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2022/10/26 21:05:34



2023: Oxygen-laden nanorobots developed that treat fungal infection

In mid-June 2023, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania reported the creation of nanorobots that can move to the site of a fungal infection under the influence of an external magnetic field. The device interacts with fungal cells and then releases reactive oxygen species to completely kill the fungus. Read more here.

2022: Nanorobot from DNA molecules developed in Russia to detect viruses

In Russia, they developed a nanorobot from DNA molecules to detect viruses. We are talking about the development of ITMO University. At the end of October 2022, they told about it at the university itself.

The highly sensitive nanorobot created is capable of finding pathogens. The development efficiency was tested for the coronavirus COVID-19. In the future, such molecular machines are adapted to detect other infections.

Nanorobot from DNA molecules developed in Russia

The new method differs from PCR in that it does not require the use of expensive reagents, complex equipment and trained employees. At the same time, it is not inferior to PCR in accuracy.

According to experts, nanorobot can be used in clinical practice. PCR is also still an effective method for detecting infections. The robot contains 215 nucleotides (elementary structural units of DNA and RNA). The human eye does not see them. Four special "levers" are connected to the nanorobot - experts call them "hands."

To analyze the sample for infection, a solution with this DNA system and a special substance must be added to it. The latter shines, which allows you to visualize the result. The developers say that the robot is able to detect the virus, even if it is present in small numbers in the samples.

As an employee of the Department of Immunochemistry of UrFU and the Institute of Immunology and Physiology explained. Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Bolkov, the technology is called a "robot" rather figuratively: in fact, we are talking about a chemical reagent that can unwind RNA from a biological fluid, the senior scientific noted.

Rather, it is a molecular structure with an active enzyme center. In general, it all depends on the test results - if they are successful, then this is wonderful, "he said.

The new stage of the project provides for the packaging of the developed method into a convenient test system for home use. Researchers will teach DNA robots to detect not only COVID-19, but also other viruses and cancer markers.[1]
