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Transport of the future


Since 2021
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
309927, Belgorod region, Krasnogvardeisky district, Streletskoye village, Belaya Vezha village, st. Academician Livanova, d. 1

Efko GC



+ Transport of the future



Investment of ₽5,6 billion in the production of drone ports and logistics drones in Togliatti

Transport of the Future, a developer and manufacturer of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS), is investing ₽5,6 billion in the production of checkpoints, drone ports and logistics drones in Togliatti by the end of 2026. This was reported by the press service of the company on March 5, 2025, specifying that in April 2025 it is planned to launch an experiment on the delivery of goods by drones within the city.

According to TASS, the developer has already tested drone ports for maintenance of ALS and checkpoints in Tolyatti, which automatically receive parcels from drones and issue them to consumers. The Samara region has been chosen as a pilot site for the development of a model of cost-effective delivery of products by drones.

Transport of the Future invests ₽5,6 billion in the production of drones and logistics drones in Togliatti

General Director of Transport of the Future Yuri Kozarenko said that the Samara region is a pilot platform for working out a model of cost-effective delivery of products using drones. According to him, the necessary conditions have been created in the region, including an experimental legal regime. He also noted that the delivery drone S-80 received an act of serviceability, which allows it to be used for flights in the city as part of the EPR.

An important factor in the choice of the Samara region was the experimental legal regime (EPR) in force there, which allows testing innovative unmanned delivery technologies with less regulatory restrictions. The S-80 delivery drone, developed by the company, has already received an act of serviceability and can be used for urban flights under this regime.

The head of Transport of the Future also noted that the company sees great prospects in the direction of unmanned delivery. According to him, the market for goods that could potentially be delivered by drones is in the tens of trillions. rubles The company's mission as a developer and manufacturer is to create a secure, cost-effective delivery model that includes all associated infrastructure and provide the market with tens of thousands of delivery drones by 2030.[1]

Installation of industrial robots for the production of drones

In mid-February 2025, it became known that the Russian company Transport of the Future had introduced industrial robots for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In particular, automated installations are used at the enterprise in Togliatti to assemble electric motors.

It is noted that the line allows the production of 60 motors per hour, each of which is automatically tested. Stators, rotors and windings are produced with subsequent final assembly. Thus, the full production cycle of electric motors is implemented. There are almost no people on the line, which increases efficiency and minimizes the likelihood of human error. The company produces both small electric motors for training drones with power from 44 watts, and large motors for air taxi and cargo drones with a peak power of 35 kW.

The Togliatti plant "Transport of the Future" also deployed a section of numerical program control (CNC) for metalworking. Elements for the entire family of drones of varying degrees of complexity are produced here - from small adapters and flanges to key parts of the case and radiators.

The company has mastered the technology of producing load-bearing screws from plastic on thermoplastics, which allows you to reduce the production time from 1-2 days to several minutes without losing the efficiency and quality of products. In addition, there are areas for the production of batteries and cases. The parts of the latter are made by the method of vacuum molding of plastic, which allows you to increase the production speed and achieve high accuracy thanks to automation. Transport of the Future develops and produces electronic drone components, including BMS boards (which provide battery protection from overdrive) and flight controllers.[2]

Russia's first production of lithium-ion batteries for drones launched in Togliatti

At the end of January 2025, Transport of the Future launched the first Russia pilot production of lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 20 MWh per year for unmanned aircraft systems based on the ALS research and production center "" in Samara Togliatti.

According to Interfax, the technology for the production of batteries was developed by a subsidiary of INESIS. The new workshop will become one of the key research centers in the field of electrochemistry and materials science in the country.

Vladimir Putin arrives at drone factory to launch new line

Yuri Kozarenko, General Director of Transport of the Future, said that production facilities allow producing more than 100 thousand batteries for educational drones or more than 8 thousand batteries for ALS S-80 agrodrons, which will receive domestic power sources in 2025.

By the end of January 2025, INESIS is simultaneously working on a project to build a gigafactory with a capacity of 4 GWh per year to fully meet the needs of unmanned aircraft in Russia in batteries. This will create a fully independent production of power supplies for all types of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The BAS Samara Research and Production Center was created by Transport of the Future together with the National Technology Initiative Fund and the Government of the Samara Region in 2021. At the first stage of the center's development, more than 20 hectares of land and 20 thousand square meters of office and production space were involved.

The production is located on several process lines equipped with modern equipment for the production of lithium-ion batteries of various sizes and capacities. The company will provide a full production cycle from development to serial production of batteries.

The production was inaugurated in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who noted the strategic importance of the project for the development of domestic unmanned aircraft and ensuring the country's technological independence in this direction.[3]

2024: Purchase of drone developer Agrimax.Aero

On June 20, 2024, Transport of the Future announced the complete consolidation of the ownership of Agrimax.Aero LLC, having bought a minority stake from the founder of the company, Maxim Chizhov. This solution is aimed at attracting additional investments and new partners to scale the business associated with the use of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS) in more than 40 regions of Russia and the creation of a network of Drone-Service centers. Read more here.


Launch of drone production in Togliatti for 7 billion rubles

Transport of the Future has launched drone production in Togliatti. The company told about this project worth 7 billion rubles at the end of December 2023.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the general director of Transport of the Future Yuri Kozarenko, at the first stage, the new enterprise will produce domestic drones for agriculture, monitoring and delivery. First, the company will launch the assembly of engines, onboard complex systems, thermoplastic, the production of screws, housings, accessories and bench tests. In the spring of 2024, drones of the Hector S-80 model should appear for monitoring and processing fields, aerology, fulfilling the tasks of regional ministries and departments, including the delivery of drugs for the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region, Kozarenko said. The launch of the first stage will make it possible to produce more than 1,500 agricultural drones and other types of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS), he added.

