Customers: Clinical Hospital No. 123 Odintsovo Odintsovo (Moscow region); Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare Contractors: MegaFon Product: Integrated Telecom Infrastructure ProjectsSecond product: Telephony and Communication Services Project date: 2022/04 - 2022/10
2022: Network Upgrades
On November 29, 2022, MegaFon announced that it had modernized the network for Clinical Hospital No. 123 in Odintsovo. This made it possible to double the speed of mobile Internet for staff and patients.
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Physico-Chemical Medicine named after Yu.M. Lopukhin FMBA of Russia - one of the major to the country medical centers. MegaFon cellular communication has built a base station using an additional - LTE 2600 range to provide quality subscribers in all premises. This made it possible to improve the penetration of the mobile signal, which is relevant in buildings with a large number of rooms: chambers and laboratories. Now doctors and patients will be able to comfortably use,, messengers social networks conference calls and other services in any location. hospitals
The availability of high-quality mobile communication is important for any medical institution. This allows doctors to always be able to contact patients and provide them with prompt assistance when the bill runs for a matter of minutes. We will also be able to accelerate the digitalization of the hospital in order to introduce new technologies, "said Andrei Meshcheryakov, Deputy General Director for Medical Work - Chief Physician, Doctor of Medical Sciences. |