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NSTU: Smart table for spinal treatment

Developers: Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
Date of the premiere of the system: September 2022
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2022: Launch of smart tables to treat spinal injuries

At the end of September 2022, the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) presented an industrial model of a robotic traction table - which has no direct analogues in Russia of a smart device for rehabilitation after diseases and injuries of the spine. The product is ready for serial production, said Alexey Tsygulin, project manager, associate professor of the Department of Design of Technological Machines and the Department of Theoretical and Applied Informatics.

With such a task [the development of a product for rehabilitation after diseases of the spine - approx. TASS], doctors turned to us. If you gently stretch a person, the pains go away, this is the main idea of ​ ​ our product. We have created a table that allows you to carry out this procedure most delicately and safely. We are not even talking about import substitution, but about creating a product better than those that we have at the moment. Now we have an industrial model, the plans are to complete preclinical tests by the end of the year, "he said.

Smart table for spinal treatment

Tsygulin clarified that by September 2022, negotiations are underway with manufacturers of medical equipment. The representative of the university notes that the development is already arousing their interest.

As explained in the press service of the university, the traction table is equipped with pneumatic drives and is designed to stretch the human spine. The peculiarity of the development of NSTU engineers is the ability to control the load vector. Through the computer, you can set a stretching program in which the applied force is adjusted. This approach is safer and more convenient than the nearest analogues. The project is being implemented at the expense of the Priority 2030 program.

In 2021, 121 universities out of 52 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were selected for the Priority 2030 university development program. Of these, almost two-thirds are regional. For the first time, five universities of creative orientation were included in the state program of university support.[1]

