general director of the company Vartan Dilanian, the rest of the top managers have shares from 5% to 12%. The number of employees of the company is about 2.3 thousand people.
According to the SPARK-Interfax system, before the advent of Akstim LLC, 33% of Aksencher LLC was owned by Dilanyan, another 17% was owned by Irina Odinaeva, Senior Managing Director of the Strategy and Consulting Department, 12% each by Maria Grigorieva, Managing Director of the Technology, Digital Solutions and Outsourcing Department, and Yuri Ilyin, Managing Director of Project Management and Software Practice. Smaller shares were held by other employees.
{{quote 'We are grateful to our former colleagues at Accenture for their support in the process of negotiating the transfer of rights to the Russian leadership, says Vartan Dilanyan. - Despite the fact that the company's name and ownership structure will be different, our key principles and rules of operation will not change. }} According to Kommersant, citing its source, at the end of March 2022, after "tense negotiations," a decision was made to buy the Russian unit. Financial and other parameters of the transaction were not disclosed.[2]
Register AxTeam and Axenix Brands
As it became known to TAdviser, in May 2022, the ex-Accenture team applied for registration of two brands - AxTeam and Axenix. Information about this appeared in the service Kontur.Focus. "
According to a source in the Accenture team, these are not the final versions of the company's new brand, under which it will provide services on the Russian market. So far, there is no final option, and work on the brand continues.
The source told TAdviser that as soon as the final version of the brand appears, a legal entity of the same name will be registered, which will provide services in the domestic market.
The Russian business of the international consulting company Accenture in April 2022 was transferred to the Russian team. De jure, the general director of the company Vartan Dilanyan became the majority shareholder with a 33% stake and the mortgagee of all other shares.
The company retained the entire Russian team. According to the service "Kontur. Focus," at the end of 2021, 1763 employees worked at Accenture. The Russian team continues to provide services despite the departure of the global brand from the domestic market. Moreover, on May 30, the Russian team announced the development of a supply planning product together with the Skolkovo Foundation and the Yandex.Cloud cloud platform.
Confirmation of handover to Russian business management in Russia
On April 12, 2022, the Russian office of Accenture officially confirmed the transfer of the company to Russian top business managers in Russia.
"The company, which specialists work on creating a new name and brand, is 100% owned by the Russian leadership and will be completely independent of the Accenture international network," Accenture representatives in Russia said in a statement. - Employees of the company work in Moscow, Tver, Rostov-on-Don and other cities of Russia. " |
According to Vartan Dilanian, Accenture's CEO in Russia, the company's name and ownership structure will change, but the key principles and operating rules will remain the same.
Top managers of the Russian office of Accenture bought it to continue working in the Russian Federation
On March 7, 2022, it became known about the sale of the Russian division of Accenture to its local leadership. Thanks to this, the company will be able to continue working in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, but under a new brand. Under which, it is not reported.
The fact that the top managers of the Russian office of Accenture bought the local business from the global network, reports Kommersant. According to him, the deal helped save jobs for 2.3 thousand employees in Moscow, Tver, Rostov-on-Don, Almaty and Nur-Sultan.
The sale of the business to the Russian team will allow Accenture to avoid risks associated with sanctions, export licenses and the cost of business administration in Russia, explained independent consultant Andrei Sholokhov. In his opinion, the "fair" price of the Russian Accenture is from 0.5 to 2.4 billion rubles. At the same time, he admitted that the deal could be a "cover operation" that would allow Accenture to later return to Russia by making a buyback. " RTM Group Manager Evgeny Tsarev agrees:
Even if a purchase contract was concluded, it was a formal deal with a purely symbolic amount |
Most likely, Accenture made certain changes to the constituent documents and reissued all basic contracts for Russian representatives, so now all transactions are made on behalf of these new entities and, in fact, no one bought anything, Tsarev suggested.
