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Joey (sewer robot)

Developers: University of Leeds
Branches: Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

2022: Robot Announcement

On November 16, 2022, it became known that British researchers from the University of Leeds developed a tiny robot capable of examining various pipelines, including sewer networks, and collecting data on problem places - for example, blockages and leaks.

The miniature inspector is called Joey: he weighs only 70 g and easily fits in the palm of his hand. At the same time, the robot is able to independently make its way through pipes with a diameter of 75 mm. Joey moves on four "leg-wheels" printed on a 3D printer: he can drive along flat areas and overcome small obstacles. The inspector is endowed with a number of energy-efficient sensors that measure the distance to the walls of pipes, joints and corners. Navigation tools, a microphone, a camera and tiny "spotlights" are provided for shooting possible problem areas. Creating a prototype cost only £300.

A robot has been created that examines the sewer

Joey can work without any instructions from the operator. During the experiments, the robot successfully overcame a network of pipes including a T-joint, left and right turns, a dead end and several straight sections. On average, the inspector examined about one meter of the pipeline network in just over 45 seconds. Moreover, Joey is able to navigate dirty and slippery pipes: during tests, such areas were clogged with sand or treated with dishwashing liquid. The robot can also overcome slopes and climbs.

The creators emphasize that the mini-inspector does not require cameras that consume a lot of energy to navigate. When the battery level drops to a critical mark, Joey returns to the starting point. True, so far the robot is not able to stand "on its feet" in the event of a coup on the "back," but in the future the researchers intend to solve this problem. It is also planned to make the robot completely sealed so that it can work underwater.[1]

