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GTLK buys Russian cargo drones for leasing

Customers: State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK)

Moscow; Transport

Project date: 2022/11

On November 21, 2022, the State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK) announced the purchase of cargo unmanned aerial vehicles. We are talking about drones weighing 500 kg and carrying capacity up to 200 kg produced by Transport of the Future.

Our plans were to purchase six machines of this class at the first stage, but we agreed that first we would take part into test operation, test them in the harsh conditions of the north, "said Yevgeny Dietrich, General Director of GTLK.

GTLK buys Russian cargo drones

The purchased cargo drones will be leased to the BAS company, which GTLK established in August 2022. According to Dietrich, the task of ALS at this stage is to become "a technological testing ground for testing modern developments, assessing their commercial effectiveness and further purchase."

As the head of GTLK noted, in parallel, the company is searching for drones of other classes, which can be used "both for the transportation of goods, and for agricultural work, monitoring, as signal repeaters."

We are now taking some Chinese drones for trial. It is very important for us that issues related to the operation of electronics are properly resolved. As a rule, we entrust the filling to finalize or replace our domestic companies. Well, together with each machine, the supplier gives us a plan to localize production in Russia, - said Dietrich.

Such plans, he said, "are usually for a year or two."

We believe that this can seriously strengthen the position of our country in the production of individual components, which in the future can be used in Russian developments, - said the head of GTLK.

In September 2022, Dietrich reported that GTLK had concluded a number of preliminary agreements with domestic manufacturers of cargo drones. However, given the lack of mass production in Russia, their cost "is quite high and can reach over 100 million rubles," he complained.[1]