According to Andrei Sholokhov, the reduction factor should be used due to the high risks of the company's root business in Russia - projects to implement solutions from companies such as SAP, Microsoft, Oracle. The number of such projects will decrease, and the ability to rebuild under import substitution while maintaining the volume of business is very small, he added.[3]
Accenture in Russia dismisses employees, offers them to independently find a job in the company's foreign offices
Accenture, which in early March announced its planned departure from Russia in connection with the situation in Ukraine, invited its Russian employees to find jobs for vacancies in its offices in other countries. On March 11, an ex-Accenture employee told TAdviser about this and was confirmed by an employee of the Accenture partner company in the Russian Federation.
According to its own data, 2.3 thousand people work in the Russian office of the company. TAdviser sources say that Accenture is now talking about their new employment with their own active participation, and not about technical translation. This means that those wishing will have to go through a full recruitment cycle: respond to a vacancy, undergo a number of interviews, receive a job offer, collect and prepare the necessary documents.
Accenture warned employees that this process could take from several weeks to several months and would require the most active position from the applicant, who may no longer be in the status of an employee of the Russian office.
Whether there will be any support from the company, the Russian Accenture does not say.
One of the employees of the Russian office wrote in a public forum that "everyone is fired on good terms."
Accenture announced the termination of work in Russia
Consulting IT company Accenture on March 3 announced the termination of activities in Russia. The statement appeared on the company's English-language website. In it, the company thanked 2,300 of its Russian employees and promised them support.
Also, the company, despite the fact that it does not work in Ukraine, promised to allocate funds to support Ukrainian citizens working in the company around the world. Provide telemedicine services to their families in Ukraine. Accenture promised to provide assistance in the event of resettlement from Ukraine.
In addition, the company announced that they are donating $5 million to non-profit organizations that provide assistance to residents of Ukraine and those who have already moved to Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
In Russia, the international company Accenture has been operating since 1992. As of 2021, the company was represented by a legal entity LLC Aksencher. The Moscow office was subordinate to the leadership in Germany.
Revenue growth in Russia by 36.9% to 10,981 million rubles
At the end of 2021, Accenture's revenue in Russia amounted to 10,981 million rubles, an increase of 36.9% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 47th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. The revenue of Aksencher LLC from the accounting statements for 2020-2021 was taken. Excluding VAT. The company's business in Russia was transferred to Russian top managers. The new name of the company is Axteam (Akstim LLC).
30% increase in employees of Technology Centers
Accenture in Russia on April 16, 2021 told TAdviser that it had increased the staff of Technology Centers by 30% over the year, bringing its number to more than 700.
Photo source:
The main growth is observed among development specialists: software system analysts, front-end/back-end developers, QA (Quality Assurance) DevOps and engineers. In addition, Accenture is actively expanding Big Data the practice of DWH engineers and analysts and developers (). Data Warehouse
The demand for our services is consistently high. In this regard, the need for experienced specialists remains and there are big plans for the growth of the staff as a whole. Recently, such areas as custom development (solutions that are created for the tasks of a particular customer) and data analytics have become especially relevant - this is the request we most often receive from customers, explained Dmitry Gorynin, head of the Accenture Technological Center in Tver.
To attract specialists in the market, Accenture actively interacts with IT communities: organizes joint conferences, mitapes and hackathons. Working with universities in the cities of presence is one of the company's priorities. Accenture educates students and schoolchildren in programming, runs courses, practice programs, internships, and retraining programs for faculty.
Accenture Technology Center began its work in Tver in 2007. As of April 2021, it employs more than 500 specialists performing IT projects for large Russian and international companies. On September 3, 2020, Accenture opened the Technology Center in Rostov-on-Don. In total, this network has 50 centers for April 2021, which employs more than 250,000 people around the world.
During the period of self-isolation, the company conducted online training of new employees.
We have developed training programs for specialists, depending on their expertise, our colleagues also have a pool of training soft\hard-skill trainings and certifications. Each new employee is assigned a mentor who helps to immerse himself in project work, as well as a more experienced colleague who helps to develop career and professional, added Dmitry Gorynin.