"Transport of the Future" launched the production of drones in Togliatti for 7 billion rubles

The second stage of the plant is expected to be launched by July, the third - in December 2024. In total, there should be a production of 7 models of drones, as well as key components of ALS: screws, engines, drivers, flight controllers, body parts.

The ALS cluster "Transport of the Future" in the Samara region involves the implementation of the entire chain of ALS implementation in the state industry: development and production of domestic components, testing, certification, development of concepts of commercial use, service and maintenance of ALS, - said Kozarenko.

The choice of the Samara region for the construction of the plant is associated with the launch in November this year in the region of an experimental legal regime (EPR) for ALS. It provides for exceptions to the current legislation, due to which the company will be able to test its technologies in a certain territory. Most of Russia currently has a drone ban.[4]

Conclusion of a contract for the production of drones in India

The Russian company Transport of the Future has agreed with the Indian microelectronics manufacturer Sasaa Electronics Private Limited to launch drone production in India. The signed memorandum is supposed to create a joint venture (JV), which will produce drones for the Indian market.

The start of large-node assembly of UAVs within the framework of the joint venture with Sasaa Electronics is scheduled for 2024, by 2030 the partners expect to occupy up to 25% of the local UAV market, which could potentially bring up to $1.3 billion a year.

Transport of the Future agreed with Sasaa Electronics to launch drone production

As noted by the general director of the company "Transport of the Future" Yuri Kozarenko, drones will be used in agriculture and when delivering goods to mountainous areas in India. He added that a "hot and humid climate, high altitude areas five to six thousand meters above sea level" could be a serious challenge. The head of Transport of the Future stressed that in the first stage, the company aims to deploy production and build a business model in India.

But, of course, it is interesting for both us and our partners to implement in other areas and countries, which we are conducting the next stage of our negotiations today, "he added.

The CEO of the Indian company Rakesh Goel, in turn, noted that the investment in the project, according to him, will amount to less than $10 million, since Sasaa Electronics already has a sufficient amount of production infrastructure. If the project is successfully implemented, this will be the first entry of domestic UAV systems into the international market, RIA Novosti clarifies.

The founder of RunAvia (digital ALS certification platform) Andrei Patrakov, in a conversation with Kommersant, called the logical step of Transport of the Future towards the international arena. According to the expert, for the Russian manufacturer Sasaa Electronics will be not only a technological partner, but also a regional one, opening access to the Indian market, where localization is a prerequisite for work.[5]

Creation of a fund for the development of the drone industry for 10 billion rubles

On August 8, 2023, it became known about the creation Russia of unmanned air systems (ALS) in the development fund of the industry. Its volume is 10 billion. rubles The project is being implemented by the Sovereign Technology Fund of the National Technology Initiative and a domestic developer drones. " Transport of the future More. here

25 billion rubles invested in Russia's first drone battery plant

25 billion rubles were invested in the first plant for the production of batteries for drones in Russia. We are talking about an enterprise called Metalion. It is created by Inenerji (25.1% at N2 Invest, the structure of ZPIF Gazprombank - Long-Term Investments, and the rest belongs to the founder of the company Alexei Kashin and is pledged by ZPIF) and Transport of the Future (TB; structure of the manufacturer of products "Efko"). This became known on August 7, 2023. Read more here.

Start of construction of a plant for the production of unmanned aircraft systems

The "future" company Transport on April 19, 2023 announced that it had completed the acquisition of assets in the Togliatti SEZ and was starting to construction a production plant. unmanned aircraft systems (ALS)

For the implementation of the project - the first domestic mass production of ALS - the site was acquired more than 40 thousand square meters. m. During the construction, the workplaces of office employees and engineering and technical workers of Transport of the Future in the Samara Region were organized on the basis of the Zhigulevskaya Dolina technopark.

For April 2023, the Transport of the Future lineup is represented by two modifications: air taxi and a large cargo ALS with a take-off weight of up to 700 kg. The Transport of the Future aircraft systems are designed for the delivery of passengers and cargo in hard-to-reach places, assistance in emergency response, monitoring and processing of agricultural fields, etc.

In Togliatti, the company plans mass production of seven ALS modifications, as well as flight tests within the framework of an experimental legal regime - an application for the introduction of EPR was submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on March 17.

"Transport of the Future" plans to start work at the facility in April 2023 and in 2024 to reach a capacity of more than 3 thousand. ALS per year - both heavy cargo and weighing less than 30 kg. The company plans not only to assemble ALS in Togliatti, but also to produce all key structural elements of ALS: screws, engines, drivers, body parts, avionics, etc.

More than 3 billion rubles have already been invested in the development of the current Transport of the Future models and the construction of the project infrastructure. The amount of investments directly in Samara production over the next three years will previously exceed 6 billion rubles.

Along with the favorable geographical position and landscape, which has the ability to conduct flight tests targeted for our company, the creation of a specialized cluster in the region and the personal interest of the first persons, including the governor, became decisive in choosing a construction site for us, - explained the general director of Transport of the Future Yuri Kozarenko. - ALS production is not only a high-tech project and investment in the region, but also the creation of more than 500 new jobs for residents of the region, already at the first stage of the project implementation.

Approval of the application of "Transport of the Future" for the establishment of an experimental legal regime in the Samara region for the operation of drones

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia considered and supported the application of the Transport of the Future company to establish an experimental legal regime (EPR) in the field of digital innovations in the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS) in the Samara region. The corresponding document is published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts. The application itself was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation on March 17. Transport of the Future announced this on April 14, 2023. Read more here.

2021: Establishing a company

LLC "Transport Future" is registered in 2021 in, Belgorod region included in. The main EFKO GROUP OF COMPANIES activity is the production of helicopters, aircraft and other aircraft.
