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Mospolitech: CityGis Urban Environment Assessment System

Developers: Moscow Polytechnic University (Mospolitech)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/10/28
Technology: BI,  GIS - Geoinformation Systems

The main articles are:

2022: Announcement of the urban environment assessment system

Students of the Cheboksary branch of Moscow Polytechnic University have developed a site with visualization of houses and city blocks, it takes into account the location of useful infrastructure, the satisfaction of residents, the quality of utility services. The system is being tested in Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic, it is aimed at finding and eliminating problems of the urban environment. This was announced on October 28, 2022 by representatives of the Moscow Polytechnic.

With the help of our project, we want to optimize the work of specialists from the regional Ministry of Construction, automate the tasks of collecting and outputting geo-information data on urban infrastructure to the map, presenting a simple No-code tool and map editor that is no more difficult to use than Paint. Our development also allows us to assess the quality of the urban environment for each residential building.

told Alexey Fedotov, project manager of CityGis


The developers see a two-stage development of their project. The already implemented version is aimed primarily at employees of municipal bodies and will be useful for optimizing the effectiveness of their work. In the future, the program will allow construction and housing and communal companies to see promising areas and microdistricts in one click, and public utilities to understand where and what infrastructure facilities to place in the first place. And finally, residents and guests of the city will be able to use the site to assess the location of apartments, offices and other premises when deciding on a lease or purchase.

We initially wanted to make a site that included a map tailored to each home, with a calculated level of comfort, accessibility of medical and educational facilities, parks and squares. In the process, we found that different categories of citizens have their own ideas about comfort, if it is important for my grandmother that there is a post office and a bus stop near the house, then I will prefer to live in an area where there are enough places to meet with friends and like-minded people. Therefore, we decided that it was not necessary to make a general assessment, but to show the level of comfort for each social group separately.

emphasized Alexey Fedotov


The startup team will identify priorities through social surveys, which it plans to conduct together with the volunteer center of the Moscow Polytechnic.

Artificial intelligence integrated into the CityGis system allows you to identify the most common and painful complaints of residents about the conditions of the urban environment, in order to solve them in the first place. The system also allows you to quickly track the decline in the area's comfort index.


With a grant of one million rubles received as part of the All-Russian competition "Student Startup," students plan to scale their project within the borders of the Chuvash Republic, as well as connect other cities of the Russian Federation to the system. The grant money will be used to purchase server equipment and attract professionals who will help develop the project. In particular, students need the help of a backend specialist and neural network developers.