According to him, to immerse itself in a single culture of the network of Technological Centers, Accenture conducts online events for interest employees: quizzes, professional mitapes, lectures on scientific pop, plans to hold a cyber tournament, etc.
MES Implementation Practice Development Plans
Accenture on March 23, 2021 announced the development in Russia of practice for the implementation of MES (manufacturing execution system) class solutions. MES are specialized information systems designed for integrated management of industrial facilities, including synchronization, coordination, analysis and optimization of product output. Accenture's Russian practice on MES systems is headed by Viktor Trapitsyn, Senior Manager of Strategy and Consulting.
Russian oil and gas companies are forced to work in the face of growing dependence of raw materials prices on the global environment and a high tax burden. At the same time, they have to increasingly develop complex and remote deposits due to the depletion of easily recoverable reserves. There are more requirements for such projects in terms of reliability of production, its effective organization, as well as reducing the influence of the human factor. Therefore, for March 2021, most oil companies are puzzled by the question of how to make production processes completely transparent and manageable, and with minimal human participation.
MES systems receive production data from APCS, process them, extract the necessary information and transmit it to the level of enterprise management systems (ERP). This makes it possible, along with other functions, to monitor the level of loading and wear resistance of equipment, the quantity and quality of oil, all its movements, as well as many other indicators of the production process. Thanks to this functionality, employees of the enterprise can make decisions, for example, in terms of production management or fleet maintenance, based on reliable data and in a mode close to real time.
In general, the development of industrial automation of the MES level helps oil and gas companies to eliminate typical problems at all stages of oil production, from the fragmentation and timelessness of these dispatch services to the lack of traceability of oil products up to the machine, tank or batch in the pipe. The cumulative effect of the implementation of MES initiatives for an oil refinery (refinery) with a processing volume of more than 50 thousand tons of oil per day can reach 0.5-1.2 billion rubles. per year.
Advanced digital solutions in oil exploration and production significantly reduce the cost of developing raw materials reserves. Therefore, the professional community has recently regularly discussed "smart" technologies in the fuel and energy complex, such as 3D seismic, digital twins or intelligent deposits. However, no technology will work correctly and bring tangible economic effect without accumulated and processed data on production and equipment. The introduction of MES solutions sets a systematic approach to complement the basic means of industrial automation with digital tools of the Industry, X.0 said Tatyana Berstein, Managing Director of Oil and Gas Practice of the Technology Department of Accenture in Russia. |
Carrying out activities for career guidance of students together with RINH
The Accenture Technology Center in Rostov-on-Don has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Rostov State University of Economics (RINH). This was announced on February 5, 2021 by Accenture in Russia.
The Accenture cooperation agreement with RINH implies joint events for student career guidance, the launch of educational courses and intensities.
Accenture experts will share practical knowledge and experience on real IT projects with the children in the format of live communication. As part of the agreement, the company has already participated in the project intensity of the University on the basis of the "RINH Boiling Point" and helped students disassemble the profile case.
In the future, Accenture is going to expand interaction with educational institutions for student internships.
We plan to work closely with RINH, in February 2021 we will conduct intensive project management for students and introduce the children to the basics of Agile. In addition, we plan to expand cooperation with other local educational institutions. For example, we are negotiating cooperation with the Rostov College of Communications and Informatics (RCSI) and with the regional technical university of DSTU. This approach reduces the gap between theory and practice in the IT industry, where information becomes obsolete very quickly. We strive to introduce students to project tasks as early as possible, so we attract children for internships in real projects, - said Anton Yagodinsky, manager of the Rostov office of Accenture. |
Accenture opened the Technology Center in Rostov-on-Don on September 3, 2020. The company is engaged in the development, software management of IT systems and infrastructure in the region outsourcing business processes , for large the Russian and international customers.
