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Rubytech climbed 11 positions in the ranking of the largest information security companies in Russia

17.10.22, 13:17, Msk

Rubytech's revenue from information security projects in 2021 increased to 2.99 billion rubles from 925 million rubles a year earlier. In the ranking of the largest Russian information security companies, which is TAdviser, the company rose immediately by 11 places - from 26th to 15th.

In a conversation with TAdviser, Dmitry Romanchenko, head of the Rubytech information security department, summing up the results of 2021, pointed out the noticeable impact of remote work on the Russian information security market (a full interview can be read here).

The massive transition to a remote format of interaction revealed a number of problems and risks in the corporate sector from the point of view of information security. If earlier the business actively invested in technologies, processes and tools that allow countering security threats in the user segment, then in 2020-2021. threat vectors in the corporate segment were a priority, "he stressed.

Rubytech revenue from information security projects increased in 2021

According to Dmitry Romanchenko, in 2022, against the background of the departure of large manufacturers of information security solutions from Russia, domestic products became completely independent, and not "spoilers of world flagship solutions."

The demand for information security solutions increased significantly in 2022 and continues to grow. The head of the Ministry of Digital Science of Russia Maksut Shadayev also spoke about this in October 2022 in a conversation with TAdviser (a full interview can be read here):

Many companies that had not previously thought about information security or assumed that the risks were insignificant have now realized that blocking and downtime are a serious threat to business.

Rubytech confirms this opinion and notes that it makes sense for backbone companies to adhere to the following strategy: to form and further maintain a trusted technology stack, create their own trusted stacks, use trusted stacks of external Russian suppliers, build reasonable import substitution plans, or consider alternative solutions with a low degree of sanctions risk.

Rubytech believes that in the era of sanctions threats, companies need to maintain previously recorded versions of their foreign software in a backed up and stable state. In addition, it is necessary to start building local support that will record incidents throughout the technology stack and support the IT infrastructure. The trusted IT integrator is able to provide in-depth professional support and high-quality IT infrastructure service in the context of leaving the vendor market, Rubytech noted.