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Russian Railways (RZD) (Delta Solutions: Tioga Pass Servers with Open Compute Project (OCP) architecture)

Customers: Russian Railways (RZD)

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: Delta Computers
Product: Delta Solutions: Tioga Pass Open Compute Project (OCP) Architecture Servers

Project date: 2021/09  - 2021/12

2021: Equipment supply for VDI project

Russian manufacturer Delta Computers has supplied equipment for the VDI project.

Due to the active stimulation of the import substitution policy (and taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country), there was a need to virtualize workplaces for Russian Railways.

Taking into account the positive experience of operating OCP the architecture DPCs at Russian Railways, Delta Computers equipment was chosen as the computing power for 17 thousand users at 16 sites (, GVC-Moscow MVC Moscow Khabarovsk St. Petersburg Yaroslavsky Saratov Samara Nizhny Novgorod-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,). Chelyabinsk Ekaterinburg Irkutsk Krasnoyarsk Voronezh The customer Chita Novosibirsk Rostovsky has received standardized configurations to continue to scale systems in the future. The main computational component of steel, which servers Delta Tioga Pass made it possible to provide the necessary power for construction. More than 12 infrastructures VDI Delta Tioga Pass server configurations are included in. Register of Russian Radioelectronic Products

About this project told the general director of Delta Computers Andrei Chernyshev and the first deputy director of PKTB - CCT, Russian Railways Andrei Kozyrev at the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2021."