Revenue in Russia - 8,024 million rubles
At the end of 2020, Accenture's revenue in Russia amounted to 8,024 million rubles.
Launch of Innovative Consulting and Design Practice
The company Accenture launched Russia consulting "Innovative and Design" into practice. This became known on November 23, 2020. As part of this practice, Accenture has offered customers the entire innovation cycle, from problem research to scaling business ideas. As a prototype, this initiative was launched in 2018 in the "internal" format, in startup which, together with project teams, approaches, mechanics and ways of working were tested - based on competencies such as design thinking, prototyping, open innovations, methodology. Agile
Irina Chistova has been appointed the head of the Innovative Consulting and Design practice. Previously, Irina was part of the Strategy practice for more than 10 years, has extensive experience in the development of business strategies and business concepts, digitalization of functions, and creation of operational models. He has experience working with Russian and international companies in the field of strategy development and their subsequent operationalization.
The Innovation Consulting and Design team helps Russian corporations assess the viability of business ideas and the maturity of the innovation environment by benchmarking with industry players. Based on the analysis, Accenture experts create "innovative engines" for business: they work out the architecture of innovations from the moment they identify growth points to building established processes. In particular, the company's specialists conduct strategic design sprints - a series of sessions in which trends are investigated and a roadmap for innovation is formed.
Our practice helps Accenture customers on a number of issues, such as how to best leverage ecosystem opportunities for business development; how to prototype and test demand for a potential new product; How to Manage Changes in Business and System Transformations Another big layer of the practice's work is aimed at developing a vision for digital transformation. There are more than a hundred implemented projects and strategic sprints in the practice portfolio, - said Irina Chistova, head of the Russian practice "Innovative Consulting and Design" at Accenture. |
An important block of work was the creation of partner ecosystems. The practice of "Innovative Consulting and Design" helps Russian business to create ecosystem strategies: to explore different models of ecosystems, to develop partnerships and platform collaborations. In addition, Accenture experts develop and launch business streams - analyzing the potential of promising niches and business concepts within the ecosystem.
Also among the areas of competence of the practice "Innovative Consulting and Design":
- Creation of the "organization of the future." Work on competencies: ability to work with data, client-centric, continuous training, flexibility of processes.
- Working out the client experience of the Kh.0. Design of target client experience strategies.
- Building cultural and behavioral transformation. Assessment of the current state of modular parameters of "culture," "innovative environment," "target behavior model," from benchmarking to joint determination of target ambition and approaches, mechanics, transformation tools.
Accenture opens a new technology center in Russia
On September 3, 2020, Accenture announced the opening of a technology center in Rostov-on-Don. On its basis, the company is creating a technological hub to serve customers in the southern region of Russia, explained Accenture CEO in Russia and Kazakhstan Vartan Dilanyan, who joined the opening ceremony of the new office via video link from Moscow.
The new technology center deals with application implementation tasks, software development, outsourcing business processes and applications for large Russian and international companies.
At the time of opening, the center hired about 70 people, specialists in such areas as enterprise development, e-commerce, SAP, Big Data, ServiceNow, etc. By the end of 2020, it is planned to double the number of specialists, they say in Accenture.
We plan to expand development in Russia, because we are working here for one big task: increasing the productivity of Russian companies. This is, I think, a national strategy. In this sense, we feel our responsibility to make a serious feasible contribution to this work, "Dilanyan said. |
Most of Accenture's resources work in the BRICS countries: in India, Brazil, China. But Accenture also has experience in Russia in creating a technological center: the first such center was opened in 2007 in Tver. As of 2020, more than 600 people work in it. Over the past three years, the volume of work carried out by the site in Tver has tripled, Vartan Dilanyan said. The emergence of a center in Rostov-on-Don in the company is called the logical continuation of the company's development in Russia.
The company hatched plans to open another office for three years. At first, customers were not ready to work in distributed structures. Over time, it became clear that such a model is effective, - said Oleg Chernyshev, head of the Accenture technology center in Russia. |
Chernyshev also explained what justified the choice of Rostov-on-Don for the opening of a new site. According to him, the company conducted a deep study, compiled about 30 detailed criteria that the region should meet in terms of personnel potential (development of the labor market, availability of IT specialists, the presence of a serious educational base), business climate and accessibility of the region.
According to all these criteria, Rostov-on-Don became the leader in the company's research, reaching the final assessment along with Kazan and Samara. This was played by, among other things, the presence of large universities there - more than 10 universities in the region that graduate from IT specialists in related specialties, present not only in Rostov-on-Don, but also in other cities. At the same time, as it turned out, the outflow of specialists from the Rostov region turned out to be quite low. This is important, says Oleg Chernyshev, because the company comes for a long time and plans to develop its centers.
The business environment means the presence of a mature competitive environment, mature IT companies, good state support for IT at the regional level. All this is in the Rostov region, Chernyshev noted. It is important that the region also has a widely developed structure of IT communities with which the company already interacts.
We were also pleasantly surprised that there is a community of girls in IT. For us as a company, this is really a very important criterion. We believe that the involvement of girls in the IT industry is underestimated, and we have a special direction, a special indicator, we strongly welcome the involvement of girls in this direction, - said Oleg Chernyshev. |
Answering TAdviser's question about salaries in the new technological center, Oleg Chernyshev noted that they are not at the Moscow level. The company has no goal of "hunting" people from the market, giving Moscow salaries, etc., he says. The level of salaries dictates the market, and they mainly depend on the qualifications, experience of a particular employee.
According to the Kontur.Fokus database, in 2019 the revenue of the Russian legal entity Accenture - Aksencher LLC - increased by about 13%, to 6.8 billion rubles. The average headcount of this legal entity in 2019 was 1,317 thousand people. Vartan Dilanyan, answering a TAdviser question about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on Accenture's local business in 2020, noted that there was a slowdown in new projects, but the company is slowly overcoming this. The company can work both physically and remotely, he says. Dilanian argues that Accenture continues to operate with "good financial performance."
Of course, there was a negative impact, but we coped with it and digested it, learned to work in a combined format, - summed up the general director of Accenture in Russia and Kazakhstan. |
And Oleg Chernyshev supplemented his colleague's words with the fact that the need for technological centers has grown due to the fact that many went to Internet commerce, access through sites, etc. These solutions have become in demand, and that's what Accenture has been able to offer, he says. Amid the pandemic, recruitment at Accenture has increased.
Creating a Separate Salesforce Implementation Area in Russia
On April 24, 2020, it became known that Accenture is creating a separate direction for the implementation CRM of the platform Salesforce in. The Russia company notes the high growth of the cloud CRM solutions market around the world. The main driver of growth is global digitalization, in particular, the mass migration of business in. clouds
According to analysts, the Salesforce platform occupies about 18-20% of the CRM systems market in the world. Salesforce allows you to collect client information from different sources and efficiently manage data in the system in a convenient format from different devices.
A rapidly changing business requires modern CRM solutions to be flexible, scalable, highly functional and consistent with modern technologies and trends. With the help of the platform, companies are implementing a full-fledged business transformation, building sustainable long-term development, told Yaroslav Ivchenkov, Head of Salesforce Accenture Russia
The company notes that the creation of a separate direction in the Russian office will strengthen the expertise in the development of local cloud solutions related to sales, service and marketing.
Customers have concerns about the security of moving to the cloud, but the experience of the projects we have made shows that the solution is fully consistent with the local market, more companies are finding it attractive and are starting to switch to Salesforce, as they see significant advantages in it. stressed Yaroslav Ivchenkov
Accenture is also developing its own products on the platform, the source said These are solutions for retail (Accenture Cloud - Retail Execution), promo management in trade (Accenture Cloud - Trade Promo Management), pharmaceutical industry (Intelligent Patient Platform) and other areas.
As a partner of Salesforce, we are actively engaged, participating in the joint development of solutions and bringing them to market. Local team experience includes the implementation of both the basic Salesforce CRM solution and other platform modules - Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud and other industry solutions, noted Yaroslav Ivchenkov
According to him, one of the clear advantages of Accenture is the ability to offer not only the implementation of the solution, but also related services related to strategy, business process optimization, further support and development.
Accenture adds that Salesforce is a platform that allows you to create additional features and even products, automatically testing add-ons to increase the number of customers. The platform is popular among small and medium-sized businesses because it offers a user-oriented interface, it is constantly being improved in accordance with customer requirements.
Revenue growth by 13.7% to 6.7 billion rubles.
At the end of 2019, Accenture (Aksencher LLC) took 28th place in TAdviser Ranking: the 50 most profitable representative offices of foreign IT companies in Russia. The company's revenue for 2019 amounted to 6,758,420 thousand rubles, which is 13.7% higher than in 2018.
Plan to open a new technology center
Accenture on October 23, 2019 announced that it will open a Russia second regional technology center Rostov-on-Don in 2020. This center will deal system integration with both development and software outsourcing business processes applications. According to Accenture's plans, large the Russian and international companies will become customers of the center.
The company rented a room with an area of 800 m2 and by the end of 2020 intends to form a team of 100 people, including through interaction with universities and conferences for IT specialists in the southern region.
The southern region was not chosen by the company by chance. In March 2019, Accenture prepared an overview of the personnel potential of the regions of Russia in the field of ICT "IT Skills Index," which included 18 cities. The leading line in the ranking is occupied by Rostov-on-Don. In addition, important factors in choosing the region were: business climate, government programs to support business, the availability of potential customers, a developed infrastructure for the operation of the office, as well as geographical location - transport accessibility and the cost of transport links.
Accenture plans to provide digitalization services bank to sector companies, manufacturing enterprises, sector retail agricultural and sector companies that occupy an important place in the formation of the GDP region, as well as large Russian and international companies from other areas of business.
According to Anton Yagodinsky, one of the key managers of the Rostov Technology Center Accenture, the discovery was also facilitated by the fact that the company's clients became ready to work in distributed structures. As he noted, "to assess business requests, Accenture conducted an analysis of the Southern Region market, as a result of which it became obvious that local players recognize the importance of digitalization and are trying to take steps in this direction both on their own and with the involvement of experienced consulting companies."
Expansion of the technological center in Tver
On May 23, 2019, it became known that Accenture had expanded the technology center in Tver. The number of its employees grew by a third over the year and reached 450 people. In this regard, additional premises were opened, the office area increased by 1300 m2.
The Tver Technology Center Accenture has been operating since 2007 and is engaged in system integration both development and software outsourcing business processes applications, support and development, IT infrastructures software testing. The main customers of the Technology Center are large the Russian and international companies from the field of finance, natural resources extraction, product production, as well as production telecommunication and companies.
Dmitry Gorynin said:
We are engaged in analytics, development, testing and support of information systems and products. In addition, we successfully operate a practice for supporting and developing infrastructure. The teams of our center implement projects for the development of information systems for banks, the development and implementation of e-commerce solutions of network federal retailers and resource companies, participate in projects for the implementation of ERP systems, provide services for supporting applications and infrastructure of our clients, from Level 1 to Level 3. We also successfully implement projects in the field of creating and developing data warehouses and analytics on big data. The list of our competencies includes a significant number of platforms, products and frameworks: SAP, Oracle, Java, Spring, React, Sitecore, Adobe AEM, Informatica, BluePrism, IBM InfoStage, Cloudera Hadoop and others. Two additional premises with a total area of 1300 m2 opened on May 22. Now the total area of our office is 3000 m2. We plan that in the fall of 2019 these areas will be fully occupied by our project teams. The office is designed so that, on the one hand, employees feel as comfortable as possible, and on the other, project teams have the opportunity to work effectively both inside the center and in the mode of teams distributed between different locations. |
In addition to its direct activities, the Tver Technology Center Accenture actively develops IT education in the region, cooperates with Tver State University (TvSU), Tver State Technical University (TvSTU), Konyaev Tver College and Torzhok Rosrezerva College. Employees of the company conduct lectures, organize training courses and student practice, invite students to internships.
Also, Accenture in Tver oversees the IT program in the federal technopark "Quantorium," where schoolchildren learn programming. The center developed a training program for "Quantorium" and provided faculty.
Dmitry Gorynin added:
[[:Шаблон:Quote 'author = Dmitry Gorynin, Director of the Tver Technology Center Accenture Technology Russia]]
Revenue - 5.9 billion rubles.
Revenue Accenture (Aksencher LLC) for 2018 amounted to 5,943,582 thousand rubles.
Opening of Future Camp in Moscow
In March 2018, Accenture opened its first Future Camp innovation center in Russia. The purpose of the center, as part of the global Accenture Innovation Architecture, is to bring tangible results to the company's customers in working with innovations through the use of special methodology and tools - in particular, rapid prototyping and "flexible" development of software solutions.
In Future Camp, experts, startups, companies together with technology providers will be able to create ideas for innovative business development, develop prototypes of solutions, test them and scale them. The methodology for finding and implementing innovative ideas is implemented using Design Thinking (for finding customer insights), Liquid Studio (for creating and testing prototypes and "flexible applications") and Open Innovations (for market research and finding innovative partners).
Accenture has a global expertise to help our customers choose and innovate digitally correctly. Future Camp, as part of the company's global ecosystem, will provide Russian clients with a methodology and creative platform where customers, together with our experts, can develop innovative ideas for measurable results. This is our way to work with innovation, - commented on the event Vartan Dilanyan, CEO of Accenture Russia. |
Design Thinking
One of the key techniques of Future Camp is design thinking, which allows businesses to look at their internal problems through the eyes of users. Thanks to design thinking technologies, companies can often get unique insights and then transform them into really working business ideas. Future Camp allows you not only to find innovative solutions and use a more creative and innovative approach, but also to develop customer-oriented models and products using modern digital technologies.
Liquid Studio
Future Camp specializes in rapid prototyping of digital services and applications. Within weeks or even days, experts and software developers turn ideas developed with Design Thinking into real prototypes. This happens in Liquid Studio, part of Future Camp, where customers work alongside Accenture developers to build custom applications using cloud infrastructure, flexible development methodology (Agile and DevOps), intelligent automation, plug-and-play technology and microservices.
Accenture's Applied Intelligence team uses artificial intelligence and depth analytics technologies to support the search for new insights and ideas, as well as quickly prototype solutions. This allows you to optimize decision-making and teamwork in Future Camp.
Among the developments of Liquid Studio:
- AR applications and virtual assistants for retail;
- applications for industry (for example, Meltdown - an application for training personnel without the participation of a trainer, which immerses an employee in a virtual environment that simulates an explosion at a nuclear power plant and trains him to act in an extreme situation under stress);
- applications in the field health care (technologies virtual reality help, in particular, people who have survived limb amputation to recover faster).
Development of IT strategy for VTB for RUB 70 mln
Consulting services on the development of the previous one, VTB IT Strategies designed for the period 2014-2016, were provided by the company. At the Accenture end of 2013, she won[4] in the group's tender, ahead of another consulting company - (PricewaterhouseCoopers Russiа PwC Russia).
The cost of the contract for services was then about four times lower than in 2017 - it amounted to 70 million rubles.
Agreement on the opening of a development center in Skolkovo
The Skolkovo Foundation and Accenture signed a cooperation agreement, according to which the latter will create a center for the development of solutions in the field of predictive analytics in Innograd. The parties reported this on June 21, 2013.
Such developments will be able to be used to increase the efficiency of forecasts, planning and making business decisions, Skolkovo notes. At the initial stage of work, the priority of the Accenture center will be to develop solutions for enterprises in the energy and oil and gas industries.
For the first two years, Accenture's development center in Innograd will focus on areas such as exploring the possibilities of using mobile devices to collect data and diagnose the state of industrial equipment, developing predictive analytics algorithms in the field of telemetry data collection and processing, and creating a data center to provide services in the field of predictive analytics.
According to the company's plans, the center should begin its work in July 2013 and reach its planned capacity by the end of 2014. It is expected that its staff will be both Russian and foreign specialists.
The center for the development of solutions in the field of predictive analytics in Skolkovo will become the second R&D center in Russia. The first has been operating since 2007 in Tver and is part of the company's global network of development centers around the world.
It provides services in software development and maintenance, and one of the key areas of its development is the creation of applications based on SAP products .
700 employees and 40 customers giving 80% of local revenue
As of June 2012, Accenture has 40 target customers in Russia, generating 80% of local revenue, in projects with which the company is most interested. In particular, Accenture performed work for Sberbank, SUEK, TNK-BP, Lukoil Oversiz (Head of IT Sergey Shashurin was a partner in Accenture's Moscow office in 2008 and led oil and gas practice). Also, according to Alexander Gorin, 40 consultants worked on the project of the Societe Generale and Rosbank association.
As of June 2012, about 700 people work in the Russian representative office of the company. Since 2006, a Russian customer support center has been operating in Tver, with 80 "production" employees, excluding service units and interns.
Search for Russian Integrator to Take Over
Accenture's core business is business consulting. For example, to increase the efficiency of the customer's operating activities, to enter the markets of other countries, etc. At the same time, in the strategy developed for the client, Accenture recommends specific third-party software (Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, etc.), is engaged in its implementation, and also takes the installed systems for outsourcing. The company tries not to develop its software, the company explained this by the desire to remain an independent multi-brand consultant. Customers buy licenses themselves.
Accenture's regional development strategy in Russia provides for the acquisition of local IT companies, President of its Russian office Alexander Gorin told CNews (June 2012). Accenture was already assessing the businesses (due diligence) of several such assets, he added, declining to give details: "This is a trade secret and we are bound by non-disclosure agreements."
Participants in the Russian IT market know that Accenture has been choosing a Russian asset for a takeover for a long time, but has not yet been able to agree with anyone. "The company discussed the possibility of acquisition with almost all major system integrators," says Verysell President Mikhail Krasnov to CNews. "With customers and Accenture-scale work, the average player in this market is not interesting to them." Tagir Yapparov, chairman of the board of directors of the AiTi group, also knows that negotiations with Russian integrators were conducted before the 2008 crisis.
Alexander Gorin explains such a long time by the complexity of the choice.
"With a failed acquisition of a people-based business, it's easy to lose money," he tells CNews. - In the world, Accenture makes no more than 3-4 acquisitions per year. In addition, in Russia, finding an asset suitable for us that meets our standards, complements our existing business and is ready for sale is not at all easy. We continue to monitor the market[5]. |
2011: Russia in second place in revenue in the IGEM region
It is known that Russia at the end of fiscal year 2011 is in second place in terms of revenue in the IGEM region (Italy, Greece, Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, Arab countries). 10 priority emerging markets, including Accenture and Russia, account for 13% of revenue.
2007: Opening of the first technological center in Tver
The first Accenture Technology Center in Russia was opened in 2007 in Tver. He is engaged in analytics, development, testing and support of information systems and products for large Russian and international companies. At the time of opening, the center employed about 30 people.
- ↑ Russian Accenture announced a brand change to Axenix
- ↑ The former "daughter" of Accenture in Russia was called Axteam
- ↑ Consultants sold from sanctions
- ↑ the Notice of Procedure No. 31300688140
- ↑ "planiruet pogloshheniya itkompaniy v rossii 492018 Accenture plans to take over IT companies in Russia